Acid FogConjuration (Creation; Acid)Sor/Wiz6; Water 7VSM; DF1100+10ft/lev30'w; 20'h1r/levNoneYesStardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)AidEnchantment (Compulsion; Mind-Affecting)Clr2; Good2; Luck2VS; DF1TouchLiving creature touched1 min/levNoneYes (harmless)Stardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)Air WalkTransmutationAir4; Clr4VS; DF1TouchCreature touched (² Gargantuan)10 min/levNoneYes (harmless)Stardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)AlarmAbjurationBrd1; Rgr1; Sor/Wiz1VSF; DF125+5ft/2 levs25 ft radius centered on pt in space2 hrs/levNoneNoStardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)Alter SelfTransmutationSor/Wiz2VS1PersonalCaster10 min/levNANAStardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)Analyze DweomerDivinationSor/Wiz6VSF8 hrs25+5 ft/2 levsOne cr or obj1r/levNone*NoOne property is revealed each r from lowest to highest; for each must make (1d20 + caster level) check; if check ³ spell's or power's caster level it is identified; otherwise can check for next property next r; does NOT function on artifacts; spell expires after dur or after one cr or object is analyzed; must make F save (DC 21) when spell ends else be exhausted for next 1d8 hrs; Focus = tiny lens of ruby or sapphire (worth ³ 1500 gp) set in small golden loopAnimal FriendshipEnchantment (Charm; Mind-Affecting)Drd1; Rgr1VSM125+5 ft/levOne animalInstantaneousWill negatesYesStardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)Animal GrowthTransmutationDrd5; Sor/Wiz5VS1100+10 ft/levOne animal per 2 levs; all animals must be within 30 ft of each other1 min/levNoneYesStardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)Animal MessengerEnchantment (Compulsion; Mind-Affecting)Clr2; Drd2; Rgr2VSM125+5 ft/levOne Tiny animal1 day/levNoneYesStardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)Animal ShapesTransmutationAnimal7; Drd8VS; DF125+5 ft/2 levsOne willing creature/lev; all within 30 ft of each other1 hr/levNoneYes (harmless)Stardate 42073.1: Counselor Troi, impregnated by an alien entity,
gives birth to a child whose mind is not that of a child but of an alien
wishing to discover the variety of human experience. Meanwhile, the ship's
newly promoted chief engineer, Geordi, and newcomer Doctor Katherine Pulaski
are faced with the possibility of a fatal shipwide epidemic... Notes: This story was originally conceived in the mid 1970s
as an episode of the aborted Star Trek II series which was
to have been a new series with the original crew of the Enterprise. It
is also notable for being the first appearance of Guinan. And her hats
keep getting larger year after year... Season 2 Regular Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan
Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn
(Lt. Worf), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander
Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) Guest Cast: Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski), Seymour Cassel (Lt.
Commander Hester Dealt), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), R.J. Williams (Ian),
Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief), Dawn Arnemann (Miss Gladstone), Zachary
Benjamin (Young Ian), Dore Keller (Crewman)