Palm Desktop™ Object Summary for AppleScript™

This outline should help you quickly find how to get at most of the properties available in the Palm Desktop Application on Mac OS X, for use with AppleScript. It doesn't have quite everything, since it's tedious to extract. But the most common elements and properties should all be there.

Extracted from the dictionary as visible in Apple's Script Editor™ by Steven J. DeRose, November, 2008.

Container Outline

    calendar days
        events (cf)
        to dos (cf)
    to dos
        to do occurrences
         event occurrences
    phone number labels.
    postal address labels.

Inheritance Outline

            to do

Class list

calendar day
custom field info
Date Book
event occurrence
phone number
phone number label
postal address
postal address label
special info
to do
to do occurrence
For views: view, address view, memo view, to do view, text restriction, date restriction


address n, pl addresses [inh. entry > item; see also Earlier Terms, Obsolete Terms]Address and other information about a person or contact


Contains: attachments

Contained by: application.


first name (international text) the first (given) name of the address book item

first name yomi (international text) the first (given) name yomi of the address book item (Japanese version of Palm Desktop only); NOTE: This is currently stored in custom nine

last name (international text) the last (sur) name of the address book item

last name yomi (international text) the last (sur) name yomi of the address book item (Japanese version of Palm Desktop only); NOTE: This is currently stored in custom ten

prefix (international text) the name prefix of the address book item

suffix (international text) the name suffix of the address book item

title (international text) the title of the address book item

company (international text) the company name of the address book item

company yomi (international text) the company yomi of the address book item (Japanese version of Palm Desktop only); NOTE: This is currently stored in custom eleven

division (international text) the division name of the address book item

full name (international text, r/o) the full (formal) name of the address book item (e.g., Mr. John Doe Jr.)

full informal name (international text, r/o) the full, informal name of the address book item (e.g., John Doe)

salutation name (international text, r/o) the name used for (formal) salutations of the address book item (e.g., Mr. Doe)

salutation informal name (international text, r/o) the name used for informal salutations of the address book item (e.g., John)

address one (postal address) the first postal address of the address book item

address two (postal address) the second postal address of the address book item

phone one (phone number) the first phone number of the address book item

phone two (phone number) the second phone number of the address book item

phone three (phone number) the third phone number of the address book item

phone four (phone number) the fourth phone number of the address book item

custom one [through twelve] (custom field info) the first [through twelfth] custom field of the address book item

birthday (date or text) the birthday of the address book item; when no year is specified, the value is a string with the month and day (e.g., October 13)

comments (international text) the comment text of the address book item

modification date (date, r/o) the date and time the address book item was last modified

marked (boolean) Is the address book item marked?

special (special info, r/o) the special information of the address book item (used by scripts attached to address card buttons)


application n [inh. item]The Palm Desktop application


Contains: calendar days, addresses, memos, to dos, events, categories, phone number labels, postal address labels, windows.


name (international text, r/o) the application name

frontmost (boolean, r/o) Is this the frontmost application?

selection (list of reference, r/o) the selection visible to the user

version (international text, r/o) the version of the application

current event (reference, r/o) the event scheduled right now or nothing if no event is scheduled


category n, pl categories [inh. item; see also Obsolete Terms]A descriptive category for an item (e.g., Business, Friends/Family)


Contained by: application.


name (international text) the name of the item

id (integer, r/o) an id that identifies the category

color index (integer) the category color index (the specific RGB color depends on the application Decor preference)

custom field info

custom field info nA record containing custom field information for an address book item


field title (international text) the title of the custom field

field text (international text) the value of the custom field

Date Book

Date Book	Classes representing date book items
find available time vReturn the earliest available time with no events scheduled
find available time
[after date]the date and time to start searching; a calendar day or a date may be given (default is the current date and time)
[duration seconds]the required duration in seconds (default is one minute)
[all hours boolean]Search all hours? (Default is to search only work hours as set in application preferences.)
→ datethe date and time, or ‘missing value’ if no time is available
calendar day n [inh. item]A calendar day, containing events and to dos on a particular date


Contains: events, to dos

Contained by: application.


name (international text, r/o) the name of the day (a date string)

id (date, r/o) a date that identifies the day


entry n, pl entries [inh. item]A data entry, e.g., an address, to do, or memo


Contains: attachments.


name (international text, r/o) the name of the item

id (integer, r/o) an id that identifies the item

primary category (category) the primary category of the item

secondary category (category) the secondary category of the item

private (boolean) Is the item private? (Private items are not accessible from AppleScript if hidden in the application.)


event n [inh. entry > item; see also Obsolete Terms]An appointment or event that occurs at a particular date and time


Contains: attachments, event occurrences

Contained by: application, calendar days.


title (international text) the title of the event

start time (date) the start date and time of the event; setting the start time changes the end time to keep the same duration

end time (date) the end date and time of the event; must be on the same date as the start time

duration (seconds) the duration of the event in seconds

all day event (boolean) Is this an all day event?

alarm (seconds) the alarm time in seconds before the event start, or ‘missing value’ if there is no alarm

event occurrence

event occurrence n [inh. event > entry > item] An occurrence of a recurring event on a particular date


Contains: attachments

Contained by: events.


event (reference, r/o) the event of which this is an occurrence


item nA scriptable object


class (type class, r/o) the class of the object

properties (record) property that allows getting/setting multiple properties


memo n [inh. entry > item; see also Earlier Terms, Obsolete Terms]A memo


Contains: attachments

Contained by: application.


title (international text) the title of the memo

contents (international text) the contents (body text) of the memo

creation date (date) the date and time the memo was created

modification date (date) the date and time the memo was last modified

phone number

phone number n [see also Obsolete Terms]A record containing phone number information for an address book item


label (reference) the descriptive label of the phone number; this can be a reference to a phone number label, a unique string for this phone number, or ‘missing value’

formatted number (international text) the phone number (without extension) formatted as specified in application preferences

raw number (international text) the phone number (without extension) without any formatting

extension (international text) the phone number extension

full formatted number (international text, r/o) the full formatted phone number with extension

dial string (international text, r/o) the string used for dialing the phone number (raw number with prefixes for outside line, long distance, etc., as specified in application preferences)

in menu (boolean) Is the phone number displayed in the Instant Palm Desktop menu?

phone number label

phone number label n [inh. item; see also Obsolete Terms]A descriptive label for a phone number (e.g., Home, Fax)


Contained by: application.


name (international text) the name of the item

id (integer, r/o) an id that identifies the label

postal address

postal address n [see also Obsolete Terms]A record containing postal (street) address information for an address book item


label (reference) the descriptive label of the address; this can be a reference to a postal address label, a unique string for this postal address, or ‘missing value’

street address one (international text) the street address (line one)

street address two (international text) the street address (line two)

city (international text) the city of the address

state (international text) the state of the address

zip (international text) the zip code of the address

country (international text) the country of the address

formatted address (international text, r/o) the address formatted as set in application preferences

postal address label

postal address label n [inh. item; see also Obsolete Terms]A descriptive label for a postal address (e.g., Work, Home)


Contained by: application.


name (international text) the name of the item

id (integer, r/o) an id that identifies the label

special info

special info nMiscellaneous information used by scripts attached to address book item buttons (only valid while running an attached script)


button field text (international text, r/o) the field text of the custom field to which the script is attached

personalize (boolean, r/o) Personalize the letter template contents? (used by scripts attached to the letter attachment button)

template (file, r/o) the file containing the letter template (used by scripts attached to the letter attachment button)

save to fsspec (file specification, r/o) the file to save the new attached letter in, as a file specification (used by scripts attached to the letter attachment button)

save to filename (international text, r/o) the file to save the new attached letter in, as a string (used by scripts attached to the letter attachment button)

save to alias (alias, r/o) the file to save the new attached letter in, as an alias (used by scripts attached to the letter attachment button)

to do

to do n [inh. entry > item; see also Obsolete Terms]A task to do by a due date or until completed


Contains: attachments, to do occurrences

Contained by: application, calendar days.


title (international text) the title of the to do item

due date (date) the due date of the task, or ‘missing value’ if there is no due date

reminder (integer) the number of days before the due date to display a reminder of the uncompleted task, or ‘missing value’ if there is no reminder

completed (boolean) Has the task been completed? Setting this to true will set ‘completion date’ to the current date.

completion date (date) the date the task was completed, or ‘missing value’ if the task has not been completed; setting this will also update ‘completed’

priority (highest/high/medium/low/lowest) the priority of the to do item

carry over (boolean) Display the item on today’s list of to dos until completed, even when past the due date?

to do occurrence

to do occurrence n [inh. to do > entry > item]An occurrence of a recurring to do on a particular date


Contains: attachments

Contained by: to dos.


to do (reference, r/o) the to do of which this is an occurrence


window n [inh. item]A window


Contained by: application.


name (international text, r/o) the name of the window

index (integer, r/o) the number of the window in the front-to-back layer ordering

id (integer, r/o) an id that identifies the window

position (point) the upper left position of the window

bounds (bounding rectangle, r/o) the boundary rectangle for the window

closeable (boolean, r/o) Does the window have a close box?

titled (boolean, r/o) Does the window have a title bar?

floating (boolean, r/o) Does the window have a title bar?

modal (boolean, r/o) Is the window modal?

resizable (boolean, r/o) Is the window resizable?

zoomable (boolean, r/o) Is the window zoomable?

zoomed (boolean, r/o) Is the window zoomed?

visible (boolean, r/o) Is the window visible (always true for open Finder windows)?

frontmost (boolean) Is this the frontmost window?


"Earlier Terms" are not included in this summary. Sorry.

"Obsolete Terms" are not included in this summary. Sorry.