Some useful blank papers

Written by Steven J. DeRose on 2003-04-03, and last updated on 2008-02-22.


These postScript or PDF files should be easy to download and print, to get various kinds of paper you might want. If you'd like to contribute any, let me know. SVG, HTML, and PDF are fine for this.

If you want to make your own forms in PostScript, a handy tutorial on basic PostScript programming is here. I have a examples here.

Printable music score paper

Printable graph paper

One great resource is here, where Jason Pratt from CMU supplies real PostScript source for free, to draw linear graph paper. You can go in and tweak it all you want. 3 cheers for Jason!

A nice graph paper generator is available at A few especially nice features are support for A4 size paper; isometric graph paper; probability graph paper; and Smith chart paper.

A selection of graph papers is available from the University of Ulster. Most are available in both PDF and (encapsulated) PostScript. There's also a zip file of them, and source for a program to generate them.

A variety of log papers, and polar coordinate paper, can be had here.

More printable graph papers, including hex, polar, Soduko (game), triangular, and some others, plus a Fortran (!) program to generate them, are here.

See also the next section, for customizable linear, log, and polar papers.

Hint: A great way to browse for papers you want is to use Google™ image search for something like graph paper or polar graph paper.

Programmable/customizable graph paper

I've written an extremely simple PostScript file that prints linear graph paper, and should be easy for you to customize. There are a few clearly-marked lines in the file, where you substitute your own captions, line spacing, margins, and so on. Available here.

I've also written a slightly fancier PostScript file that can do linear and/or log graph paper, and should also be easy for you to customize. You can set the number of log cycles for each axis (set 0 to make the axis linear instead), and log axes are automatically numbered. Available here.

A similar program that I've written for polar graph paper lets you control r-spacing and theta-units, and is available here.

Printable hexagon grid paper

1.5cm hex sheets

A few sizes (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 cm) are available from Peter Cherriman at the University of Southampton (my sympathies if you've ever had to stay in the dorms there).

There's another hexagonal graph paper generator here. It's an interesting mix of Perl and PostScript.

Printable lined writing paper

Printable game sheets, game boards, and other papers

Links to useful printable forms

Cub scout forms.

IRS tax forms.

Maryland state tax forms

Links to US state tax forms.

A proposed new short form for taxes.

Specialty papers

I've written a simple PostScript™ program that draws ratchet wheels or gears. You can edit a few lines near the top to set the radius to the base of the teeth, the radius of the axel hole, a number of mounting holes to mark at a given radius, and a radius at which to draw a small hole under each tooth. The small holes are for installing electrical contacts, because I wrote this to help me build a replica of the famous German "Enigma" encryption machine. Thus, the gear program defaults to 26 teeth, but you can just set the hole radius to zero and they'll go away. Regarding the Enigma, you can make a paper one with instructions here; Wikipedia discusses the original here; and someone is doing a real replica here.

A form for keeping track of your weekly schedule. OpenOffice source here.

A page with various genealogy forms.

Linked chain stitch graph paper (huh?)

Coxeter graph paper (huh?). Useful for "affine reflection groups"

Among the PostScript samples downleadable here is a point scale (a rule for measuring type sizes). However, since a point is only about 1/72 inch it would be best to use a printer better than 300dpi (1/300 inch lets you be off by nearly 1/4 point).

Some other general printable paper sites

Many sites for specific paper types are referenced above. Here are some with general collections like this site:

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