Publications of Steven J. DeRose
Books and Dissertation
Selected Major Articles
Grammatical Categorization and Disambiguation
- Steven J. DeRose. 1988. "Grammatical Category Disambiguation by
Statistical Optimization." Computational Linguistics 14 (1), pp. 31-
39. (cover)
- Steven J. DeRose. 1991. "An analysis of probabilistic grammatical tagging
methods." In English Computer Corpora: selected papers and research
guide, ed.
by Stig Johansson and Anna-Brita Stenström. New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 9-
14. Volume 3 of Topics in English Linguistics, ed. by Jan Svartvik and Herman
- Steven J. DeRose. 1992. "Probability and Grammatical Category:
Collocational Analyses of English and Greek." In For Henry Kucera:
Studies in Slavic Philology and Computational Linguistics, ed. by Andrew W.
Mackie, Tatyana K. McAuley, and Cynthia Simmons. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic
Publications, pp. 125-152.
Text Structure and Markup Systems
- James H. Coombs, Allen H. Renear, and Steven J. DeRose. 1987.
"Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly Text Processing." Communications
of the Association for Computing Machinery 30 (11), pp. 933-947.
- -------- Reprinted in The Digital Word: Text-based
Computing in the Humanities, ed. by George Landow and Paul Delany.
Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 85-118.
- Steven J. DeRose, David G. Durand, Elli Mylonas, and Allen H.
Renear. 1990. "What is Text, Really?" Journal of Computing in Higher Education 1 (2),
pp. 3-26. (cover)
- -------- Reprinted as the topic paper of a special issue
of ACM Journal of Computer Documentation , Summer 1997.
- Steven J. DeRose. 1993. "Markup Systems in the Present."
In The Digital Word: Text-based Computing in the Humanities, ed. by George
Landow and Paul Delany. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 119-135.
Hypertext and Navigation
- Steven J. DeRose. 1987. "Hypertext and Scholarship in the Humanities."
Position paper in Proceedings of Hypertext '87. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Department of Computer Science.
- Steven J. DeRose. 1989. "Expanding the Notion of Links." In Proceedings of
Hypertext '89, Pittsburgh, PA. Baltimore, MD: Association for Computing Machinery
- Steven J. DeRose and David G. Durand. 1995. "The TEI Hypertext
Guidelines." In Computing and the Humanities 29(3).
- -------- Reprinted in Text Encoding Initiative:
Background and Context, ed. Nancy Ide and Jean Véronis, ISBN 0-7923-
- Steven J. DeRose. 1997. "Navigation, Access, and Control
Using Structured Data." In American Archivist 60(33), pp. 298-309. Chicago: Society of
American Archivists. ISSN 0360-9081 0002-7332. (cover)
Other Publications
- DeRose, Steven J., C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, and Bill Smith. 1998.
"Queries on Links and Hierarchies". In proceedings of QL'98 - The Query Languages Workshop Boston, December 3-4. Boston: World Wide Web Consortium.
(W3C official copy)
(my copy)
- DeRose, Steven J. 1998.
"XQuery: A unified syntax for linking and querying general XML
documents". In proceedings of QL'98 - The Query Languages Workshop Boston, December 3-4. Boston: World Wide Web Consortium.
(W3C official copy)
(my copy)
- Steven J. DeRose and Andries van Dam. 1999. "Document structure in the FRESS Hypertext System."
Markup Languages 1(1) Winter. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 7-32.
- Steven J. DeRose. 1998. "XML and the TEI." Computing and the Humanities,
- William R. Stanek et al. 1998. Specific chapter in Web Publishing
Unleashed. Indianapolis: Publishing. ISBN 1575210517.
- David G. Durand, Steven J. DeRose, Elli Mylonas.
1996. "What should markup really be? Applying theories of text to the design of
markup systems." In Proceedings of ALLC/ACH '96, June 25-29, 1996,
Bergen, Norway.
- David Barnard, Lou Burnard, Steve DeRose, David Durand, and C.
Michael Sperberg-McQueen. 1995. "Lessons for the World Wide Web from the
Text Encoding Initiative." In Proceedings of the Fifth International World
Wide Web Conference, Boston, MA, December. ISBN 1565921690,
- Steven J. DeRose and David G. Durand. 1995. "The TEI Hypertext
Guidelines." In Computing and the Humanities 29(3). Reprinted in Text Encoding
Initiative: Background and Context, ed. Nancy Ide and Jean Véronis, ISBN 0-
- Louis R. Reynolds and Steven J. DeRose. 1992. "Electronic Books." Byte
(June), pp. 263-268.
- Steven J. DeRose. 1990. "Biblical Studies and Hypertext." In
Hypermedia and Literary Studies, ed. by George Landow and Paul Delany.
Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 185-204.
- Steven J. DeRose. 1990. "DynaText: Electronic Book Indexer/Browser."
In EPSIG News 3 (4), December, pp. 1-2.
- Steven J. DeRose. 1990. CDWord Tutorial: Learning CDWord for Bible
Study. Dallas Theological Seminary. (cover)
- Steven J. DeRose and Selmer Bringsjord. 1985. "Are Computers Alive?"
Abacus 2 (4), pp. 4-9, 80.
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