Steve DeRose's Guide to Building a Universal Power Supply: Parts List

A Red and Green Compass Rose, logo for the Compass DeRose Guide Series.
Description Radio Shack Part Number
Project Box 2701802
PC board 2760150
Supplies or supply cords as needed ----
power socket 2741565
Fuse holder 2700739
2.5A 1KV diodes 2761114
LM317 adj. voltage reg ___
Heat Sink Grease 2761372
1.0K micro pot 2710280
4.7K micro pot 2710281
10 ohm resistors 2711301
47 ohm resistors 2711105
330 ohm resistors 2711113
470 ohm resistors 2711115
1K ohm resistors 2711118
AdaptaPlug™ extension cord ----
AdaptaPlug Tips as needed ----

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