Collecting Poul Anderson's books

This page was written by Steven J. DeRose around November of 1999, and was last updated on 2003-04-12.

I found recently that I had a lot of books by SF author Poul Anderson, and liked most of them (despite some annoyingly blithe stereotypes in domains as various as theology and orienteering). So I decided to try to get the rest of his books. I found a list somewhere on the Web, copied it to my Pilot, and started.

I discovered that the list was incomplete, so I have added others I've found. So far I have about 90 volumes (marked in green below); if anyone has others to sell, particularly first editions, feel free to drop me email (though it's fun enough searching used book stores that I'm not likely to pay a big premium...). Most seem to be available through Alibris, for those so inclined.

Books (total 85)

  • After Doomsday, 1962
  • Alight in the Void
  • All One Universe, 1996 (Collection)
  • Annals of the Time Patrol, 1981
  • A Plague of Masters, seeEarthman, Go Home!
  • The Armies of Elfland, 1992
  • The Avatar, 1978
  • The Boat of a Million Years, 1989
  • Brain Wave, 1954
  • The Broken Sword, 1954
  • The Byworlder, 1971
  • A Circus of Hells, 1970
  • Commander Flandry, seeThe Rebel Worlds
  • Conan the Rebel, 1980
  • The Dancer From Atlantis, 1972
  • The Day of Their Return, 1973
  • The Demon of Scattery, 1979 w. Mildred Downey Broxon
  • Dahut, 1987 w. K. Anderson (King of Ys 3)
  • The Devil's Game, 1980
  • The Dog and the Wolf, 1988 w. K. Anderson
  • Earthman, Go Home!, 1960 aka A Plague of Masters
  • The Enemy Stars, 1958
  • Ensign Flandry, 1966
  • Fire Time, 1974
  • The Fleet of Stars, 1997
  • Gallicenae, 1987 w. K. Anderson
  • The Game of Empire, 1985
  • The Golden Slave, 1959
  • The Guardians of Time, 1960
  • A Handful of Stars, seeWe Claim these Stars
  • Harvest of Stars, 1993
  • Harvest the Fire, 1995
  • The High Crusade, 1960
  • Hrolf Kraki's Saga, 1973
  • Inconstant Star, 1991
  • Kinship with the Stars, 1991
  • A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows, 1975
  • Let the Spacemen Beware, 1963 aka The Night Face
  • The Long Night, 1983
  • The Long Way Home, 1958
  • The Longest Voyage
  • The Makeshift Rocket, 1962
  • The Man Who Counts, seeWar of the Wing Men
  • Mayday Orbit, 1961 aka A Message in Secret
  • The Merman's Children, 1979
  • A Message in Secret, seeMayday Orbit
  • A Midsummer Tempest, 1974
  • Mirkheim, 1977
  • The Night Face, seeLet the Spacemen Beware
  • No Truce with Kings, 1989
  • Operation Chaos, 1971
  • Orbit Unlimited, 1961
  • Orion Shall Rise, 1984
  • The People of the Wind, 1973
  • The Peregrine, aka Star Ways
  • Planet of No Return, 1956 aka Question and Answer
  • Question and Answer, seePlanet of No Return
  • The Rebel Worlds, 1969 aka Commander Flandry
  • Rogue Sword, 1960
  • Roma Mater, 1986 w. K. Anderson
  • Satan's World, 1969
  • The Saturn Game
  • Seven Conquests, 1969
  • Shield, 1963
  • The Shield of Time
  • The Snows of Ganymede, 1958
  • Starfarers, 1998
  • The Star Fox, 1964
  • The Stars Are Also Fire
  • Star Prince Charlie, 1975 w. Gordon Dickson
  • A Stone In Heaven, 1979
  • Tales of the Flying Mountains
  • Tau Zero, 1970
  • The Time Patrol
  • There Will Be Time, 1972
  • Three Hearts and Three Lions
  • Three Worlds to Conquer, 1964
  • Twilight World, 1961
  • The Unicorn Trade, 1984 w. K. Anderson
  • Vault of the Ages, 1952
  • Virgin Planet, 1959
  • War of the Wing Men, 1958 aka The Man Who Counts
  • The War of the Gods, 1997
  • The War of Two Worlds, 1959
  • We Claim these Stars, 1959 aka A Handful of Stars
  • The Winter of the World, 1975
  • World Without Stars, 1966

Collections (total 35)

  • Agent of the Terran Empire, ss. 1965
  • The Best of Poul Anderson, ss. 1976
  • Beyond the Beyond, ss. 1969
  • Cold Victory, ss. 1982
  • Conflict, ss. 1983
  • The Corridors of Time, ss. 1965
  • The Dark Between the Stars, ss. 1981
  • Dialogue With Darkness, ss. 1985
  • Earthman's Burden, ss. 1957 w.
  • The Earth Book of Stormgate, ss. 1978 (also published in 3 separate volumes)
  • Explorations, ss.1981
  • Fantasy, ss.1981
  • Flandry of Terra, ss. 1966
  • The Fox, the Dog and the Griffin, ss. 1966
  • The Gods Laughed, ss. 1982
  • Hoka, ss. 1983 w.
  • Homebrew, ss. 1976
  • Homeward and Beyond, ss. 1975
  • The Horn of Time, ss. 1968
  • A Light In the Void, 1993 reissue, Golden Age ss.
  • The Many Worlds of Poul Anderson, ss. 1974
  • Maurai and Kith, ss. 1982
  • New America, ss. 1982
  • The Night Face and Other Stories, ss. 1978
  • Past Times, ss. 1984
  • The Psychotechnic League, ss. 1981
  • The Queen of Air and Darkness, ss. 1973
  • Starship, ss. 1982
  • Strangers from Earth, ss. 1961
  • Time and Stars, ss. 1964
  • Trader to the Stars, ss. 1964
  • The Trouble Twisters, ss. 1966
  • Un-Man and Other Novellas, ss. 1962
  • Winners , ss.1981
  • A World Called Cleopatra, 1974, et al.

Other works

  • "Ballade of an Artificial Satellite", poem 1958
  • "Cold Victory", ss. 1957
  • "Escape the Morning", 1966 Boy Scouts of America
  • "Goat Song", novelette 1972 Nebula, 1973 Hugo
  • "Hunter's Moon", novelette 1979 Hugo
  • "In the House of Sorrows", 1989
  • What Might Have Been? Volume I, Ed. Martin H. Greenberg and Gregory Benford
  • "Introduction to; The First Step Outward", 1969
  • "The Last of the Deliverers", ss. Feb 1958 F&SF
  • "The Longest Voyage", ss. 1960
  • "No Truce With Kings",
  • "The Queen of Air and Darkness", novella, 1972 Hugo
  • "The Saturn Game", novella 1981 Nebula, 1982 Hugo
  • "The Sharing of Flesh", novelette 1969 Hugo
  • "Superstition", novelette March 1956 F&SF
  • "Third Stage", 1962, Ziff-Davis
  • "Turning Point", ss. May 1963 If
  • "Vulcan's Forge", ss. Jan. 1963 Amazing
  • "Wellsprings of Dream", June 1993 Amazing

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