Switching voltages on a power supply

If you're using an adjustable voltage regulator to control the output from a power supply, you need to switch in the right resistor to pick the right voltage. There's a table of resistor values for the LM317 voltage regulator here; below, I describe several ways to accomplish the switching itself.

There are a lot of ways to do it; here are a few:

Automating your voltage selection

If you use a 4-pin connector for power out, you can use two pins for the usual power and ground, and put the adjustment resistor across the other 2 pins. Then you can either

If you do decide to go with a 4-pin connector arrangement, I'd recommend avoiding any type of connector that's commonly used for something else. For example, I think mini-DIN-4 was used for Apple ADB connections; a 4-pin RJ11 is a typical pone jack; a 4-pin 2.5mm phone jack is a Nokia headset connector (on some models); and so on.

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