Edited from: The bibliographer's manual of English literature: containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing ; with bibliographical and critical notices, collations of the rarer articles, and the price at which ...
By William Thomas Lowndes, Henry George Bohn, 1865
(starting at page 2609).
Edited by Steven J. DeRose, August, 2009.
These are printed editions, not translations. Horizontal lines represent original page breaks. Many but not all translators' named appear in blue. I have not proofread for OCR errors, of which there are many.
New Testament.
Reference to Editions according to Languages.
Testament.—The New Testament in various Languages.
English Versions.
- The Newe Testament, In Englysshk, (translated By William TÏndale. Assumed to have been printed at Cologne in the Office of Peter Quentell, and finished at Worms by Peter Schoefler, 1525.) 4to. in Black Letter, with wood cuts, marginal notes and references. This edition is mentioned in Cochlaji Vita et Acta Mart. Lutheri. But Lewis doubted its existence, which, however, has since been fully proved by the discovery of a fragment of the book t this fragment, unfortunately, hasnot the ti tie), formerly in the possession of Mr. Thomas Rodd, of Great Newport-street, now in the Grenville Collection, British Museum, consisting of 31 leaves. The inhibition of Bp. Tonstall, which will be found printed in Fox's Martyrology, as .Uso that of Abp. Warham, which is in AVilkins' Concilia Magn. Brit, mention two Editions as existing in 1528, ' some with Glosses and some without.' The fragment contains a large wood-cut of St. Matthew,'which cut also occurs in Rupert! Abb. Monast. Tuitensis in Mattliseum, lib. xiii. &c. printed at Cologne by P. Quentell in 1526, but as the block liad been in part cut away before it was used for Rupertus' work, the Testament, in which it is found entire, must have been the prior publication. William Hoye, who was Tyndale's assistant in the translation, gives in his ' Rede me and be not wrothe ' some curious details respecting its first appearance, and notices a particular passage in the prologue to which great exceptions were made by lip. Tonstall. The passage objected to will be found in the prologue, but does ' not occur in the epistle to the other edition; and this ' prologue, with some alterations, is printed in Tyndale's Works, under the title of 'A Pathway to Scripture.' Cochlœus and Bp. Tonstall state that the translation was made while Tyndale was with Luther in Germany ; and on comparing the two versions part of the prologue and a large portion of the notes to the English prove to be translated from the German of Luther. Sir Thomas More also, in his Dialogues, 3rd book, fol. Ixxxxviii, date 1530, as a reason for burning Tyndale's New Testament, observes, ' that at the tyme of this translacyonHychensR.«. Tyndalel was with Luther in Wyttenberge and set certayne glosys in the margent, framed for the settynge forthe of that vngracyous secte.' The text agrees with
1 that of the smaller edition. Collation.— Title A i wanting, Aij, commencing with the words ' The Frologge,' occupies seven leaves, ending on the reverse of Biiij. The next sheet has no signatures oil the first two leaves, but on the third is Ciij. The first page of the sheet contains the table of 'The bokea conteyned in the Newe Testament/ on the reverse of which ie a wood-cut of St. Matthew, an angel presenting him with a pen, occupying the entire page. On the opposite page the book commences ' The Gospell of S. Matthew/ the initial letter having a small wood-cut of St Matthew. On the following leaf the folios commence fo. iij, and continue correctly to fo. xxiiij, on the reverse of which this fragment terminates, being in the xxii chap, of Matthew. Besides the large cut of S. Matthew, the book contains initial letters cut in wood, the whole of which, with one exception, occur in other books printed at Cologne between the years 1523 and 1634. One of the capital letters occurs also in Coverdale's Bible, 1535. The type is a German gothic, the size of the printed page, including head line', is 5 inches $ in length, by 0 inches in breadth ; 38 lines in a page, head line included. No paper mark. Facsimiles of the wood-cut of the first page of the Prologue, and of the first page of the Text, were struck off by Mr. Rodd ; and they have been reproduced in Anderson's Annals of the Bible, where a detailed, account of this fragment is given. Mr. ttodd's account is contained in the Grenville Catalogue, and a supplementary note by Sir Henry Ellis is inserted in the book. See also an account of it in the Proceedings of the Archœological Institute, 1851, pp. 274-80.
- The New Testament in English "translated by William Tyndale, 1525 or 1526]. small 8vo. No doubt printed at Worms by Peter Schoeffer, as shewn by Mr. Fry in the introduction to his facsimile edition. Of this edition, heretofore considered the first, two copies, both imperfect, are all that are at present known. The most perfect, wanting only the title, was the Harleian copy; subsequently it passed into the possession of Joseph Ames, at whose sale it was purchased by Mr. John White for 151.14s. 6d., and wae sold by him for 201. to Dr. Gifford, who bequeathed it to the Trustees of the Baptist Museum, Bristol. The other copy, very imperfect, was lately discovered by the Rev. Dr. Cotton in the library of the chap. ter of St. Paul's. Collation of the Bristol copy.—The book commences on sign. A ij, the title, which would be A i, being wanting. The Gospel of S. Matthew to the end of Revelations occupies cccxliij
Testament-English Versions
folios, the last wrongly marked ccclnj ; on the reverse of the last is the Epistle 'To the Reder,' occupying three pages, then -The Erreur« «omlttedln the prentynge,' 2 pages and a half. The following is the order of the aigTM»"1TM' A to Z AA BB, Aa toTt 4, on which the book ends; all, except the last, being in eights. A full page contains 33 lines, not including head-line. It has a «mall wood-cut at the beginning of most of the books, and several floriated capitals. In the epistle, which will be found reprinted in the Christian Observer Tyndale mentions ' the worke nowe at the fryst tyme set forth.' Specimens of the version are given m Dr. Cotton's List of Editions of the Bible. Much curious information respecting Tyndale's editions will be found in Lewis's History of the English Translations of the Scriptures, ch. ii; Abp.Newcome's Historical View, sect, ш ; Cotton's List of the various Editions of the Bible; Home's Introduction to the critical Knowledge and Study of the Holy Scriptures, vol. ii. pt. " PP; 68-60; Walter's Letters to Bishop Marsh, pp. 43—62 75—90 ; Ames's Typographical Antiquities by Herbert. See also Beloe's Anecdotes of Lit, and Scarce Books, vol 2 p. 320 vol. 3. p. 52; Townley's Illustrations of Biblical Literature, vol. 1. p 374 ; and Anderson's Annals of the bnglish Bible.
A Reprint of this edition, with the title
- The New Testament of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, published in 1526
being the first translation from thf
Greek into English, by that eminen
scholar and martyr William Tyndale
Reprinted verbatim ; with a Memoir о
his Life and Writings by George Offor
Together with the Proceedings and Cor
respondence of Henry VIII., SirT. More
and Lord Cromwell. Lond. Samuel Bag
ster, 1836, crown 8vo.portrait engraved by
N Whittock, 10s.—Large Papbb, sm.4to
Pickering.pt. ii.3t86,li 12s. A copy print
ed with red borders to every page, th
portrait painted, the initials illuminated
Loscombe, in 1854, morocco joints in a ma
hogany box, 11. 7s. In an advertisemen
prefixed it is said that ' the present ed
tion is »n exact reprint of the unique an
precious copy in the library at Bristo
except that the Roman letter has bee
employe'! with a view to render it mor
generally useful. The wood-cuts and о
namental letters have been careful!
copied from the original volume. Ih
Memoir occupies pp. 1-89, List of Book
either ascribed to Tyndale or publishe
with his name, 90-1, Select Collations
e first and second editions, 92-8; after dich the text, with wood-cut title ending ith an Address or Epistle to the eder.' S« Gent. Mag. for 1837, pp. 176
Tyndale's Translation of the New Tesament, reprinted with a Memoir of yndale and Historic notices of the arly vernacular versions by J. P. Dabey Andover, Massachusetts, 1S37, cr. ro. Pickering, pt. ii. 3187, 4s. Thia is reprint from the preceding by Bagster, tid has the portrait from the same plate. he volume is rather smaller, with a ifferent Memoir, and the essential vaations from Coverdale and some others re given at the foot of the pages. In > aptious and blundering Preface many f the statements of Mr. George Offor re called in question, to which preface n answer is given by Mr. Lea Wilson, n his Catal. p. 218.
A Lithographic facsimile Reprint : the Itle as follows—The First NewTestament rinted in the English Language (1525 or 526), translated from the Greek by William Tyndale.—Reproduced in Facimile, with an Introduction by Francis y, F S.A. Bristol, printed for the Dditor, 1862, small 8vo. price 8i. The mpression limited to 177 copies, of which 26 are in 4to. The work was afterwards effaced from the stones. A few copies were printed on Old Paper, and on VelLum, and some copies Illuminated like the original one in the Baptist College. The editor's preliminary matter consists of 28 pages, including facsimile woodrat and title-pages of some works printed by Peter Schoyffer, and concluding with a vignette of Cotham Tower.
- The New Testament, &c. (by W. Tyndale). Antwerp, by Christopher Endhoven, 1526, 12mo.? The first surreptitious edition 'printed by the Douche men.' Mr. Anderson says, "This impression seems to have been a very large one, amounting to two or, perhaps, three thousand copies. Yet во hotly was it pursued, that no copy can now be identified in any known collection "—Anderson's Annals, vol. 1. p. 127. Notwithstanding all this.it is doubtful, says Mr. Stevens, whether any edition was printed between 1526 and 1531.
- The Newe Testament translated by
subsequently identified by him as I/op, land's edition of 1549, which see at p. 2623
Testament—English Versions
- The Newe Testaraet of our Sauiour Jesu Christ, newly and faythfully ouerseen and corrected. (1527.) A copy is in Bishop Cosin's library at Durham; which may turn out to be the 1527 of Tyndale, or some early and unknown edition. The title is in a small compartment of four parts — top and bottom scriptural subjects—on the top the crea, lion and the birth of our Saviour, at the bottom Adam and Eve beguiled, and the crucifixion. The volume consists of 446 leaves, on the last of which is the revelation of St. Judas. There are 26 lines in a full page. The Gospel of St. Matthew begins on fol. 11, and the volume extends to K r in eights. The chapters are marked into portions by large letters in the margin, and there are a few marginal notes. It has likewise ornamented capitals, the first T, two boys carrying on a stick a dead stag, with the head upwards. For the above account the editor is indebted to Dr. Bandinel of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Queare if the volume were not printed at Cologne. Thus jar Lowndes; but Mr. Stevens says it is Tyndale's version with Coverdale's oame on the first title, and is printed at Zurich by Froschover, 1550, in sm. 16mo. The copy described above is imperfect, beginning with the second title.
- The New Testament translated by Wm. Tyndale (1528 or 1529?), 12mo. A copy, imperfect, supposed to be of one of these dates, is in the library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. It is printed in black letter within border lines of red ink, and the head line throughout; the head of each book and chapter, the notation marks and most of the initial letters, are also in red. The volume has marginal references, a small wood-cut at the beginning of most of the books, and larger ones in the Revelations, also
glosses at the end of the chapters. It commences on Jiij in the middle of * A
. prologe unto the newe Testament.' ' The Gospell of S. Matthew. What S. Matthew conteyneth.' 2 leaves. The first leaf of the text is wanting. The Testament ends on the reverse of K.k.v., then on the same page ' Here folowe the Epistles.' The copy terminates on m.m. 6, in eights, has no folios, and a full page contains 37 lines exclusive of the head line. Respecting this volume, Dr. Cotton, in his List of Bibles, makes the following observation: "N.B. The imperfect copy of an edition in Emmanuel, Cambridge, supposed by Dr. Waterland and Lewis to be of the year 1528 or 1529, has been examined by me, and appears to be Coverdale'a Text printed in
1538, 16mo.—I am not aware that any copy of 1527, 1528 or 1529 has yet been identified."—Cotton's List, Second edition, p. 318. According to Mr. Hartshorne there is also a copy (1528 or 1529), imperfect, in the Library of St. John's College. See his Book Rarities, p. 376.
- The Newe Testament translated by William Tyndale. 1529,12mo. The only authority for this edition is Lowndes, who no doubt is mistaken.
- The Newe Testamente translated by Wm. Tyndale [Marlborow? or Hamburgh?], 1530, 12mo. According to Bishop Tomline, a more correct translation than the former, but there is no other authority for the existence of the book, and Dr. Cotton says no copy is at present known. Mr. Stevens disbelieves its existence.
- The New Testament as it was written and caused to be written by them which herde yt. Whom also our Saueoure Christ Jesus commaunded that they shulde preach it unto al Creatures. Antwerpe by me Wydowe of Christoffel of Endhouo, 1534, in August. 16mo. This beautiful little volume consists of 446 leaves, and measures Щ by 2| in. CoUation.—Title, in red and black, with a border, at the back of which is 'an alnmnftcke forxviij yeres/commencing 1526; then follows the calendar, rubricated, six leaves, after which the Gospel of St. Matthew commences, on the second leaf of which is signature a. The sign, run a to z, A toll. Then the Epistles commence with a separate title-page, with a border, ' The Epistles of the Apostle, S. Paul/ &c. on sign. A a i and extend to С с с. The signatures are all in eights, except Ccc, which has six leaves. After the text on В b b i the reverse is the colophon. Here endeth the New Testament, diligently ouersene and corrected, and prynted now agayn at Antwerpeby me wydowe of Christoffel of Endovën. In the yere of our Lorde Mccccc and xxxnn, in August. After which follows a Table of the Pistelys, &c. 13 leaves. It has wood-cut initials, and small portraits of the evangelists; a portrait of St. Paul, and the portrait of St. John, repeated in the Revelations. A full page contains 33 lines, including tbe head linei It has no prologues or notes, and but a few marginal references in black letter. A fine perfect copy is in the Grenville Collection, British Museum, in which is the following note by the Right Hon. Thomas Grenville:—-'The Bibliographers have all agreed in stating that only three copies
Testament — English Versions
of this rare edition are known — viz. in Lord Pembroke's Library at Wilton, and at Bristol from Dr. Giffurd. Dr. Cotton, very curious in bis researches on this subject, assures me tbat, after the most diligent examination of the above three libraries, be has ascertained beyond all question that the present edition is not in eitherof them, neither does be believe that any other copy than mine is to be found. It appears that when the Flemish booksellers began in August, 1534, to print Tyndale's English New Testament, they employed Joye to correct the Press, in doing which he made several changes in it. Tyndale, dissatisfied with this, bad another edition printed at Antwerp by Empereur, in November 1534, in the preface to which he complains of the changes made by Joy in the present edition, and particularly charges him with having studiously omitted or changed the word ' Hesurrection' in many passages which Tyndale quotes. Joye, in reply, wrote 'An Apology' in the same year, 1534, which is now arare tract." [A copy of this tract is in the University Library, Cambridge.]
- The Newe Testament dylygently corrected and compared with the Greke by Willyam Tindale, and fynesehed in the yere of oure Lorde God A.M. D. & xxxiiij. in the moneth of Nouember. em. 8vo. Commonly, but erroneously, called TÏndale's Second Edition, Black letter, with wood-cuts, and with a preface against George Joye. In this edition first appeared, As far as ia known, the celebrated Prologue to
the Romans (occupying 34 pages), re specting which some controversy en sued. In the marginal notes to this edi
tion the following contradiction occurs : ' Lone is the fyret precept and cause of all other;' on the opposite page 'Fayth is the fyret comaOdement; and loue the seconde,' &c. Bishop Randolph's copy, table at the end imperfect, 5/. 10я, Dent, pt. ii. 682, title and some leaves wanting, morocco, 51. 2s. 6d. Williams, 1753, wanting the first title and reverse leaf, G i in the Epistles to the Romans, С С in the Epistles to the Old Testament, and last leaf at the end, 61. 5s. Pickering, pt. iii. (imperfect, Lea Wilson's copy), 161. 6s Gardner, July, 1854 (several loaves in beginning and end facsimile by Harris), 47Ï. Mr. Geo. Offor and Mr. Fry have each a copy. Mr. Lenox, of New York, has a fine and perfect copy, and a similar one was purchased from Mr. Rusher of Reading, at alarme price, by Mr. James Dix, of Bristol. There are also copies in St Paul's Lib., the Bodleian,
Exeter Coll. Lib. Oxford, РоЪИс ТЛЪ. *nd Trinity Coll.Cambridge, Baptist Museum, Bristol. Thecopy in Exeter Coll. Lib. is on yellow paper (stained, as all are, snbsequent to printing). The British Museum has three copies, one on white paper, one on yellow paper, and я third printed on Vellum, with the second title in gold and colours illuminated, and the small wood-cuts as miniatures, formerly belonging to Qneen Anna Boleyn, from the Cracherode collection, but wanting the first title and prefatory matter. Coll.— Title within a wood-cut border on the reverse, begins 'W. T. unto the Header/ 17 pages; 'A prologa into the iiii Evangel у stes/ 4 pages ; ' Willyam Tindale yet once more, to the christen reader,' 9 pages i a second title-page, ' The newe Testament. Imprinted at Anwerp by Marten Emperowr. Anno M.d.xxxÜÍj.' With the same wood-cut border as the first title, except that the shield is charged with arms and has the initials M. К., (г. е. Martin Kaiser, the German name of Martin Lempereur.} The Revelation ends on fol. ccclxxxiv. wrongly marked cccclxxxiv. The Epistles taken out of the Olde Testament follow and run to cccc, after which are two tables, one containing 16 pages, the other 5 pages. The signatures run in eights, and a full page has 33 lines. The volume has marginal references and notes, some of the latter are in the Roman letter—it has wood-cuts in the Revelations, also some small ones at the beginning of the Gospel and some of the Epistles. St. Matthew begins on fol. ii. wrongly marked i. St. Mark, on xlv. b. Acts, on clvi. b. Romans, on ccxx. b. Ephesians, on cclxxviii. b. James, on cccxlviii.b. Revelations, on ccclv. ¿f« Cotton's List of Editions of the Bible, pp. 3, 89,96-7, and 129-30 ; or 2nd edit. (no. 6), p. 320; and Lea Wilson's Catalogue, (No. 4,) p. 140-1. A good copy should measure 6 in. by ЗЦin. Mr. Steveos priced a copy in 1855, at 106?.
TheNewe Testament, Anno M.d.hxiiii. 12mo. A different edition from the preceding, but whether printed before or after is uncertain. Copies are in the Bodleian, the Earl of Pembroke's Libraries, and the British Museum (the last imperfect). The Pembroke copy has erroneously been represented by Lewis and Lowndes to be the edition of August, 1.634, corrected by Joye. Collation. — Title, Tyndale's address, pp. 18, a table, pp. 21, a second title within 4 woodcuts, underneath is a monogram with tí П., on the reverse, The bokes conteyned in the Newe Testament, the Text, fol. ! i—ccclx (wrongly marked ccclxii), Table
Testament—English Versions
of Epistles and Gospels, 8 leaves, not numbered. The numbering of the folios is often incorrect. In 1 Corinth, ch. xi. there is an accidental omission of the words ' This cup is the пет testament in my blood/ With small wood-cuts, similar to those of the genuine edition, but the cut of St. Paul before the epistles to Romans is larger, and occurs before б other epistles. Doubtless printed at Antwerp. See Cotton's List of various Editions of the Bible, p. 131-2 ; or 2nd edit. P. 321. Mr. Lenox has an imperfect copy, and a perfect one is in possession of Mr. W. Г. Howe of Aspley, Woburn. Stevens, imperfect, I.V. 15s.
- The Newe Testament, by William Tyndale. 1534,12mo. An imperfect copy of an edition of this date was in Mr. Leu AVilson's collection, of which the following is a Collation. Tyndale's Address to the Christen reader, pp. 15 ; a prologue to the Evangelists, pp.3; a Table, pp. '.':'. (ought to be 24J (second title wanting) ; Prologue to the Romans in very small type, pp. 26, beginning on sig. Y 6. The Pistles of the Old Testament are on 14 leaves, ending on sig. v 4 ; reverse, Tables of Epistles and Gospels, 8 leaves. St. Luke begins on H vii reverse; 1 Corinth, on с iii ; 1 Peter on 1 iii ; Revel, on p. 5. The leaves are not numbered. The words in 1 Cor. xi.— This cup is tliA New Testament in my blood—are omitted. There, are small cuts of the Evangelists before the Gospels : a cut of S. Paul as used in Coverdale's Bible of 1535 before six of the Epistles; a cut of tí. Peter, and a larger one of St. John, before the Revelations. A full page contains 39 lines. See Lea Wilson's Catalogue (no. 5), p. 142, and Dr. Cotton's List, 2nd edition (no. 7), p. 322. Mr. Lenox has a copy.
- The New Testament by William Tyndale. (1534), 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum, of which the following ia a CoUation ; Title (wanting) ; a calendar, in red and black, 5 leaves, A prayer for the reader, 2 leaves. A table to fynde the Epistles and Gospels usually red in the chyrche, after Salysbury use, &c. It has no prologues, heads of chapters, nor notes; the marginal references are in small Roman characters; the text in Black Letter. A—Z, a—q, in eights. St. Mark begins F ; Acts, 3 iiU; Romans, zvi; Epheàtans, f vii ; Revel, oilii. It ha« floriated initials, but no wood-cuts. A full page contains 37 lines. Dr. Cotton says, " This book was doubtless printed at Antwerp ; but from the great variations observable in it I cannot be
lieve the date 1534 to be the true one ; especially when it is considered that Tyndale's own, from which it was principally copied, did not appear till November in that year." See Cotton's List, second edition (no. 6), p. 321-23.
- The New Testament by William Tyndale. (1534), 4to. A copy, imperfect, supposed of this year, is in the Baptist Museum at Bristol. Dr. Gifford writes in it that be thinks it an edition pirated by the Dutch. It has the Prologue to the Romans. Mr. Stevens thinks it probably one of the editions of 1536.
- The New Testament by William Tindale (1535), fol. Dr. Cotton notices an imperfect copy, and observes, ' This edition retains the contradictory note in the 1st epistle of St. John, and is therefore probably to be ascribed to this or the following year.' Cotton's List, 2nd edit. p.8.
- The New Testament, dylygently corrected aud compared with the Greke by Wyllyam Tindale and fynesshed in M.D. and xxxv. 12mo. Copies are in the Public Library, Camb., and in Exeter College Library. Collation.—Title, and preface by Tyndale, — leaves (wanting in the copy collated by Dr. Cotton) ; ' A prologe to the Epistle to the Romans,' 16 .eaves; 'A table for the foure EvangeHstes,' &c. ' A table for the Actes of the Apostles,' together 12 leaves; a second title-page, ou the reverse of which is given a list of ' the bokes conteyned ' and a * A prologo of S. Matthew.1 The text of St. Matthew begins on fol. ii. marked I. St. Mark, on fol. xl. The Acts, on fol. cxxxiiii. Romans, on fol. clxxiii. Hebrews, on fol. cclv. Revelation, on fol. cclxxi. and the volume cooeludes on fol. eccxii. reverse with the words ' Here ende the Epistles of the Olde Testament.' The signatures run iu eights, and there are marginal references, and heads of chapters, but no notes ; likewise wood-cuts at the beginning of each Gospel, and in the Revelation larger ones, occupying about two-thirds of the page. A full page contains 38 lines, Нее Cotton's List of Editions of the Bible, pp. 3 and 168, or 2nd edition (no. 9), pp. 323-4. Mr. Offor, who has a large collection of early editions of Bibles and New Testaments, U of opinion that this
a pirated edition, probably printed ш Holland.
- The New Testament, Coverdale's, (1535), 12mo. Pickering, pt. ii. 3192, Mr. Lea Wilson's copy, and the only one known, but wanting all before F iii, 5 other sheets, and all after zzi, 5Z. 15*. Testament—English. Vtrsions.
Collation.— Title, and nil before fol. 43, on which is ' The eumme of the Gospel of S. Marke' (wanting). On fol. 69 begins 'The Gospel of S. Luke/ on fol. 114'The Summe of S. Jhon.' Tyndale's Prologue to Romans, fol. 191-208. Apocalypse ends on 350 гет. Epiatlea of the Olde Testamet, Epistles of the Sayntes, fol. 362. Table, fol. 364. Table for Sayntes dayes, fol. 369. The volume is paged in figures. Some chapters are followed by a Gloss in a smaller type. A wood-cut of S. Paul is the same as that used in Coverdale's Bible, 1535. Mr. Lea. Wilson believed this to be the earliest edition of Coverdale's Testament, separate, from the Bible. Sm his Catalogue, pp. 143-4. This copy was purchased by Mr. Stevens for Mr. Lenox, of New York,
- The Newe Testament yet ones agayne corrected by W. Tyndale ; and in many Places amèded, where it scaped before by Neglygence of the Printer. Also a Kalendar and a necessary Table, wherin easely & lyghtly may be founde any Story cöteyned in the foure Euangelystes, and in the Actes of the Apostels. Also before euery Pystel of S. Paul is a Prologue very frutefull to the Reder. And after the newe Testament foloweth the Epyetels of the olde Testament, &c. Newly printed (by Tho. Bertheletjin the Yere of our Lorde 1536, small narrow folio, or rather, a long Svo. as it measures only 8 inches by 4$ inches. "The first portion of the English Scriptures printed on English ground." Anderson. Collation.—Title, within a wood-cut border of boys in groups, and a small medallion on the reverse. An almanac for xxiii yeares, beginning with 1535. Prefixes, viz. Almanake, Kalender, W. T. to the Christen Reder, a Prologue into the foure Euangelystes with a table, the Offycc of all Estates, & the Bofces conteyned in the newe Testament, 14 lea vea. The folios run to ccv, then the table of the epistles and the gospels, after which ' These Thinges are added to fyll vp the Lefife withal),' &c. 4 leaves. The whole R r 5, in sizes. A full page contains 44 lines. It has no wood-cuts. A fine perfect copy ia in the Bodleian Library, and others, more or less Imperfect, are in the Public Lib. Cambridge, St. Paul's, the Baptist Coll. Bristol, and the library of Mr. Lenox. Mr. Stevens, in 1856, priced an imperfect copy at 80Í.
- The Newe Testament yet once agayne corrected by Willyam Tyndale: where vnto is added a necessary« Table : wherin easely and lightelye may be foude any etorye contayad in the foure Euange-
Üstes, and in the Actes of the Apostle* frynted in the yere of oure Lorde God. M. D. and xxxvi. 4to. Black Lett t к, with several wood-cuts, probably printed at Antwerp by Symon Cowke.' This
edition has all Tyndale's prologues : and, notwithstanding the table mentioned in the title page, has the syllabus of each chapter prefixed thereto, throughout the Evangelists and the Acts, but none to the Epistlefi. Gardner, July, 1854 (some ¡eaves mended), 371. Sotheby's, March L9,1862 (wanting 2 leaves and a few defective), 12/. (Jupies are in Balltol College, the Bodleian, the Public Lib. Cambridge, and in the collections of Mr. Francia Fry, and Mr. Lenox, of New York. Collation. — A, four leaves ; a to r, in eights, and s, six leaves; then a title page 'The epistles of the Apostle Saynct Paul ' and ' a prologe vpon the Epistle of Saynct Paul to the Romayns/ together seven leaves; then sign, t to z, and A to H, in eights; I has ten leaves, and f. containing the table, 8 leaves. Mr. Offor is of opinion, (having in his own possession the three editions printed in 1536,) that this was the first and favourite edition. It is the most correct and handsomely printed of the three, and is easily to be distinguished, by having the wood-cutter's mark А. В. К. ол the stone undf.r the fool of St. Paul, preceding the first chapter of Romans, and some other of his epistles. A minute description of the three impressions, with facsimiles of the distinguishing wood, cuts, is contaimd in Mr. Lea Wilson's Catal. pp. 151-5. See. Herbert's Ames, p. 1545, where a similar wood-cut is described. The small wood-cuts are copied from a Missale ad Usura Diócesis Leodiensis, printed at Paris by Francis Byrckmaii, in 1513. In this edition a line in the first epistle to the Corinthians, ch. xi. let. D, t!ti;> cup ia the newe testament in my bloude, is omitted, an omission which occurs in many subsequent editions which Mr. Offor supposes to have been copied from it. See Lea Wilson's Catalogue, p. 155 (No. 3). Stevens (perfect), 451.
- The Newe Testament, &c. 1535, 4to. This edition is like the preceding, both in typo and wood-cutH, size of page, number of lines, folios, catchwords, &c. In this the wood-cut of St. Paul prefixed to his epistles, instead of the woodcutter's mark on the stone, has the ßyure of a mole. The linn in Corinthians is also omitted. Some copies have the word Saynct spelt Sanyct on the title to the Epistles. A copy comprising only the Gospels, Acts, with title and Prologe of Tyndale to Epitstle to the Romans, sold at Sotheby's (Corrie), April 23, 186»,
Testament—English Versions
111. Copies are in the British Museum, in the Bodleian, Public Library, Cambridge, Baptist Coll. Bristol, and in the collections of Mr. Francis Fry, and Mr. Lenox, of New Yoik. Mr. Stevens valuesit at45/. See LeaWilson's Catalogue, p. 165 (No. 2).
' The newe Testament, &c. 1536, 4to. À similar reprint, distinguishable by the stone under the foot of St. Paul being blank, that is without either the woodcutter's mark or the mole. The error in Corinthians is supplied in Mr. Offor's copy; but in a copy of this edition in the possession of the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of Southwell, iu Nottinghamshire, the line is omitted. Copies are in the British Museum, St. Paul's, the Public Lib. Cambridge, in the Baptist College, Bristol, and in the collection of Mr. Francis Fry. Mr. Lenox has a perfect copy, with the cancel sheet containing the error in Corinthians, and also a reprint of the whole sheet without the error. See Lea Wilson's Catalogue, p. 152'(No. 1).
- The Newe Testament (1536). sm. Svo. Black Letter, with wood-cuts in the Revelation. A copy of this edition of Tyndale's New Testament is in the possession of Mr. Offor, wanting the titlepage. Tfte leaf in Corinthians, which contains the line referred to, omitted in the former editions of 1536, in 4to., is here reprinted in a different type, and the line inserted. Imperfect copies, also containing this reprinted leaf, are in the British Museum and St. Paul's Library. In this edition, the words are omitted in the first epistle of Peter, chap. u. ' vnto the kynge as vnto the chefe heed.'
- The Newe Testament yet once agayne corrected by Wylliam Tyndall, 1536, 12mo. Pickering, pt. ii. 3197, Mr. Lea "Wilson's copy, marked No. 8 in his catalogue, wanting title, Kalendar, Z l and 8, and all after 661, Ы. 5s. Also Mr. Lea Wilson's copy, marked No. 9, wanting Kalendar.office of all estates,and 7 leaves, 6Z.2s. 6d. Both these copies were bought by Mr. Stevens for Mr. Lenox. The following is the Collation of a copy in the Baptist Museum, Bristol, compared with a copy in Earl Spencer's collection. Title in black and red within a wood-cut border of 4 pieces, on the reverse an Almanac for xxi yeares, a Calendar, pp. 12, Office of all estates, pp. 2, Exhortación to the diligent studye of the Scripture, pp. 24, Wm. Tyndale unto the Christen reader, pp. 16: second Title in black, within a border, with the date 1536 on the reverse. The bokes conteyned, &c. St. Mark begins on F vi, Acts on U v reverse, Romans ou с v, Ephesians on
fc iv, Revelations on t vü reverse. Epistles out of the Old Testament, '24 leaves. The Prologue to the Romans is in the same type as the text, and is included in the regular course of signatures. The initials are plain except those at the be-
finning of each book. The first line of t. Matthew's text is printed in a different letter from all the rest of the book. There are wood-cuts in the Apocalypse, and some smaller ones before each Gospel and some of the Epistles. A full page contains 35 lines. Mr. Ames was of opinion that this edition was printed in London by Thos. Berthelet or John Gough. In Mr. Lea Wilson's Catalogue (pp. 145-51) three editions of this date are described, alike in all main points, but different in minute particulars. Among these may be mentioned that in the edition marked No. 1, the date on the second title is printed in black letter, in Ko. 2 it is printed in early Gothic, and 2 Cor. x. reads 'Let him that гз socke think on his wife,' instead of ' on this wise;' and iu No. 3 there is no date at all, and in error the running title over John, ch. 9, reads ' The Gosp. of S. Luke.' For other particulars see theCatal. pp. 146-151. (These three editions were purchased for Mr. Lenox, of New York.) Mr, Wilson regarded ' the Bristol copy as a fourth impression, and reckoned a ßfth, and perhaps a sixth, at St. Paul's.1 See also Dr. Cotton's List, 2nd. edit. pp. 13,14. There is a copy of this date in the Lambeth Library.
- The Newe Testament by W. Tyndale. (1536) 16mo. A fragment of this elegant und thick pocket volume of an edition smaller in size to all the preceding,printed in a foreign type, with handsome capital letters, unknown to all bibliographers, is in the possession of Mr. Offor. The contradictory marginal note in Ep. 1 John, c. 4, is omitted, with many others, and all the prologues. The line in Corinthians before alluded to, was omitted, but lias been supplied in the margin from a different, and probably English, fount of type. The folios are in lioman capitals —John's Gospel commences on the reverse of Clt, Komans on Cclx, and Hebrews on the reverse of cccxcu. A perfect copy would contain at least 450 leaves.
- The Newe Testament yet once agayne corrected. Wheare unto is added an exhortacio to the same of Erasmus Rot, with an Englysshe Kalendar, and a Table, necessary to fynde easly and lyghtely any story contayned in the fowre EVHngelistes, and in the Actes of the Apostles. (1бо6ог 1537), 16mo. The first tux words of the title are in red. On the
Testament—English Versions
reverse of the title beginn the Calendar in black and red ; with the Office of all estates, pp. 16. Exhortation, pp. 23. Willyam Tyndale unto the Christen reader, pp. 18. After the text, a Table,
1 &c. pp. 19. The leaves are not numbered ; the signatures run in eights, beginning at Erasmus' exhortación. A to N n iiii. A full page contains 86 lines. It has wood-cuts throughout. Dr. Cotton says,
1 " I judge it to be of foreign execution; and to have been printed from the 12mo. edition of 1536." A fine perfect copy is in the Douce Collection, Bodleian Library. Mr. Lea Wilson described an imperfect copy, No. 16 of bis Catalogue, as 32mo. under the date 1542, (see p. 2621). This copy is now in the Collection of Mr. Lenox. Stevens, Ш. 15s.
- The Newe Testament in Englyshe and Latyn, according to the Tranelacyon of doctour Erasmus of Roterodam ; set forthe vuder the kynges moste gracious ly' cence. Impr. by Rob. Redman, 1538, 4to. The text of this impression is that of Tyndale, copied from Matthew's Bible of 1537, and the controverted passage of St. John (1 Ep. ch. v. 7) is put within a parenthesis. Duke of Grafton, 57, mor. Щ. 10s. Pickering, pt. ii. 3198, title facsimile, and 3 sheets wanting, 3/. 2s. Cd. Bp. Daly, in 1858 (title and first sheet supplied from a smaller copy of the вате edition), 10Í. 10s. Copies are in the British Museum, St. Paul's, the Bodleian Library, Royal Institution, Exeter College, Balliol College, Earl Spencer's and Mr. Francis Fry'n Collections. Most of them are more or less imperfect. Mr. Lenox is the fortunate possessor of a very fine and perfect copy, which was priced by Mr. Stevens in 1855, at 170Ï. Collation.—The title, in red and black, is within a wood-cut, then follows an almanacke for 22 years, beginning 1539 ; a calendar, 6 leaves, and a second title in black only, 'The newe Testament in Englyshe & in Latin.Novum Testamentum Anglice et Latine, anno uni 1538.' Re vela ti on ends on fol. cclxxxxii, after which are the Pystles of the Olde Testament, 8 leaves, and tables, 4 leaves. With wood-cuts of the Evangelists ; on the last is the Colophon with the date. A full page contains 40 lines.
- The Newe Testament of our Sauioure Jesu Christ, newly and diligently translated in to Englysshe by Thomas Mathew, with Annotations in j* Mergent to helpe the Reader to the Vnderatayding of the Texte. Set forth with the Kynges moostfcratious Lycense. AnnoM.D.xxKviii 4to. This edition consists of fol. с. xxxi.
the title and table included. The title i< in a compartment used by P, Treveris to the Polychronycon, printed by faim for John Reynes, 1527. Some copies have wood-cats in the book of the Kevehttioa. while other copies are without them, the type being in all respects the same. Copies in which the cuts are introduced, are necessarily extended about 20 leaves. In Earl Spencer's Library, and a copy was in the Duke of Sussex's Library. A fine and perfect copy is in the Cathedral Library, Canterbury, without the woodeur«, and Mr. Lenox has a copy with the cut-:.
- The Newe testament, both Latine and Englyshe ech correspondent to the other after the vulgäre texte, commnnely called S. Jerome. Fayth fully translated by Myles Couerdale. Anna M.ccccc-xixviii. Printed in Southwarke by James Nicolson. Set forth, wyth the Kynges moost gracious licence. 4to. This is Nicolson's first edition of Cover/dale's New Testament, printed while Coverdale was in Paris, superintending the printing of the Great Bible, 1539. It was intended to be an adaptation of his edition of 1535, (which had been translated from the GreekJ, to the accompanying version in Latin. His intention is stated in 1Ш Dedication of the Paris edition in November of this same year, 1538, namely, " that the correcteur shulde follows the true copye of the latyn in anye wyse and kepe the true and right Englmhe of the same. And so doynge I was content to set my name to it." But upon obtaining a copy he complains that he found it did not agree with his former translation in English, and was not a true copy of the Latin text. This editioa was unknown to Lewis and others. In Heber's Catalogue it is said, " This is the first of the two editions printed in the same year, and the Edition of which Coverdale endeavoured to call in all the copies." Mr. Offor, upon an attentive reading of the two editions printed this year, one in the name of Coverdaie, the other of Jloltybu*!«; is satisfied that, though copied one from the other, they are distinct editions; and both of them very incorrect. In Matthew xxvi. letter c, 'before the cock synge, thou shall denye me thryse,' is corrected in the one by Hollybushe to ' before the cock do crowe/ &c. The singular translation in Romans xv. letter c, * lent I shulde buylde vppon another mane fundamente,' is the same in both. Fol. 22, last two lines. Mr. Francis Fry informe из that he has compared the copies in the British Museum with his own, and fiuds every leaf in the two editions differ. White Knights, 4198, morocco, Ы. 18s. Duke oí
Testament—English Versions
end, m ail в leaves), 12¿. Tenison, Jane, Grafton, 56, mor. 7/. Heber, pt. YÍÍÍ. title | läßl. 10° (wanting title-page), 25l. Aim-
and preliminary leaves MS. 42. Heber, pt. iriii. morocco, 34Í. 13s. Stevens, in 1855, fine and perfect, 84/. Bp. Daly, in 1853
ther copy, 101, a few -leaves wormed, and wanting title-page and 5 leaves, HZ. 15s. Stevens, perfect, 84Л Copies, more or less
(title and Almanac and Kalendar,2 leaves perfect, are in the Bodleian Library, TriMS.)»25¿. Perfect copies are in George nit7 Coll. Cambridge, and in Mr. Offer's IV. Library, British Museum, the Bodani* Mr. Francis Fry's Collections; and
leían, and in Mr. Francis Fry's and Mr. Lenox's Collections. Collation,—Title, re
others, imperfect, are in the British Museum and St. Paul's Library. Mr. Lenox
verse blank ; dedication to King Henry has a remarkably fine and perfect copy. VIII. signed * Myles Coverdale,'pp. 3 ; See Lewis'History of the English Transla' To the Reader,' pp. 3; An Almanack for tions of the Bible, pp.112—15; Dr. Cotxviii yeares and a Kalendar, pp. 4; Text, I tons Ust of Editions of the Bible, pp. fol. 1 (unnumbered) to 344. A Table to ! Mffi °r 2nd edition, p. 330 ; and Lea
finde the Epistles and Gospels, &c. pp.
, .
Wilson's Catal: (No. 14) pp. 157-8.
The -new Testament both in Latin and
rected by Myles Couerdale: and pryntet in Paris by Fraunces Regnault. M.cccco.xxxviii. in Nouembre. Printed
4, unnumbered. The Latin text is in the
Jloman character, as also the running —
titles and numbers of the chapters. A English after the vulgäre texte : which is full page contains 41 lines. This edition | red.in.the churche. Translated and coris distinguished from the next (Hollybusfie's) by the letter N in the word SancTum, at beginning of St. Matthew's Gos,
pel, being printed upside down. In Dr. for Richard Grafton and Edward WhitCotton's List of the various Editions of Church cytezens of London, 8vo. This is the Bible, is a copious description of the volume, and a few of the variations are given, but in his first edition he made several mi s s tatémente, which are corrected in his second. S« also Lea Wilson's Catal. (No. 13) pp. 156-7.
- The Newe testament' both in Latine and Englyshe eche correspondente to the other after the vulgäre texte, communely called S. Jeromes. Faythfullye translated by Johan Hollybushe (i.e. Miles Coverdale) Anno.Mccccc.xxxvin. Prynted in Southwarke by JamesNicolson. Set forth with the Kynge'e moost gracious lycence, 4to. This isNicolson'a Second edition of Coverdale's New Testament, and so closely resembles the first, that it is difficult to distinguish them without having them before you. Nothing is known of Hollybushe, whose name ap. pears on the title-page. It is probably
adopted b
a pseudonym adopted by the printer in
Coverdale's revised orauthorized edition, printed under his own eye at Paris. In this the errors of the former editions of this year, which are so severely complained of by Coverdale in his preface, are corrected, and the whole БО thoroughly revised that it may almost be considered a new translation. According to Fox, in bin Martyrology, it was printed at the expense of Bishop Bonner, and under the immediate care of the translator, and a few copies being eent as presents to the council and officers of state, gained Bonner, then Bishop of Hereford, the see of London, after which, on Dec. 17, the impression was seized at Paris and destroyed' by the Inquisition. White Knights, 4093, imperfect, morocco, Ы. 2s. 6d. Heber, pt. vi. morocco (the title, dedication, and leaf 195, slightly defective, supplied in facsimile), 21?. Gardner, July 1854, fine old red morocco, 82г. (This was Lea Wilson's copy, and is now in the
consequence of the complaints of Cover-! library of Lord Ashburnham.) Stevens,
dale against the inaccuracies of-the former edition. A great many corrections were made in this edition, both in the Latin and English texts, yet, from new blunders, it cannot be called on the whole any more accurate than the first. Collaiifm,—Title in black, Dedication,.3 pages. To the Reader, 3 pages. Almanac and Kalendar in red and black, two leaves. A to Vv vi, in eights, fol. 1 to 342, on reverse of which the Apocalypse ends. Table, &c. 2 leaves unpaged. In this, as well as the former edition, the numeration of the leaves is very incorrect. The number of lines in a page is the same, 41. Sotheby's, Nov. 25,1858, (cut close and wanting title,
1855, fine and pefect, 751. Pickering, pt. ii. 3200 (wa»ting 4 leaves), 71. 10s. Sotheby's, Aug. 22, 1857, morocco (title and 4 leaves facsimile), 19Î. Sotheby's (Corrie), Apr. 1863 (wanting title and last leaf of Almanac), 131. 5s. Copies are in the Lambeth, St. Paul's and Baptist Museum Libraries, Christ Church and All Souls' Colleges, Oxford, in St. John's College, Cambridge, (mostly imperfect), British Museum (title and first preliminary leaf facsimile), and Mr. Fry's Collection. Mr. Lenox has a perfect copy, and another, in beautiful condition, is in Mr. Offor'a Collection. Collation,—Fol. cclxxiv. not including Titlefand dedication to lord e
Dedication '* To the Iteder," and Table at ! Crcmwell, two leaves j an almanack fov
Testament—English Versions
xvii. yearea commencing 1530, and kalendar, 4 leaves. Tlie Table commences on the reverse of fol. cclxxiv. and is continued on the two following leaves. A full pa contains 49 lines. The Latin text is in Roman letter. There are no woodcuts excepting one on the first leaf of the text.
- The New Testament of oure Sauyour Jesu Christ. Faythully translated & lately correcte : wy th a true concordaunce in the margent, & many necessary annotacions, &c. Imprynted at Antwerpe by Matthew Crom. 1538,12mo. This is the first separate edition of Coverdale's Version of the New Testament, as given in his Bible of 1535. It contains Tyndale's prologues, is neatly printed in a small black letter type, with numerous well-executed wood-cuts, 48 lines in a full page, no folios, numerous marginal references, and a gloss at the end of each chapter. Collation.—Title, within anemblematical border, Almanack, Kalendar, and two prologues, * i—viii. The Testament, &c.. A to Z 6, and a to о viii. ; together 304 leaves. Duke of Sussex, lOf. 10s,, bought by Lord Ashburnham. Utterson, in 1852, (wanting titlepage, some of the preliminary leaves, and Beveral leaves facsimile), 6¿. 15s. Stevens, imperfect, 30Z. Copies are in the Baptist Library, Bristol; St. Paul's Cathedral; British Museum; GrenvilleCollection (the only perfect copy known); Christ Church, Oxford; York Minster; and in Mr. Francis Fry's and Mr. Lenox's Collections.
In the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society is a copy (imperfect) of this edition of the New Testament, and corresponding with the above collation, except that the imprint reads, ' Fynished in the yeare of oure Lorde мпхххтш/ See Catalogne of the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1857, p. 113. . -
- The Newe Testament. Faythfully translated and latly correcte by Myles Coverdale. With a true Concordaunce in the margent, and many necessary Annotaсуоп.ч after the Chapters, declarynge sondry harde Places conteynedin the Texte. Prynted in the Уеаге of our Lorde Mcccccxxxviii. 16mo. (in appearance small 24mo.). Set forth wytli the kynges license. Collation.—Tille in red and black. Searche the scripture in a label over the Newe Testament, -both within a wood-cut tablet. On the reverse an Almanae for 18 years. Calendar, pp. 12. To the reader, pp 2. Prologue, pp. d. The sum of St. Matthew's Gos.pel, pp. 4. The Text begins on signature Jvii.
The signature» run in eights, and are these : x J a—y, A—X [signature I is repeated, but the first extends to half a sheet only], A a—N n, the last of which ie not a complete sheet. There are woodcuts in the Revelations. The last leaf was wanting in the copies collated. A full page contains 37 lines. The translation agrees with Coverdale's 4to. and 8vo. of the same year. Tyndale's prologue to the Epistle to the Romans is inserted, but with some alterations and omissions. Copies (wanting the last leaf; are in Trinity Coll., Dublin, Public Library, and Emanuel College, Cambridge, British Museum (imperfect beginning aud end). See Ames' Typogr. Antiq. by Herbert, iii. 1549.
- The New Testamet, both in Latin and English, after the vulgäre text : which is red in the churche. Traslated and corrected by Myles Coverdale. Prynted by Richard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, 1539, 8vo. Dr. Cotton supposes this to be the Paris edition of 1538, with a reprinted title and dedication. Sec hia List, p. 16. Sotheby's, May, I860 (slightly damaged, and wanting many leave.O, 71. bought by Mr. Stevens, and returned because on collation it proved to be identical witli Coverdale'a Paris edition of 1538, excepting the title and dedication. A copy is in С. С. College Library, Oxford.
- The New Testament in Englysshe: after the Greke exemplar: Diiygently translated and corrected by Rycharde Taverner. M.d.xxxix. 4to. On the reverse of the title is an Almanac for 28 years. Calendar, pp. 6. A Table for the Evangelists, pp. 16. A Table for the Acts, pp. 6. The Text. Epistles of the Old Test, Tables. On the reverse of the last leaf ' Imprynted at London in Paules Church yearde at the sygne of the Mayden's heed, by Thomas Petyt for Thomas Herthelet, Prynter to the Kynges Grace, Cum. p. cl. i. s.' Printed in a bold black letter type, with a wood-cut at the commencement of each gospel, with signatures, but no pagination. A full page contains 34 linen (in eights). Duke of Sussex, 25Í. bought by Lord Ashburnuam. Copies are in the Bodleian Library and St. Paul's, and a copy, imperfect, is in Mr. Oftor's Collection.
- The New Testament in Englysche after the Greeke Exemplar; diligently translated and corrected by Rycharde Taverner, M.d.xxxix. Lond. by Thomas Petyt, for Thomas Berthelet, 12mo. The newTestament contains fol. cccv. At the .end are the epistles from the old Testament to fol. cccxix. ; then a table to lind
Testament—English Versions
the epistles and gospels after the use of Salisbury. 9 leaves unnumbered, on the last the printer's colophon. The volume lias marginal references; but no notes nor prologues, nor any wood-cuts. The running titles are in Roman letters. À full page contains 36 lines.
- The New Testament. Antwerpe by Л1' atthTyndale's prologues, with tlie exception of that to the Romans, are aleo to be found in this edition. The signatures (in eights) are A—Z, A a, ß b, * * * a—v, the laut leaf being v viii. St. Mark begins on P viii ; Acts on X ; Romans on a ; St. James on о ; Revelation on о vii. For л particular description of the volume, which, according to Mr. Offor, abounds with typographical errors, see Ames' Typogr. Antiq. by Herbert, in. 1649-50. Copies are in the Douce Collection, Bodleian Library (wanting title and last leaf of Calendar), St. Paul's Library (imperfect), Baptist Coll. Bristol, and in Mr. Francis Fry's Collection.
- The Newe Testament in Englyshe, translated after the Texte of Master Erasmus of Roterodame, in Anno M.D.xi,. Prynted by Rycliard Graf ton aud Edward "Whytchurche, 4to. Contains fol. ccxlii. besides the table to find the epistles and gospels after Salisbury use; by sign. H H 5. Probably it should have another leaf with a colophon. On the back of the title is an almanack for 19 years, beginning 1540, then tiie kalendar. It is entirely in black letter: i t has no prologues, heads of chapters, nor marginal notes, neither are there any cuts except that the initials are cut in wood. A full page contains 39 lines. In the Bodleian Library is a copy on yellow paper.
- The Newe Testament in Englishe accordynge to the translación of the greate Bible. Lond. in officina Richard i Graftoni, Anno M.iÍ.xl. Cum privilegio ad imprimerdtim solum, 12mo. Collation,— Title, in red and black, within a border, on the reverse the Almanake, followed by the Kaleudar, 4 leaves. The text begins ou fol. 1, a 1, and concludes on the reverse of fol. 395, wrongly numbered 393. Then a Table of 3 leaves ; on the recto of I> d vii it. the device of Grafton, the revenue and D d viii being blank. Together 404 leaves. A very neatly printed book. The only copy known is in the Grenville Collection, British Museum..
- The New Testament, Tyndale's (1542?) 32mo. The only perfect copy known ia in the Bodleian Library. An imperfect one was in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection, (erroneously described by him as 1536 or 1537, see p. 2618,) which is now in the possession of Mr. Lenox. Col' lation.—Title and Calendar : Exhortation to the studye of Scripture, pp. 23. Willyam Tyndale unto the Christen reader, pp. 18. S. Matthewwanting. S. Mark begins on К iii. Acts ou ce iii. Prologue to the Romans, pp. 39. Philemon begins on A A. Revelation ends on К К, reverse Here folow the Epystles, &c. pp. 25. Epistles of the Saynètes, pp. 9. Table, pp. 15. Epistles and Gospels of the Saynètes, pp. 4, A full page contains 36 lines. The whole .of the type is in black letter. There are many wood-cuts ard initial letters which are the same as those in a Flemish Bible printed by Van Loo at Antwerp in 1542, foli'o. Mr. Stevens says they are also the same as those in the French version, Anvers, chez Jehan Richard (1543), 12шо.
- The Newe Testamët in Englishe, accordyng to the translación of the greate Hyble. Londini, In officina Ricardi Graftoni, 1546.12mo. A fine copy is in the Baptist Library, Bristol. Collation. —Title in black and red within a compartment bearing the king's arms at the top and Grafton's cipher at the bottom; on the reverse an Almanac forxxv years. Calendar, pp. 6. Table of the Evangelists and Acts, pp. 22. Rehereall, pp. 2. The Text, a i, ending on R iii. Table to find the Epistles, &c. pp. 7, a blank page. On the last leaf the colophon.
- The New Testament in Englishe accordyng to the Translación of the great Byble. Lond. by Edward Whitchurche, 1547, sm. 8vo. Black letter, with woodcut initials.. A copy is in the collection of Mr. Offor, who conjectures that the edition was suppressed, as a portion of the first chapter of Revelations, about eleven verses, is omitted in the printing, viz. from ' I Jhon your brother, and cöpanion in tribuía-' to 'and the seueu golden candelstlckei.'
- The Newe Testament in Englishe and in Latin. Novum Testaraetitum Anglicé et Latine. Anno Dñi 1548-[in the colophon 1547], 4to. A reprint of Redman's edition of Tyndale's English and Erasmus' Latin Test., dititiiigiiisbable by having the head line in Roman type, the former being in black letter. Title, in a border, on the reverse, The boken contayned, &c. the Text, fol. ii—cclxxxxii Epistles of the Old Testament, pp. 16 (not numbered). The Table, &c. pp. 8. On the last, Thus endeth the дел**
Testament—English Tenions
- Testament, &c. Imprynted by Wylliani l'owell, &c. the yere of our Lorde Hcccccxlvii. God saue the kynge. With a wood-cut before each Gospel. The word not is uniformly spelt nat. The typographical errors are numerous, and often absurd. A full page of the English version contain 40 lines, and of the Latin 57. Williame, I549, with portrait of Erasmus Inserted, morocco, 91. Dr. Adam Clarke in 1833, 10!. 15s. Heber,pt. vii. (the colophon wanting) 6i. 10s. Gardner, July, 1454, 39Í. 10s. Pickering, pt. ii. 3205 (Lea Wilson'« copy, No. 17), 16г. 15s. Stevens, perfect, 45Ï. Copies are in St. Paul's Library, George IV.'s Library, the Grenville Collection, Mr. Fry's, and the British Museum. Mr. Lenox has a perfect copy. An imperfect one is in the Bodleian Library. See Lewis' History of the English Translation« of the liible, p. 155.
- The Newe Testament in Englyssh, according to the Translation of the great liyble. Lond. ex Offlcina Johann Herfordie, 1548, 24rao. On the back of the title is an Almanack for 15 yeares, beginning M.D.xlviii. The text ends on the recto of В b 3. At the end ' A table to find the Ep. and Gosp. vsually redde in yeChurche after Salysbury's Vse,' pp.11. The only copy known was in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection, No. 19, and is now in Mr. Lenox's Collection.
- The New Testament (154S), 24mo. Tyndalo's version. Black Lettee, long lines, without prologues or notes. The signatures beginning with Matthew a to i, A to Z, and A a in eights. Mark begins on the recto of g, Luke recto of k 7, Actes verso of rii, Romans recto of Dvii, Hebrews verso of S. Floriated capitals at the beginning of each book, with numerous small wood-cuts in the Gospels and Revelations. The running titles and heading of the tables are in the peculiar type of the notes to Oswen's New Testament, 1550, 4to. The Eputles and Gospels are according to the use of Salisbury. Stevens in 1855 (imperfect), 15!. 15s. Now in Mr. Lenox's Collection. Mr. Stevens believes this neat edition to be hitherto undescribed.
- The New Testament. Worcester by John Oswen, 1648, 4to. or folio. Tyndale's glosses or notes are in this edition for the first time printed separately at the end of the volume, and a copy of these notes, in a separate state, in 4to. is in St. Paul's Library. Both the 4to. and folio are quoted by Herbert, p. 1459. But Mr. Stevens doubts the existence of either, and thinks the 4to. шау have
limn confounded with Oswen't edition of
- The New Testament of onr Saviour Christ newly set forth after the best Copie of William Tindale's Translation, whereunto are added the Notes of Thomas Mathewe wyth other, healpynge . verie much to the Vnderstandyng« of the ; Text. Lond. by John Day and William Seres, 1548,16mo. The wood-cuts, 20 in number, and several of the ini tial letters are used in their Bible of 1549. A copy, I according to Dr. Cotton,is in Eton College Library. Pickering, pt.ii. 3207, Lea Wilson'« copy (imperfect), supposed to be of this edition (described in Mr. Lea. Wilson's Catalogue, p. 166), 3!. 10s. Mr. Stevens, who has paid much attention to this subject, doubts whether any edition bears the name of Day and Seres as early as!54S. New Testament. Lond. by J. Daye and W. Seres, 1548, 4to. In Dr. Cotton's List, p. 8, first edition, but in second edition he observes, ' I have never met with it.'
- The New Testamente by William Tindale, with the Annotations of Thomas Matthew. 1548, sm. 8vo. This edition (of which Mr. Offor has a copy wanting tlie title-page) is printed in black letter with wood-cuts. Thealmanackcommence» with the year 15Í9.
- New Testament by W. Tindale. Lonä. by Richard Jugge (1548), 24mo. The smaller editions by Jugge are similar to those in 4to., being sometimes printed without dates, and having the portrait of King Edward VI. on the title-page. Duke of Sussex, 50!.,bought by Lord Ashburnham. A copy i« in St. Paul's, of which the following is a collation.—Till« (wanting). Epistle (imperfect), Kalendar in red and black в leaves. St. Matthew begins on A 1. Revel, ends A A a 5, Epistles of Old Test., &c. end on B B b 6. Black LettÍ». The head lines Roman. 34 lines to a page without the head lines.
- The Newe Testament of oure Savyour Jesu Christ. Imprynted at Lond. by Richard Jugge, Mdxlviii. 16mo. The Title, with the Head of Christ in an oval, crowned with thorns, under which the text Rom. xv. 2. On the reverse of the title, Translated by Wyllyam Tyndale after the last copye corrected by his lyfe. At the end the Imprint. The Almanack for 20 years begins 1549. A page conta ins 35 lines, not including the head line; the page of print measures 3i by 2| in. A fine and perfect copy is in the library of the Earl of Ashburnham.
- The Newe Testament of the last translación. By Wylliam Tyndall with the Prologes and annotacions in the rnerget : also in the latter Ende followeth thr
Testament—English Versions
Epistles of the olde Testament. Imprinted by Wyllyam Tylle, 1549 [in tlio colophon 1548], small 4to. Collation. —Title, in red and black, within a border, Almanack and Kalendar, 4 leaves. W. Tyndall unto the Christen Reader, and Summe of the Gospels on sheet A, 6 leaves. The Text В to Z and A a to K n, in eights. The colophon, Imprinted at London, &c. by Wyllyam Tylle in the yeare of our Lord 1548. Followed by 2 leaves of Table. At the end of which, Jmprynted at London by Thomas Petet. Л. full page contains 3.'i lines, but often only 34. This edition omits the clause l Feter, ch. ii. " Unto the Купд аз unto the cTiefe hfad." Dr. Adam Clarke in 1833 (Dr. Farmer's copy), 26Í. 15s. 6d. Copies are in Lincoln Cathedral, the Orenville Collection, British Museum, Trinity Coll., Dublin, the Baptist Museum, Bristol, and in the Collections of Mi*. Francis Fry and Mr. Lenox. See also Lea Wilson's Catal. pp. 163-4, No. 18.
- The New Testament, translated with the Paraphrases of Ebasmus. 1548-9. fol. 2 vols. See p. 748.
- The New Testament after the Grelce (CraniEer'a Translation). Lond. for John t;awood (1549), 4to. A copy is in the Bodlei au Library.
- The Newe Testament (1549), ISmoTyndale's version. An imperfect copy, described in Mr. Lea Wilson's Catalogue, No. 2u, p. 166. Title and Kalender (wanting). Tyndall's prologue, pp. 9 ; on the reverse,'The bokes conteined in in the Neve Testamente,' in red ; the preposition ' in' is printed twice in error. The volume is not paged. The signatures are in twelves, the text begins on A 1. A small wood-cut of the Evangelist to Matthew and Mark, but only the initial letters to Luke and John. A wood-cut at the beginning of the Acts, and 21 cuts in the Revelation. Revelation ends on D d 1, followed on the reverse by 'These are the Epistles taken oute of the Olde Testament,' &c. pp. 6. On the reverse of D i i i i, »A table to fynde the Epistles and Gospels newly set forth by the Kynges commaimdement after the copye called the Seruyce boke, or communion,' &c, concluding with D d 12. The running titles, notes, contenta of chapters, marginal references, and prologues are all in the same type as the text, i The letter-press in the page measures Ц in. by 2^. Stevens in 1855 (imperfect), luí'. 10s. Now in Mr. Lenox's Collection.
- The New Testament of our Saviour Christ, newly set forth after the best Copy
of William Tyndale s Translation. Wliereunto are added the notes of Thomas Matthew, with others, helping very much to the Understanding of the Text. Loud. by Jhon Day, 1549, 12mo. This is pro. hably the first edition of the Now Testament published to accompany the Bible of this date.
- New Testament, wyth Annotacions in the Mergent, and Preface by W. Tyudale. Lond. J. Daye and W. 8е»-ея 1549, folio. (This, however, is a portion of the Bible.) Pickering, pt. ii. 3209, Я.10s.
- New Testament by W. Tynd&le. Loud, by William Seres,* 1549, 8vo. In Dr. Cotton's List, 2nd edit. p. 22. Mr. Stevens doubts if any edition appeared with W. Seres' name without that of Day.
- The New Testamente of our savyoure Christ set forth by Willyam Tyndale with ye nnnatacion of Thomas Mat.hew. Anno. M.D.xl и. y" xxiii daye of ñiay. Lond. by me William Copland, 12mo. Black letter, with wood.cutcapitals.Title in red and black, within a border, 1 leaf, Kalender, 7 leaves, the signatures run В to Y, A a to Y y, A A to ЕЕ, consisting of 395 leaves, not numbered, a full page containing 38 lines. The only perfect copy known is in the British Museum. An imperfect copy is in the Baptii-t Museum at Bristol, and another in Mr. Lenox's collection. Stevens, imperfect, 15/. 16s. Dr. Dibdin doubted the existence of this edition. The text and general arrangement of this edition were copied by Day and Seres, in 1551, in their cheap edition, forming a part of their Bible. These two editions read eoexactly that they are not unlikely to be used to make up each other. There are, however, minor differences in the woodcuts of the Day and Seres' volume, and in the initial letters.
- The Newe Testament Diligently trans, lated by Mylea Couerdale and conferred with the translación of Witlyam Tyndale, with the necessary Concordances trulyalleged. An. M.D.XLIX. Ii. Wolfe, 12mo. Coliation.—Title, in red and black, with the device of 'Kein Wolf/ on the reverse an Almanake for ix years. Calendar, jip. 16, a second title, on the reverse an Address. Prologue, pp. 5, я map, a rekeninge of the yeares, pp. 5, a godly prayer, &c. in all 32 preliminary pages. Text, A to Z 7. Map of St. Paul's Journey. Acts, A a to G g 6. Order of Tymes, 2 leaves. Romans to Revelations, A to Y iii. Table of Epistles, &c. pp. 7. The running titles and marginal referenées are in Roman letters ; the headings of the chapters and marginal notai
Testament—English Versions
in small black letter. With a few small wood-cuts, and floriated capitals. 31 lines to a full page. Stevens, wanting Y i and i i and last leaf of Table, 62/. 10s. No perfect copy known. A copy (imperfect) is In the British Museum, and another was in the Duke of Sussex's Collection. Mr. Lenox has a fine copy wanting 2 loaves in Revelation, and last leaf. See Lea Wilson's Oatal. No. 23.
- The Newe Testament of oure Saveour Jesus Christ, translated by M. Wil. Tyndall, yet once agayno (iic.) corrected with newe Annotacyons very necessary to better onderstondynge. Where vnto is added an exhortación to the same of Erasmus Rotero. with an Eugelshe Calender. And a Table, necessary to fynde easly, and lyghtly any story contained in the fowre Euangelistes, & in the Actes of the Apostles. M.ccccc.xlix. 12mo. Heber, pt.ii.6K. 9s. now in the Grenville Collection. Sotheby's, Feb. 28,1860 (wanting title and four leaves), 20Í. Stevens, perfect, 75Í. Copies are in Mr. Francis Fry's and Mr. Lenox's Collections. Couatim— Title,in red and black, in a wood-cut border, on the reverse begins the Calendar, pp. 12 ; the office of all estates, pp. 2. The bokes coteyned, &c. in red, the list in black, p. 1. Erasmus' Exhortación to studye Scripture, pp. 20. The Signaturen, beginning with \V. Tindale unto the Christian reader, are A—Z, a—z, А а—С с 6 ; the other signatures in eights, not paged. Revelation finishes on x 6, after which follow the Epistles of the Old Testament and the table, spelt Ta-Table, which comes on the reverse of B b 5. There are 21 wood-cuts in the Apocalypse only. There are altogether 308 leaves. A full page contains 35 lines. Leaves h l and li 8 of the second alphabet are reprinted in a type entirely different from the rest of the volume, being larger, and closely resembling that used by John Daye in his folio bible of 1549. Dr. Cotton observes, "It is likely that Day reprinted these leaves and likewise the date in the title, for I cannot think this edition to be яо late as 1549. The type resembles thatof Martin l'Empereur1» Antwerp edition of 1534, but is rather larger, and the book is more negligently composed, and the spelling is more faulty." In the Catalogue of the Grenville Collection it is said, "This edition was probably printed from the third of Tyndale, 1536, as,like that, itoinits the clause in 1 Peter, ch. 2, unto the kyng as the chiffe head. Jt differs much li-oui the preceding edition with the date of 1549 in the title page, and 1548 in the colophon. This
edition hae separate prologues to the Evangelists which are not in the other edition, and this has a small addition to the Epistles at the end, not in the other." Mr. Stevens thinks it was probably printed at Antwerp or Genera. The 'Table'at the end is according to the Salisbury use, which it is believed was never printed with the Testament after 1548. Mr. Offor informs us that the curious error in 2 Corinthians, letter B,**iei him that is soche thinke on his toyfe" instead of "on this wyse"which occurs in the 12mo. edition of 1536, is also found in this. See Dr. Cotton's List, 2nd edit. pp. 338-9, and Lea Wilson's Catalogue, pp. 170-1, No. 24. Mr. Stevens had a perfect copy marked 452.
- The Newe Testament in English and in Latin. Lond. W. Powell, 1549, 4to. The same as in 1547 and 8, but the Latin is printed with Koman type. Sotheby's, in June 1822, II. 18s. Pickering, pt. ii. wanting title and fol. viii. 9Í 12s. Gardner, July, 1854, title facsimile by Harris, 35Í. bought by Mr. Stevens for Mr. Lenox. Copies are in St. Paul's Library, the British Museum, the Public Library, Cambridge, the Bridgwater Collect!on( and in Mr. Francis Fry's and Mr. George Опог'н Collections. See Lea Wilson's Catalogue, p. 168, No. 28.
- The New Testament of our Sauiour Christ newly set forth after the best Copie of William Tindales Translation, whereunto are added the Notes of Thomas Mathewe wyth other, healpynge verie much to the Viiderstaiidynpe of the Text. Lond. by Jhon Day and Wyllyam Seres, 1550, em. 8vo. On the reverse of the title the arms of the Huchees of Suifolk. The prefixes are, an address from the printer, an almanack for 28 years, a kidendar, and on K i ' William Tindale vuto the Christian reader/ pp. 14f with nine lines on the fifteenth page; also the bokes conteyned in the newe Testament. On the reverse A prologue upon the Gospell of Saynte Maihew, with a wood-cut. The text hegins with С i ; St. Murk begins on I iv; l'n>li»gue to the Romans on li e ü ; Revelation »n A a v, reverse. Affixed are 'The lipistles taken out of the old testament accmxlynge as they be now read in the church»; A gatherynge of certayue h ardu w ordes in the new Testament, wyth theirexpocission made by M. Jhon Caliitn.' On the last page of which, Imprynted at London by John Day, dwelling mier Aldersgate, and Wyllyam Sfres, dwcllyng in Peter Colledge. These bokes are to he sold at the signe of the resurrección «t the lytle conduyte iu Chepeside, Anne м u L, the
Testament—English Versions
vi day of February. After this, (but sometimes placed at the beginning), 'A Table of the principal matters conteyned in this new Testament, gathered by J. C. (John Calvin),' 24 leaves. The whole of the book is in black letter. The figures of the four Evangelists are the same with those which appear in the editions of Matthew's Bible 1549 and 1551 ; and the plate of St. Matthew has the inscription round it. A full page lias 38 lines. A copy exactly similar is in Mr. Offor's Collection ; but the almanack is for 29 years (instead of 28), commencing in 1549. (This edition was prebably intended to form part of Day and Seres' edition of the Bible, 1549-51. See ante, p. 179.) Copies are in the British Museum and in Lincoln Coll. Library, and one (wanting title) was in Lea Wilson's Collection (see his Catal. No. 27, pp. 175-6), now in the possession of Mr. Lenox. Stevens, wanting title, Ш. 15s.
- The New Testament in Englishe after the Greeke Trâslation annexed wyth the Translation of Erasmus in Latin. Wherunto is added, a Kalendar, &c. Londini in Officina Thomaï Gualtier pro I. C. 1550, 8vo. Collation.—Title in red and black. On the reverse, An Almanackefor xxii yeares. J. C. unto the Christen reder, p. 1, reverse blank. An exhortación to the diligent studye of Scripture, pp. 9. The summe and contents of all holye scripture, etc. pp. 2, one p. blank. Kalendar 6 leaves. Text A to H h v in eights. Then the Epistles of the Old Testament, pp. 5, reverse blank. A table to fynde 'The Epistles and Gospels,' pp. 3, reverse of last leaf blank. Finishing with I i 2, all in eights. With Grafton and Whitchurch's mark on the woodcut border of the title. The Latin text is printed in Roman letter; there are no wood-cuts. This edition is commonly reported to be by Sir John Cheke, but this is questioned by Dr. Cotton. It is suggested by Mr. Pettigrew that J. C. might have been John Cawood, the printer. White Knights, 4094, mor. 3Z. Is. Resold, Heber, pt. vi. 71. 10s. Heber, pt. vii. 31. 5s. Hibbert, 5739, morocco, 4Í. 6s. Denyer, 10, 15Í. Pickering, pt. ii. 3216, SI. 10s., and 3218, 51. 10s. Sotheby's, Aug. 22, 1857, complete, morocco, 141. Stevens, 202. Copies are in the British Museum, the Grenville Collection, St. Paul's Library, Bodleian, the Baptist Library, Bristol, Mr. Francis Fry's and Mr. Lenox's Collections, and other libraries. Mr.Geo.OfforpOBsesees a very large copy. See Lewis' History <-f the English Translations of the Bible, t>p. 184-7. Dr. Cotton's List, 2nd edit. p.
340. Lea Wilson's Catalogue, p. 172, No. 25. Strype's Life of Sir John Cheke, edit 1821, p. 172.
- The New testament in Englishe, faythfully tiuslated accordyng to the texte of Erasmus ; permitted aud authorised by ye kings maiestie & his counsaile. Imprinted ad (sic.) Lond. in Flete strete, at the Signe of ye Rosegarland, by Wyllyam Copland for John Wuyly, 1550, sm. 8vo. The title red and black in a neat wood-cut border, on the reverse an Almanack for 28 years. The Kalendar, pp. 6. A Table for the foure Evangelists, wherein thou mayst lyghtly fynda any story, &c. (for St. Matthew), pp. 6. Here followeth the table of the (iospell of Saynct Marke (alsoof Luke, John and Acts), pp. 16. ' A compendious and brief rehersall of all the contentes of the itewe testament,' pp. 2. The text begins a I. The text, bead line, and marginal references all black letter; there are neat initials to the chapters, some being 9, some 6, and some 5 lines deep. The only copy known in England is in the possession of Mr. Francis Fry, to whom we are indebted for the above description.
- The Newe Testament, Diligently translated by Miles Coverdale, and conferred with the Translación of Willyam Tyndale. With the necessary Concordances truly alleged. Lond. by Reynolde Wolfe, 1550, 12mo. Title in black and red, in a wood-cut border, on the reverse an Almanac, Kalendar, &c. pp. 16. Text, A to Z, a to y viii, including 9 pages of Tables. There are several small wood-cuts. Heber, pt. viii. morocco, by Lewis, '¿01. Stevens, 52i. 10s. A copy is in Lambeth Library, and a copy was in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection, No. 28. Mr. Lenox, of New York, has a fine perfect copy. A particular description of this edition is given in Ames' Typog. Antiq. by Dibdin, iv. 13-15. See also Lewis' History of the English Translations of the Bible, 183-4, and Dr. Cotton's List, pp. 10 aud 92 ; or 2nd edition, p. 342,
- The Newe Testament, faythfully translated by Myles Coverdal, [Zurich] 1550, 18mo. Acopy is in the Briti-sh Museum. Durham University, (hitherto supposed to be of the date of 1527, and describes under this date at p. 2613) the Douce Collection, in the Bodleian, and an uncut one was in Mr, Lea Wilson's Collection, now in the possession of M r.Lenox of NewYovk. It consists of ccccxlvi fol. not including the title, one leaf; a calendar, six leaves ; a table, five leaves; 'What St. Matthew conteyneth/ three leaves. The margin Ьая references and very few
b P
Testament—English Versions
notes The translation agrees, rather with Tyudale's than either of Coverdale's. It has been proved that this volume was printed at Zurich by the fact of & copy being found in the public library of that town, bearing the imprint, 'Imprynted at Zurich by Christopher Froschovor in the yeare 1550.' A copy is in the Brit. Museum, presented by Speaker Onslow, which contains the preliminary leaves printed by John Daye, probably added after the copies had arrived in England. See Dr. Cotton's List, 2nd edit. p. 341, and Lea Wilson's Catal. (No. 26), pp. 173-5.
Nowe Testament. With the Notes and Expositions of the dark places therein. Worceter by John Oswen, 1550, 4to. Cranmer's Version. Title in black and red, on the reverse an Almannc for 25 years. Preliminary matter, 16 leaves. Text, A—Z, A a—X x, in eights ; the leaves are not numbered. Stevens, wanting the preliminary leaves, 52Ï. 10s. A copy is in Balliol College Library; one was Jn Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection,now in the possession of Mr. Lenox ; another is in Mr. Offer's Collection, and an imperfect copy is in Mr. Francis Fry's Collection. Specimens of the version will be found in Dr. Cotton's List of various Editions of the Bible, pp. 11,93, and 102-3.
- The New Testament by W. Tindale Lond. by Richard Jugge (1550), 24mo. Mentioned in Dibdin's Ames, v. IV. 244. An imperfect copy, with K. Edward VI11" nortrait on the title, occurs in the sale Catalogue of B. White, 1789 ; and a copy in a bookseller's catalogue (1832) was priced at 31. 3s.
- New Testament by Vf. Tindale. With Prologues. Loud, by J. Daye and W. Seres, 1551, 12mo. wood-cuts. A copy, according to Dr. Cotton, is in the Baptist Museum at Bristol. Sotheby's, July 12, 1855, (wanting title-page, first leaf of table and last leaf,, m. 8s. 6d. bought by Mr. Stevens, and found to be John Day's edition, 1549, see above.
- The Newe Testament, with certayne Notes folowynge the Chapters. Anno M.D.LI, sm. fol. A fine copy is in St. Paul's Library. Prefixed is a preface by W. Tyndale, and in the margin are scripture references, and at the end a table of matters. This is a part of John Day's folio Bible, 1551, see p. 179.
- The Newe Testament, with the Notes and Expositions of the dark Places therein. Worseter by John Oswen (1651), Svo. See Lewis'History, pp. 191-2,
- The Newe Testament of our Sauiour Jesu Christe. Faythfully translated out of the Greke. Wyth the Notes and expositions of the darke places therein. Lond. by Richarde Jugge (1552), 4to. Tyndale's version revised and handsomely printed in black letter, with woodcut embellishments, in one of which, Matthew, c, 13, the Devil is pictured with a wooden leg. In the title-page is л woodcat portrait of K. Edward, and at the back is ' The Copye of the byll assigned by the Kynges honorable counsel!, for the Anctorisinge of thla Testament.' This bill closes with the following words : " vpou dewe examination of his charges and expenses, we haue estimed that the price of twenty & two pens for euery boke in papers and vnbounde, is a reasonable & conueniet price for the вате accordinge. The whiche price we haue agreed vpon with the sayde Richard chargeing him not to excede nor transgresse the same. A t Grenewiche the x. of June. M D.Lij." White Knights, 4199, в!. 16s. 6d. lieber, pt, vii. (wanting the portrait), 61. 14s. Utterson in 1852, 1770, fine copy, 25i. Pickering, pt. ii. 3221 (title facsimile), 13!. 5s. Treherne, Dec. 1861, not having the bill authorizing the sale of the book on the reverse of the title (wanting Sig. A, N 5), 32Í. Collation.— Title, in red and black, 1 leaf. Dedication to Edward VI. (the three leading lines in black letter), 1 leaf; Calendar (with a black line round the pages), 6 leaves ; Almanacke for xxiiii yeares beginning 1552, 1 page ; A Table of the principal! matters, 11 pages; A perfecte supputation of the yeres, &c. [unto this present yeare of our Lord God 15521 1 leaf; An exhortation, 1 page ; LyfeofSt. Jlathew, with a wood-cut, 1 page ; in all, including title, 16 preliminary leaves. At the end of the Actes a Map of the Lande of promys. The gospel of St. Matthew begins on A i, and Revelations end on R iii, wrongly marked Kr ij. Epistles, Table and printer's device, осспру 9 pages. The last leaf of the book is U r vii. A full page contains 37 lines. In this edition the printer's imprint is under the device: there are wood-cuts occupying two-thirds of a page of St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, not found in the other edition ; and the running titles, notes, and marginal references are in Italics. See Lewis' History of the English Translations of the Bible, pp. 194-6, and Dr. Cotton's List, pp. 12 and 133-4. Copies are in St. Paul's, Lambeth, the Bodleian, thePepysian Library, Cambridge; Abp. Marsh's Library, Dublin ; George IV. Library, British Museum ; Grenville Collection (this has not the bill printed at the back of
Testament»—English Versions
¡ Imprinted at London by Rycharde Jugge, the title) ; Mr. Francis Fry's and Mr. i without date. The head lines are in Lenox's Collections, and other libraries. Italics, and marginal references in black A copy was in Mr. LeaWilnou's Collection. | letterA ful1 PaSe contains 34 lines, and Most of the editions printed by Jugée are ! u has fine wood-cuts. An edition supwithout date. The title, being ornamenti Posed to be hitherto undescribed. Copies ed with a portrait of Edward VI. neatly | are in MrGeorge Offer's and Mr. Lenox's
cut in wood, ia generally wanting, and is sometimes supplied by a title taken from the New Testament of the editions of the Bishops' Bible printed by him in 4to. This may account for other dates being given to the 4to. editions of Jugge's Testament.
- Tbe Newe Testament of oure Sauiotir
Collections, and one, wanting some leaves, is in Mr. Francis Fry's Collection.
The Nevve Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, Conferred diligently with the Greke, and best approued Translations. VVith the arguments, as wel before the chapters, as for euery Boke & Epistle, also diuersities of readings, and
Jesus ChristCj Faythfully translated oute ¡ moste proffitable annotations of all Larde of the Greke, &e. _London by Richarde : places : wherunto is added a copious
Jugge (1553), 4to. The second quarto edition printed by Jngge, It has the same " Copye of the byll," dedication, calendar (not having a black line round the pages), almanack for xviij yeares, 1553-70, table, a true and perfect reckenynge of the yeares, &o. with a wood-cut creation of Eve, exhortation, description of the land of promys, map on two blocks, and life
Table. Geneva by Conrad Badius, 1557, 12mo. Commonly called the first edition of the Genevan version, neatly printed in Roman and Italic types, and is the first in our language which contains the distinctions of verses by numerical figures. Mr. Lea Wilson says, " This is generally, though erroneously, called the ßrst edition of the Genevan Translation,
of St. Matthew, with a small wood-cut of ¡ though probably the first Englieh TestaSt. Matthew. In all, including title, 18 " '
preliminary leaves. At the end of the Actes is ' The carte Cosmographie of the Peregrination or Jorney of S. Paule,' and Revelation ends on Qq. (viij), on the reverse of which begin epiwtles, table, and printer's device, 9 pages. In this edition the printer's imprint, instead of being under his device, is at the end of the previous page, and the cuts are differently disposed ; the notes and references are in the old English letter, and not in Italics. White Knights, 4095, morocco, 4L Pickering, pt. ii. 3ü23, 9Z. 10s.f and 3224, (wanting last leaf), 8Í. 10s. Sotheby's,Aug. 8th, 1855 (wanting title and last leaf), 11.12s. Stevens (perfect), 52Í. 10s. Copies are in the British Museum, Bodleian, Lambeth, St. John's Coll. Cambridge, Grenville Collection, Balliol College Libraries, and in Mr. Francis Fry's, Mr. George Offer's, and Mr. Lenox's Collections. A copy was in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection. -See Lewis' History, p. 196.
- The Newe Testament of oure Sauior Jesus Christ. Loud, by Rycharde Jugge, n. d. (1552) 16mo. Title in black and red, with wood-cut portrait of Edward VI. in an ornamental oval, below the two lines, ' The Pearl/ &c., without any imprint. The reverse, Almanack for 17 years, beginning Í552. The copye of the byll, &c. dated at the bottom at Westmenster, xx of Oct. 155ü, l page. Epistle to the King, pp. 3. Kalendar, in red and black, pp. 6. Text, A i, in eights. Tables, pp. o, on reverse of last Jugge's device, a pelican, below which
ment printed at Geneva; but the translator was William Whittingham, and the version differs entirely from the Genevan which first appeared in 1560."— Lea Wilson's Catalogue^ p. 184. Dr. Cotton observes, that the translation differs from thatwhich three years afterwards was printed at the same place, together with the Old Testament. Williams, 1754, last leaf of the table wanting, russia, 18s. resold Dr. Bliss, HZ. Ils. Denyer, no. 5, Ш. 6s. Duke of Sussex, last leaf lithographed, 10Í. 10s., bought by Lord Ashburnham. Pickering, pt. ii. 3228, (last leaf facsimile), 61. 12s. Maskell, April, 1857, 113, (title facsimile and last leaf MS.), morocco, 10Í. 10s. Sotheby's, Aug. 22, 1857, (title and some leaves facsimile and 5 leaves wanting), 31, 3s. Mr. Stevens marks a fine perfect copy, 202. See Lewis'
t copy, ; Dr. C
otton's List, p
ist, pp. . H. T.
History, pp. 207-10 14, 93, 103-4 and 138; and the Rev. Todd's Vindication of our authorised Translation and Translators of the Bible, Appendix, no. 3. The volume consists of 455 leaves, not including the title (with wood-cut on it), one leaf; ' the epistle declaring that Christ istheendof the Lawe, by John Caluin,' 8 leaves; to the reader and argument, 3 leaves. Copies are in the Bodleian, Balliol Coll. Oxford, St. John's Coll., and the public library, Cambridge, British Museum (W, Herbert's copy), Lambeth, Earl Spencer's Libraries, and in Mr. George Offer's, Mr. Francis Fry's, and Mr. Lenox's Collections; anda copy ivas in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection. A fac-similé reprint of this Genevan
Testament—English Versions
edition of 1557, with the Marginal An notations and References, the initial and other wood-cuts, Prefaces and Indexes was printed, Lond. Bagster, n.d. (1842) small 8vo. 8s. Large Paper, small 4to Si. 3i. Title and Advertisement, 2 leaves Title, ' At Geneva, 1557,' Epistle to the Iieader,&c., 12 leaves ; text, leaves 1-430 tables, 431-455.
- The New Testament. Geneva, 1560 Ib'mo. Commonly called the second edi tion of the Genevan version, with shor marginal notes. This translation was made by several of the principal English Reformers, who had been driven to Geneva daring the persecutions in the reign of Q. Mary. A copy is in the Lambeth Library. The Genevan version ivas likewise printed with the so-called Breeches Bible this year by Bouland Hall, in 4to.
- The Newe Testament (1560), 4to. Tynilale's version, ending on the reverse of sig. li. 11, with " The ende of the newe Testament." Pickering, pt. ii. 3497, (wanting all before fo. viii.) 3/. 3s. bought by Mr. Stevens, and identified as Treveris's edition of 1538.
- The News Testament. Lond. by Rich. Harryson, 1561, 4to. Dr. Cotton says, " Harrison had a license to print this Testament in 1561, but we are not sure that he actually printed it."—List, 2nd edit. p. 32. This question, however, is now settled. Mr. Stevens possessed a copy, now in Mr. Lenox's Collection, with the name of Harrison, and the date 1561 in the colophon. The title-page and preliminary matter wanting, otherwise a fine and perfect copy. The only one known.
- The Newe Testament of our Saviour .Tesu Christ. Faythfully translated out of the Greke, and perused by commaundement of the Kynges Maiestie and his honourable counsel], and by them aucthcrised. With the Notes and Expositions of the darke Places therm, Lond by Richard Jugge (1561), 12mo. Black letter, with the portrait of K. Edward VI. in the title-page, and 19 woodcuts in the Revelations, and some before the Gospels and Acts (Tyndale's version). Title, black and red, reverse blank, preliminary matter 32 leaves, Text A i. to && iv. including Epistles, &c., pp. 6, and/fable, pp. 4. The colophon has these five words in Italics, Imprinted in London in Poule'a Church Yarde by Rychard Jugge, the rest of the book being entirely in black letter. Williams, 1755, 4Z. 14s. 6d. Duke of Sussex, morocco, 30Z. Pickering pt. ¡i. S4ÜS, wanting title and part of Kalendar, 31. 8s., and pt. iii. 36S9,
(title mended and some leaves wanting), 4Z. 4s. Copies are in All Souls' Coll. Oxford, St. John's College, Cambridge, the Lambeth Library, and in Mr. Francis Fry's and Mr. Lenox's Collections.
- The Newe Testament, &c. Lond. Richard Jugge [1561], 12mo. This edition closely resembles the preceding. It is distinguished, however, by the leading titles to the books and the first line of some of the arguments being in Roman or Italic letter, and by the colophon, which reads thus : Imprinted At LO Nrfon in Powles Churchyard by JBichard lugge
printer to The Queexks Maiestie
Cum friulegio Regia Ufaiestatis. A copy of this and of the preceding edition were in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection, and are now both in the Collection of Mr. Lenox, of New York. A minute collation is given of both of them in his Catalogue, pp. 185-6. Lowndes says. " There were two versions by Jugge published this year, the one Tyndale's, the other that of Coverdale. The latter may easily be distinguished having in the initial letter G to the Epistle to the Hebrews, the letters M. C." There is no other authority for this assertion.
- The Newe Testament of our Sauiour. Jesus Christ diligently ouerseene and 'aithfully translated out of the Greeke Jond. by Richard Watkins (1565), 4to. Slack letter, with wood-cut capitals. Title in red and black, an Almanacke for xvi. yeeres commences 1565. There are notes in the margin. The date 1600 is assigned to this edition in Herbert's Ames, p. 1029. It is quoted by Dr. Coton under both dates; see his List, pp. 33 and 55.
- The Newe Testament of our Sauiour Jesus Christe, faithfully translated out f the Greke, with the Notes and Eipoitions of the darke Places therin Lond y Kichard Jugge (1566), 4to. Black leter. A—Y, in eights, Aa to Qq 4 in ights (Cc and Qq are misprinted С and Q), with numerous woodcuts, including ne of K. Edward VI., on the title-page. ^ calendar commences with the date . The introductory part consists of itle, epistle to K. Edward VI., calendar, a able, a reckoning of the yeres and tyme, n exhortation to the diligent studie of he holy Scriptures, the description of the ande of promyse, and the lyfe of Saint ilatthewe. The same cuts are used in he Gospels, though differently placed s in the editions of 1552 and 1553, but hose in the Apocalypse are different, libbert, 5802, (with a testamentary episle at the end of the dedication from the Duke of Norfolk, written shortly before
Testament—English Veisiona
his execution, to William Dyx), 51 12s. 6d. Pickering, pt. ii. 3600, Ш. 15s. Up. Daly, in 1858 (wanting title, and some leaves mended), 41. 6s. This is one of the most common of the three 4to. editions by Jugge, and is readily distinguished by the heading of every page being in Roman letter, both the others being in Italic. Copies are in St. Paul's, and in Mr. Francis Fry's, and Mr. Lenox's Collections.
- New Testament. Geneva by lohn Crespin, 1568, 4to. Copies are in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum. Quaere, part of the Bible of this date, see p. 183.
- The Newe Testament. Lond. Jugge, [1569], 4to. the Bishops' version. Sotheby, May, I860, 562, (wanting 2 last leaves), 16s. Part of the Bible of this date, see p.
- The New Testament, [bond. Jugge, 1570], 24mo. The Bishops'" version. Not paged, the signatures, in eights, nm from A to R r 8. Mr. Lea Wilson, in describing his copy, says, " The type is the smallest black letter that I remember to have Been." This was sold (imperfect) at Pickering's sale for 21. 6s., and was bought for Mr. Lenox. There is also a copy in St. Paul's library.
- The Newe Testament of our Sauiour Jesus Christ. Lond. by Richard Jugge, 1573, 4to. Tyndale's version with Notes, &c. (This is part of Jugge's Bible of same date.)
- The New Testament: "London by Tho. Vautrollier for Chr. Barker, 1575, the Genevan version, 4to. or 8vo. according to Lowndes, but no doubt the 8vo. noticed below.
- The Newe Testament. Lond. 1575, by Christopher Barker, 12mo. The Genevan version. Title, on the reverse the Order of the Bookes, the Epistle of John Calvin, and the Argument, 7 leaves. Text, pp. 813. ТяЫе, &с. 21 leaves. Fine copy, in the British Museum, and Mr. Lenox possesses а сэру.
- The Newe. Testament. Lond. by T(ho). V(autroullier) for Christopher Barker, 1575,8vo. The Genevan version,as printed with the Old Testament in 1560, with some very slight alterations. But Calvin's Epistle and Whittingham's Preface are taken from the Genevan edition of 1557, as also are the Declaration and the Table at the end. Title, 1 leaf; Epistle by John Calvin, pp. 16; to the Keader, pp. 6; on the reverse of the last
the Argument of the Gospel, die. ; the Text, pp. 1-813 ; a Table, &c., pp. 814-853 Pickering, pt. ii. 3502. Mr. Lea Wilson's copy (wanting title page), 3L 7s. Copies are in Mr. Francis Fry's, Mr. George Offor's, and Mr. Lenox's Collections.
- The Newe Testament. Lond. [Vautroullier, 1575J, 12mo. The Bishops' version. On the title a woodcut of the Good Shepherd. The running title of St Matthew's Gospel is spelled Saint Matthaewe and Saint Matthtevve. The Notes in a Gothic type smaller than the text. A copy (wanting title and table at end) was in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection. Mr. Lenox possesses a copy with title, but imperfect. Mr. Pickering says, "The type is unlike any used by Vautrollier, and there is little doubt, as the Almanacke begins with 1562, that it proceeded from the press of Middleton in that year." Pickering, pt. ii. 3499, (imperfect), 21. lie.
- The New Testament (1575), 18mo. The Genevan Version. All in Roman letter. A copy is in St. Paul's Cathedral, wanting the title-page. It begins with an Almanack for 16 years, 1575-1590, 7 leaves, on last page of which ' The Use of the Epact,' &c. St. Matthew begins on the reverse of sign. A 2. Revel. ends on E E e 1, after which a Table ending on F F f 8, reverse blank. There are 35 lines on a page without the head line.
- New Testament, (the Bishops' Version!. Lond. by Richard Jugge, 1576, 4to. A copy on VELt.uM is in the Bodleian Library. Only a part of the Bible of this date. See p. 184.
- New Testament. Lond. by Richard Jugge, (1576), 18mo. The Bishops' Version, printed in an extremely small black letter, A to Rr in eights. In St. Paul's Library. This edition is entered under this date by Lowndes; but it has since been assigned to 1570, which see.
- The New, Testament translated ovt of Greeke by Theod. Beza. Whoreuntoare adjoined brief Summaries of Doctrine vpon the Euangelistes and Actes of the Apostles, together with the méthode of the Epistles of the Apostles by the said Theod. Beza i And also short Expositions on the Phrases and hard Places laken out of the large Annotations oí the foresaid Authour and Joach. Camerarius, by P. Loseler Villerius. Englished byL. Tomson. Lond. by Christopher Barkar (sic), 1576, sm. 8vo. First edition of Tomson's translation of Beza, which was afterwards very frequently annexed to the Genevan Old Testament. Dr. Cotton oh-
Testament—English Versions
serves that this edition differs from subsequent ones by Tomson. Title with a woodcut, on the reverse, the order of the books ; an Epistle to Walsingham, &c., pp. 12: Iteza's Address to Prince of Conde, pp. 29 ; to the Reader, pp. 2 ; description of the Holy Land and Map, pp. 2; the text, fol. 1-460, on the reverse of the las я wood-cut ; a table, &c., nnn to ooo 8 This edition, as well as that of 1577 finishes with the catchword A PEf which seems to imply that an add tional Table (A Perfect Supputation &c.) should follow; but as none of th subsequent editions contain it, it ha been thought that it was not printec Mr. Fry, however, has no doubt but tha it was printed, as it is found in the Ge nevan Bibles before this date. Sotheby' in June, 1822, II. 19s. Williams, 1756 ruled, red velvet, бг. 10s. Wilks, in 1847 no. 102, 30¡. Pickering, pt. ii. 3504 'slightly wormed), Ш. Copies are in Wadham Coll. Oxford, British Museum and in Sion College. See Lewis' History pp. 273-4. Dr. Cotton's List, pp. 19, 94 and 105; or second edition, p. 347. Lei Wilson's Catal. pp. 191-2, No. 39.
- The Newe Testament, translated ou of Greeke by Theod. Beza, &c. Re. vised by L. Thomson. Lond. by Christopher Barker, 1576, 8vo. Pickering, pt ii. 3505, Si. 10s., bought for Mr. Lenox.
- The Newe Testament, translated out ol Greeke by Theod. Beza. Englished by Ij. Thomson. Lond. Christopher Barkar (sic), 1577, 8vo. Pickering, pt. ii 3506,2(. 8s;
- Newe Testament. Lond. by R. Jugge 1577, 8vo. or small 4to. The Bishops' version. The title in a wood-cut border, at foot Jugge's device. The text, fols. 2 to 103, ending on the reverse. Then a leaf with the colophon, the reverse blank. Pickering, pt. ii. 3507, (one leaf mended), 2г. Ils. Mr. Lenox has a copy.
- The Newe Testament of our Lord lesvs Christ, translated outof Greeke by Theo. Beza and englished by L. T(omson). Whereunto is added a Kalender and a Table. Lond. by Christopher Barker, 1578,24mo. Printed in an extremely small type. The running titles in Roman capitals. Evans, May, 1829 (John Milner), with plates by Sadeler, Wierx, &c. inserted, morocco, Ы. 16s. 6d. Pickering, pt. ii. morocco, 3!. 3s. A copy was in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection, No. 42. Mr. Lenox has a perfect copy.
- The Newe Testament, &c. Lond. by Chr. Barker, 1579, 16mo. The Bishops' version. Copies are in the Libraries of thn Earl of Uridgwaterand Earl Spencer.
- The Newe Testament, &c. Lout!, by Chr.Barker, 1560, sm. 6vo. Beza'sversion, Kntilished by L. Thomson, with notes. This is one of the editions specially objected to in the Preface to the Rhemish translation of the New Testament, 158*2. j Copies are in the British Museum, and I Mr. Lenox's Collection. A copy was in Lea Wilson's Collection, No. 43.
- The Newe Testament, Sec. Lond. by Chr. Barker, 1680. 24mo. Beza's version. On yellow Tinted Paper. Duke of Sussex, 5г. 15s. 6d. Pickering, pt. ii. 35O9.5Л 12s. 6d. A copy is in Mr. Lenox's Collection. See Lea Wilson's Catalogue, No. 44.
- New Testament. Lond. by Chr. Barker, 1581,12mo. Beza's version. White Knights, 4096, morocco, IL 4s. Heber, pt. i. 1г. 19s.
- New Testament. Lond. by Chr. Barker, 1581, 12mo, The Bishops' version. A copy is in Mr. Lenox's Collection. See Lea Wilson's Catalogue, No. 46,
The Nevr Testament of lesvs Christ, translated faithfully into English out of the authentic Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred with the Greeke, and other editions in diners languages; Vvith Arguments of bookes and chapters, Annotations, and other necessarie Helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discoverie of ihe corrvptions of diners late translations, and for cleering the Controversies in Religion in these Daies : In the English College of Rhemes. Printed at Rhemes, by John Fogny, 1582, 4to. First edition of a translation from the Vulgate Latin by the Romanists (William Allen, Dr. Staileton, Gregory Martin, and Rich. Bris:ow—the notes were, written by Thomas Worthington), retaining many Eastern, Greek and Latin words, so that Fuller ¡alls it 'a translation which needed to >e translated;' and Fulke says, that ' by ill means they laboured to suppress theight of truth under one pretence or another.' Collation.— Title, on the reerse ' The Censure and Approbation,'
Testament—English Versions
13p. Daly in 1858, 11. 10s. Copies are in most of the public libraries, and principal private collections. See Lewis' History, pp. 277-8, Dr. Cotton's List, pp. 21, î)5, and 106, and also Home's Introduction to the Scriptures, vol. ii. pt. ii. p.78 In this latter will be found an account of the controversy and refutation of this version. See IÍulkeley, Edward.
- The New Testament. Lond. by Christopher Barker, 1582, 8vo. Beza's version.
- New Testament, Lond. by H. Bynneтяп, 1583, 4to. Mentioned in Dr. Cotton's List, but no copy seems to be known.
- New Testament. Lond. by Chr. Barleer, 1583, 12mo. Roman letter. In St. Paul's.
- New Testament, englished by L. Tomson. Lond. by Chr. Barker, 1583, 4to. With notes. The title with a neat border. The handsomest and best edition of Beza's version. Bindley,pt. iv.752, 12s. 6d. Pickering, pt. i i. 3515, morocco, 11. 12s. 6d. Bp. Daly, in 1858 (with Book of Psalms. J. Day, 1583), 15s. In the British Museum. Some copies were taken off on yellow stained paper. Copies are in Earl Spencer's Library and Mr. Fry's and Mr. Lenox's Collections.
- New Testament. Loud. Chr. Barker, 1584, 4to.
- New Testament. Lond. by Chr. Barker, 1586, 12mo. Beza's version, with notes. Pickering, pt. ii. 12s. In the British Museum, and Mr. Lenox's Collection.
- New Testament. Lond. by Chr. Barker, 1587, 4to. Beza's version.
- The New Testament, by W. Fulke, D.D. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1589, folio. The full title is thus: " The Text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the Papists of the traiterous seminario at Khemes, with arguments ol books, chapters and annotations pretending to discover tbe corruptions of divers franslations, and to cleare the controversies of those dayes. Thereunto is added the translation out of the original Greeke, commonly used in the Church of Englund, with a confutation of all such arguments, glosses, and annotations, as containe manifest impietie, treason and slander, against the Catholike Church of God, and the true teachers thereof, or the translations used in the Church of England, both by auctoritie of the Holy Scriptures and by the testimonie of the ancient fathers. By William Fulke,Doc-.
tor in divínitie." The two versions are printed in parallelcolumns, with extensive and valuable notes. The volume, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, with a copious preface, &c. consists of 496 folios and a table of controversies. Sotheby's, Aug. 11, 1856, 8s. Bliss, pt. i. 17e.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1589, 12mo.
- New Testament. Cambridge by John Legate (1589), 24mo. In Roman letter. A to T t, in eights, including title. A copy was in Mr. Lea Wilson's Collection, now in the possession of Mr. Lenox.
- New Testament. 1590, Svo. The Genevan version.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1591,12шо.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of C, Barker, 1593,48mo. Diamond type. Pickering, pt. ii. morocco, 31. In the British Museum, and in Ml. Lenox's Collection.
- New Testament, by L. Thomson. LoncL by the Deputies of U. Barker, 1593, 4to.
- New Testament. Lonu. by R. Barker, 1593, 24mo.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of C. Barker, 1594, 4to.
- New Testament. 1595, 8vo.
- New Testament, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza. Whereunto are adjoyned large expositions, &c. Englished by L. Tomson. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1596, 4to. Black Lktteb. Heber, pt. v. morocco ruled, 1Í. 10s. Pickering, pt ii. 3520, morocco, II. 7s,—According to Dr. Cotton's List, p. 26f another edition appeared at Geneva, 1596, folio.
- New Testament. Lond. hy the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1596, 12шо. Beza's version. In Mr. Lenox's Collection, wanting title* r
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker. 1696, 12mo. The bishops' version. Duke of Sussex, Ы~
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1597, 4to. Beza's version.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1597,12mo. Beza's version. Pickering, pt. ii. 15s. Now in VIr. Lenox's Collection.
- New Testament. Lond. hy John Windet for the Assignees of Richard Day, .598, 24mo. In Mr. Lenox's Collection.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1598,4to. The Genevan Version. BLACK LETTEB.
Testament—English Versions
- New Testament, bond, by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1598. 4to. The Genevan version, in Roman letter.
- The Newe Testament, bond. Ъу the Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1598 4Smo. Genevan version. In Mr. Lenox's Collection. Stevens, No. 358, Si. 18s. 6d
- New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1599, 4to. lîeza's version.
- Newe Testament [with Notes in the Margin. Lond. by Richard Watkins, 1600 4to.] See this edition described under the date 1565, p. 2628. Dr. Cotton says, " J have never seen this edition ; ont conceive that Herbert has assigned far too late a date for it." Dr. Cotton seems to have overlooked having quoted it under the date 1565 in both editions of his List.
- The New' Testament. Faithfully translated by the English College then resident in Rhemes, set forth the second time, by the said College now returned to Doway, with Addition of one new Table of Heretical Corruptions, the other Tables and Annotations somewhat augmented. Antwerp, by Daniel Vervliet, 1600, 4to. Pickering, pt. ii. 8528, with autograph of Sir William Stanley, 31. 10s. lip. Daly, in 1858, li. 5s. Tenison, June, 1S61, 11. 2s. A copy is in Mr. Lenox's Collection.
- The New Testament, lïhemish and the Bishops' Version, by W. Fulke. (Second edition), perused and enlarged in divers places by the Author's owne hand before his death. Lond. 1601, fol. Bindley, pt. i 1698, 14s. In Mr. Lenox's Collection.
- The New Testament. Lond. by the Deputies of Chr. Barker, 1602, 4to.
- The New Testament. With briefe Summaries and expositions. Lond. by Robert Barker, 1602, 8vo. Beza's version, by L. Tomson. Pickering, pt. ii. 3529, 11. 6s. Sotheby's, April 3,1856.16s. In Mr Lenox's Collection.
. New Testament. Dort, Ъу Isaac Canin, 1603, 12mo. The Genevan version by L. Tomson. Duke of Sussex, 9Í. Pickering pt. ii. russia, 21.10s. and pt. iii.2690, Si. 8s. The New Testament. Lond. by Simon Stafford, 1603,4to. Quoted in Dr. Cotton's List, but no copy seems to be known.
- The New Testament, with Notes. Lond. by the Assigns of 1Î. Barker, 1605, 12mo. Black Letter. A renrint of Jugge's edition of Tindale's Testament, with the portrait of Edward VI. in the title-page. A copy is in St. Paul's library.
- The New Testament. Lond. Rob. Ear ker, 1607, folio. Beza's version. Pickering, pt. iii. with Sternhold's Psalms, 5s.
- The New Testament, translated ont of the Greek, witli Notes and Expositions of the darke places therein. Lond. by R. Barker, 1608, 12mo. Black letter. In the British Museum,
- The New Testament. Lond. by R.
Barker, 1608,12mo. The Genevan version.
- New Testament. Lond. by R. Barker,
1609, 4to. The date at the end is 1610. The Genevan version by Laurence Tomson.
- The New Testament. With the Annotations of Jerome. Loud. Rob. Barker
1610, 8vo. Pickering, pt. ii. 3533, witli MS. notes by Hugh BroughtTM, il. 16s.
- New Testament. Genevan version, by L. Thomson. With the Annotations. Lond. byR. Barker, 1610, sm. 8vo. Pickering, pt. ii. 3532, 15s.
- New Testament. Edinb. Andró Hart, 1610, small 8vo. Beza's version. Black Letter, A to Yy, in eights. The only copy known, having two leaves supplied, is in the possession of Mr. D. Laing, of Edinburgh.
- The New Testament. Newly translated out of the original Greeke : and with former translations diligently compared and reuised. By his Maiesties speciall Commandement. Lond. by Robert Barker, 1611, I2mO. BLACK LETTER. The first edition of the Royal version. Pickering, pt. ii. 3534 (Lea Wilson's copy), 33Í. 15s. Bought for Mr. Lenox. The only copy known. Collation— Title, with wood-cut border, on the reverse in Roman letters The names and orders of the books. The Text, A to A a. There is a black line round each page ; the marginal references, in Roman letter, are divided by another line. See Mr. Lea Wilson's Catalogue, pp. 201, 2, where lie observes, " I have never seen another copy of the book."
- New Testament. Lond. by R. Barker. 1612,4to. Black Letter. In long lines. The title in a wood-cut border. Pickering, pt. ii. 3535, Ii. Is. In Mr. Lenox's Collection.
- The New Testament of our Sauiour lesus Christ. Faithfully translated out of the Greeke, with the Notes and expolitions of tlie darke places therein. Loud. Robert Barker, 1613, (the colophon 1614). sm. 8vo. The Bishops' version. Black Letter. Conation. — Title in red and ¡lack, within a border, reverse blank; Kalendar in red and black, pp. 12, An Almanacke for хяxii yeeres,' p. 1, reverse
Testament—English Versions
blank ; 'A Preface unto the New Testament/(sign. A), pp. 4, in Roman type ; * The pith or contents of the New Testament,' (sig. A 3), pp. 7, in black letter, on the reverse begins, ' By the Bookes of the new Testament, etc.* pp. 2, in black letter ; A tnie and perfect reckoning of the yeeres and times from Adam unto Ulirist, etc. pp. 2; The Order of the hookes, p. 1 : The Text in long lines with Notes in small Roman type, sign. A to N n l ; on the reverse begins The Epistles of the old Testament, and Tables ending on N 4, reverse with the colophon. Stevens, 15!. 15s, No other perfect copy known. Now belonging to Mr. Lenox.
- New Testament. Lond. by Robert Barker, 1613, 4to. The Genevan version, frequently reprinted by Barker and others. In Mr. Lenox's Collection.
- New Testament. Lond. by Robert Barker, 1613, 24mo. Genevan version, rickering, pt. ii. 3573, 1г. 7з. Large Papke. In Mr. Fry's and Mr. Lenox's Collections.
- New Testament. Lond. Rob. Barker, 1614, 16mo. The Bishops' version. See Lea Wilson's Catalogue, No. 60, wanting title. Mr. Stevens had a copy with the title bearing the date 1613,'now Mr. Lenox's.
- New Testament. Lond. Rob. Barker, 1616,12mo, Bishops' version.
- New Testament. Lond. by R. Barker, 1615,16mo. Beza'a version by L. Thomson.
- New Testament. Lond. Rob. Barker, 1616,18mo.
- New Testament. Lond. Rob. Barker, 1616, sm. 8vo. Beza's version. Pickering, pt. ii. with Psalms, 1623, 16s.
- The New Testament, translated out of the Vulgate Latin by the Papists of the traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes, with a Refutation by W. Fulke. Lond. John Bill, 1617, folio. Third edition, to which is added "a Defence of the sincere and true translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue, against the cavils of Gregory Martin ; also a breef Confutation of sundry cavils uttered by Papistsagainst William Fnlke." Pickering, pt. ii. 3542, II. 11s. Currer, July, 1862, 18s. —The same edition, with anotlierimprint, Lond. Thomas Adams, 1617, folio. Williams, 1814,mor. 31 16s., resold, Pickering, pt. ii. 3543, 41. Bought for Mr. Lenox. It is probable that Bill and Adams shared the work between them, eacli having his own name on the title. Best edition of a work which is entitled to a place in every critical library. It may be said, says Mr. Orme, to embody the whole Popish controversy respecting the Scriptures. This
edition should contain an elegant frontispiece with a full-length portrait of Fulke.
- New Testament. Lond. by Robert Barker, 1617, 12mo. Black Lkttek. Tho Bishops' version. Pickering, pt. ii. 14s.
- New Testament. Lond. Rob. Barker, 1618,12mo. The same as the preceding, only with a new title-page. Pickering, pt. ii. 17s.
- New Testament. Lond. by Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1618, 12mo. The Bishops' version.
- The New Testament, Rhemish, with Notes and a Confutation by Tho. Cartwright. 1618, folio. Sotheby's, April, 1857 (with autograph of Sir Ы. Wotton on title), 18s.
- New Testament. Lond. by Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1619, 24rao.
- New Testament, by Bonham Norton and John Bill. 1619, 16mo.
- New Testament, by Norton and Bill. Lond. 1621, 24mo.
- New Testament. Lond. Rob. Barker, 1621, 4to. The Rhemish version.
- New Testament. Faithfully translated into English out of the authentical Latin, with Annotations and other Helpes. (Third edition of the Rhemish version.) Antwerp by James Seldenslach, 1621, 18mo. pp. 285, Annotations, pp. 350. Sotheby's, June, 1861, morocco, 16s.—Again. 1630.
- New Testament. Lond. by Norton and Bill, 1622, 12mo. Black Lkttek, long lines. Authorized version.
- New Testament. Lond. by Norton and Bill, 1623, 12mo.
- New Testament. Lond. by Norton and Bill, 1625, 32mo. Roman letter.
- New Testament. Lond. B. Norton and J. Bill, 1626, narrow 24mo.
- New Testament. Camb. 1628,12mo.
- New Testament. Lond. by Norton and Bill, 1628, 24mo. Black Letter, long lines.
- New Testament. Newlie translated, &c. by Hin Majesties briecmll comandement. Edinb. by the heires of Andró Hart, 1628, sm. 8vo.
- New Testament. Lond. C. Barker and Assignes of J. Bill, 1630, 32mo. Roman letter.
- New Testament Lond. Rob. Barker and Assignes of John Bill, 1631, 4to. Black Letter, pp. 686.
- New Testament. Lond. Rob. Barker, 1631,12mo. In long lines.
- New Testament. Lond. by Rob. Barker, 1632, folio.
- The New Testament, &c. By the English College then resident in Rhemes. Fourth edition, enriched with Pictures. [Rouen.] By John Covstviicr, 1633, 4to,
Testament—English Versions
Sotheby's, April 3, 1S5G, 10s. TenisoD, June, 1861, U. 7«.
- New Testament. Lend. Bob. Barker, 1C33, 4to.
- New Testament. Lond. Bob. r.arker, 1G33, narrow 24шо. In the British 11 use um.
- New Testament, Rhemlsh and authorized English Versions, published by W. Fulke, D.D. Lond. 1633, folio, engraved title-page and portrait. (Fourth edition.) Stowe, It 5s.
- New Testament. Edinb. 1633, sm. 8vo. There were two edits, of the date of 1633, one ' printed by Robert Young,' the other by the ' Printers to the King's most excellent Hajestie.' The impression of the Utter is said to have been extremely limited, and some of the copies have plates, concerning which see a remarkable letter in Lord Halles* Memorials and Letters, ii. 42. A copy of this edition, with 79 plates, is in the British Museum.
- New Testament. Lond. by Robert Barker and by the Assignes of John Bill, 1633, 32mo.
Mew Testament. Lond. by Robert Barker, 1635, 12mo. Maskell, May, 1854 (with Book of Psalms, 2 vole, in 1), worked tapestry binding, '21. 3s.
- New Testament. Edinb. by Eobert Young, Cum priuilegio, 1636,32шо. This forms part of the Bible by the same printer with the date 1637.
- New Testament. R. Barker and Assignes of J. Bill, 1640, 24mo.
- New Testament newly translated out of the original Greek, &c. by his Majesty's special Command. Edinb. Rob.Young and Evan Tyler, 1642. 8vo. Bindley, pt. iii. 1329,13s. Constable, 58,19s. Pickering, pt. ii. ¡I. 5s.
- New Testament. Edinb. by James Brysou, and are to be sold at his shop at the Kirk style at yo signe of the golden angel. 1642,32mo. Pickering, pt. ii. 12s.
- New Testament. Edinb. by Evan Tyler, 1643, 32шо. Pickering, pt. ii. 2s. 6d.
- New Testament. Edinb. Evan Tyler, 1643,8vo. Black Letter. Constable,59, 13s. White Knights, 4097, morocco, 17s. Pickering, pt. ii. 3792,21. IBs. A copy is in the British Museum.
- New Testament. Load. Bob. Barker, 1646.12mo.
- The New Testament. Edinb. by Evan Tyler, 1647, 16mo. Printed in double columns, in a square size. Williams, 1815, interleaved with folio writing paper, and illustrated with numerous MS. notes by Dr. Morel!, morocco, 10i., now in tbe British Museum.
- New Testament. With. Marginal References. Amst. J. Canne, 1047, 12mo. Pickering, pt. ii. 3794, li.
- New Testament. Lond. by Thomas lirudenell and Robert White, 1648, 32mo. Pickering, pt. ii. 3795, 31. 3s.
- New Testament, &c., appointed to be read in Churches, Edinb. by Evan Tyler, 1648, sm.8To. double columns. In the British Museum.
- New Testament. Lond. R. Daniel 1653, 4to. Pickering, pt. ii. with the Psalms of David, и. 1658, in 1 vol. ruled, 31. 18s.
- New Testament, with a Paraphrase, &c. 1653, fol. See НАММОЯП, Н.
- New Testament in Shorthand, by Jeremiah Rich. Lond. (1659), 64mo.
- New Testament. Camb. J. Field, 1661, 8vo. Acts, vi. 3, reads ye may appoint, for we, and 1 Tim. iv. 16, thy doctniie for the.
- New Testament Camb. J. Field, 1662, 8vo.
- New Testament. Glasgow, 1670,12mo. Black Letteb.
- New Testament. Glasgow, by Robert Sanders, 1672, 12mo. Acts, vi. 3, reads " Whom ye may appoint."
- New Testament. Lond. by the Assigns of John lull and Chr. Barker, 1674, 12шо. Acts, vi. 3, " Whom ye may appoint" Pickering, pt. ii. 13s.
- New Testament. Edinb. by Andrew Anderson and his Partners, 1675,12mo.
- New Testament. Lond. Bill and Barker, 1676, 12mo. Sotheby's, April, 1863, ruled with red lines, morocco, 7s.
'New Testament. Oxford, 1679, 8vo.
- New Testament. No place or printer's name, 1679,12mo.
- New Testament. Camb. John Hayes, 1680, 4to.
- New Testament. Lond. Bill, Newcomb and Hills, 1680, 8vo.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Assigns of John Bill, and by H. Hills and T. Newcomb, 1683, 8vo.—Mi, 1686.
- New Testament. A mst, by the Widow of Steven Swart, 1684, 12mo. See New Testament in Dutch.
- New Testament. Glasgow, 1686,12mo.
- New Testament. Glasgow, by Robert Sanders, 1691,12mo. Black Letter. Acts, vi. 3, " Whom ye may appoint"
- New Testament. Loud. T. Newcomb, 1691, sm. 8vo.
- New Testament. Lond. C.Bill, 1696, 8vo.
- New Testament. Oxford, by the University Printers, 1699, 24mo.
- New Testament. With a version iu Dutch. Amst. by de Weduwe van Steven Swart, 1700, 12mo.,
Testament-English Versions
- New Testament. With a version in French. Amst. by de Weduwe van Steven Swart, 1700,12mo.
Now Testament, in Shorthand, by Jer. Rich. 20th impression. Lond. (1700), 32mo. with a portrait of Rich.
- New Testament. Oxford, 1706, 4to. The New Testament, Paraphrase on, 1706. See Whitby, Daniel.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Assigns of T. Newcomh and H. Hills, 1712, 24mo. The New Testament newly translated out of the Latin Vulgate, &c. with Annotations and marginal Notes by C(ornelius) N(ary) C(onsultiesimse) r(acuHatis) P(arisiensis) D(octor). (Dublin) 1718 or 1719, 8vo. Pickering, pt. ii. 9s. A full account of this version will be found in Lewis' History, 366-63. Labob Papeb. The New Testament, with moral Reflections upon every Verse, in Order to make the Reading of it more profitable, and the Meditation more easy. Written in French by Father Quesnel, and now translated into English by Richard Eusnel. Lond. 1719-25, 8vo. 4 vols. Sotheuy's in 1821,2i. 5s. ; Sotheby's in 1823, 31. lía. Tierney, Dec. 1862, 10s. 6d. See Quesnel, Pasquier.
- New Testament. Lond. J. Basket, 1728, 8vo. and 12mo.
- The New Testament, with References under the Text in Words at length, so that the Parallel Passages may be seen at one View, by the Rev. Francis Fox, M. A. Lond. 1722, 8vo. 2 vols. [A useful publication, but superseded by ' Scientia Biblica,' 1825, 8vo. 3 vols.] Sotheby's in 1822, 11. lie.—Second edition, 1742, 8vo. 2 vols. Gösset, 625,1!. Is.
- New Testament. Edinh. printed by Mr. Thomas Ruddiman, 1725,12mo.
- New Testament. Lond. by the Assigns of Henry Hills, 1729,8vo.
- The New Testament, translated from the Latin Vulgate, with Annotations by K W(etham) D(uacensis) D(octor). (Downy) 1730 8vo. 2 vols. " It treats professedly of Heresies. The notes are often very diffuse and declamatory neainst Protestant versions, expositors and commentators."—Dr. Cotton. Pickering, nt. ii. 13s. Tierney, Dec. 1862,14s.— With new titles, 1733, and again in 17*0. See Lewis' History, pp. 373-4.
- The New Testament, according to the antient Latin Edition, with critical Remarks «pon the literal Meaning in difficult Places. From the French of Father Simon, by W. Webster. Lond. 1730, 4to 2 vols. Simon's translation, Camphell says, is a good one ; but it will not bear to be tried by his own rules and
maxims. Sotheby's, in 1823,15s. Pickering pt. ii. 10s. 6d. See Lewis' History, pp. 373-4.
- The New Testament, translated out of the Latin Vulgat by John Wiclif, S. T. P. about 1378 : to which is prœfixt a History of the Translations of the H. Bible and N. Testament, &c. into English, both in MS. and Print, and of the most remarkable Editions of them since the Invention of Printing, by John Lewis, M.A. Lond. 1731, folio. One hundred and fifty copies printed, with mezzotinto portrait of Lewis by White, a portrait of WycliO and frontispiece of Cranmer's Bible. Hibbert, 6877, 15s. Dent, pt. ii. 1416, with proof impressions of the portraits, russia, 2¡. 3s. Hollis, 1338. 2;. 5s. Heber, pt. ii. interleaved with MS. additions by Lewis, and some notes by Sir Peter Thompson, with proof portrait, 10Í. 10s. Loscombe in 1854, 17s. Mitford, April, 1860, 13s. Bliss, pt. i. (with a Letter to Mr. Nath. Matthew Cooper prefixed), 16s. —Lond. 1810, 4to. pub. at 1Í. Is. Edited by the Rev. Henry Hervey Baber, M.A., who has prefixed a valuable memoir of the life, opinions, and writings of Dr. Wiclif, as also an historical account of the Saxon and English versions of the Scriptures, previous to the opening of the fifth century. Laboe Papeb in royal 4to. II. Ils. 6d.
- The New Testament, with Notes extracted from the Writings of Grotius, Hammond, &o. by J. Lindsay. Lond. 1736, folio.
- New Testament, translated in the English College at Khemes. n. p. Permissu Superiornm, 1738, folio, frontispiece and cuts of the Evangelists, by Van der Glicht. Fifth edit, but the first in folio. Pickering, pt. iii. 2704, 6s. 6d, Bp. Daly in 1858,11.
- New Testament, with critical and explanatory Annotations, compiled from the Writings of Grotins, Lightfoot, Poole, Calmet, Locke, Burkitt, &c. by D. Humphreys. 1739, folio, with plates, 15s.
- New Testament. Lond. by Mark Baskett, printer to the King, 1742, 12mo.
The Primitive New Testament [in four Parts, translated, with a few Notes by William Whiston]. Stamford and Lond. 1745 8vo. Williams, 1873, 1!. 9s. Hibbert, 8497, rnssia, 4Í. 14s. 6d. The first part viz the Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, are ' according to the Greek part of the MS. of Beza, the imperfections of which are supplied from the Vulgar Latin ;' the second part, viz. the xiv. Epistles of Paul, is ' according to the Greek of the Clermont MS.;' the third and fourth parts, containing the seven Catholic Epistles and the Revelation of John, are 'all according to the Greek
Testament—English Versions
Alexandrian MS. according to the collations in Dr. Mills, corrected.' Prefixed to the volume is a harmony ' of the Resurrection of Jesua Christ, according to Beza's double copy of the Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles.'
- New Testament, (authorized version). Leipzig, printed for John Grosse's Heir, 1746, Svo.
- New Testament, translated by John Heylyn, D.D. 1749-61, 4to. 2 vols. Published under the title of Theological Lectures at Westminster Abbey. Vol. i. contains, the Four Gospels, pp. 1 to 370 ; Select Discourses on the principal points of revealed religion, pp. 1 to 154. Vol. ii. the Acts and Epistles, pp. 1 to 2S4; Select Discourses, pp. 265 to 423.
- New Testament. Rhemish version. Edited by Dr. Challoner. n. p. 1749, 12mo. Sotheby's, May, 1834,11s.—Second edition, n. p. 1750, 12mo.—Third edition, 1752, 12mo.—Fourth edition, 1764,12mo. —Fifth edition, 1772, 12mo.
- New Testament. Oxford, T. Baskett, 1750,12mo.
- New Testament. Lond. T. Baskett, 1751, 8vo.—1753, 8vo.
- New Testament, published by the English College of Khemes. Newly revised with Annotations. Lond. 1752,8vo. avols. Bliss, pt. i. 6s. 6d.
- New Testament, with Explanatory Notes, by John Wesley, bond. W. Bowyer, 1755, 4to. portrait. For other editions, see Wesley, John.
- New Testament. Divers Parts of the Holy Scriptures done into English chiefly from Dr. J. Mills' Greek copy. With Notes and Maps. Lonrt. for T. Piety, at the Hose and Croun, Pater-Noster-Kow, 1761. sm. 8vo.
- New Testament. Oxford, M. Baekett, 17K3, Svo.
- The New Testament, carefully collated with the Greek and Corrected; divided and pointed according to the various Subjects treated of by the inspired Writers, with the common Division into Chapters and Verses in the Margin ; and illustrated with Notes critical and explanatory, by Richard Wynne, A.M. Lond 1764, 8vo. 2 vols. Gösset, 528, 6s. 6d. Gough,3512, 9s. 6d. Pickering, pt. ii. uncut, 11. 11s. The chief value of this translation (which is mostly Doddridge's, and so are many of the notes) is in the improved division of the contents of the New Testament ; in which the author chietly follows Bengelius.
- The New Family Testament, contain, ing the Sacred Text, with Notes from the best Authors, &c. By an eminent Divine of the Church of England. Birmingham, 1765, 8vo.
- New Testament. A Xew Transition, extracted from the Paraphrase of Philip Doddridge, D D. Lond. J. Kiviogtou, 1765,12mo. 2 vols. Gösset, 527, 6s. Si.
The Family Testament and Scholar's Assistant, with a Preface by the liev. J. Brown. Lond. 1766, 12mo.—1794.
- The New Testament, formed into a regular History, fice., wherein the Words of the Evangelists are disposed in order of time. Lond. 1767, 12mo.
A liberal Translation of tlie New Testament, with select notes, critical and explanatory, by E. Harwood. Lond. 176S, 8vo. 2 vols. Gösset, 528, 10s. Of this translation, done by an Arian dissenting minister, Mr. Orme observes, 'Asa translation it is verbose, affected, and, in fact. more the New Testament of Dr. Harwood than of the Apostles.' According to DrJohnson's biographer, Boswell, it is ' * fantastical translation, iu modern phrase, with a Socinian twist.'
- New Testament. Lond. J. Baskett, 1769,8vo. v
- The New Testament with devotional Reflections, by John Gillies, D.D. Lond. 1769, 8vo.—Secpnd edition, with a Memoir by J. Nicol, Lond. 1810. 8vo. 2 vols. 9s. This work, says Mr. Orme, corresponds most faithfully with its title.
- The New Testament, or New Covenant of onr Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated from the Greek, according to the present Idiom of the English tongue, with Notes and References, by Mr. Johu Worsley, of Hertford. Lond. 1770, Svo. Gösset, 529, 4s. Pickering, pt. ii. 8s.
- The New Testament, with Explanations by J. Ashton. Lond. 1772, Svo.
- New Testament.translated out of the Latin Vulgate, newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures, with Annotations, &c. Lond. 1772, 8vo.
- New Testament, with Notes by A. Bayly. Lond. 1774, 8vo.
- New Testament. Oxford, 1774, 12mo.
- New Testament, with Notes. Lond. J. W. Pasham, 1776, 12mo. Pickering, pt. iii. ten copies quires, 2s. 6d.
- New Testament. Camb. 1777, 12mo. —1782.—1786.
- New Testament. Rhemish edition. Edited by M'Mahon. Dublin, 1783, 12mo.
- The New Testament, translated in the English College of Rhemes. Sixth edition, Liverpool, 178S, folio.—With a New title, 1789.
A New Translation of those parts only of the New Testament which are wrongly translated in our common version, by Gilbert Wakefield, B.A. Lond. 1789, 8vo. pp. HI, 2s. 6d.
Testament—English Versions
- New Testament, with an Analysis of I the several Books and Chapters, by John Wesley, A.M. Lond. 1790,12mo.
A Translation of the New Testament Ъу Gilbert Wakefield, B.A., late fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. Lond. 1791, 8vo. 3 vols. Gösset, 531, 8s. ed.—Second Kdition, with Improvements, Lond. 1795, 8vo. 2 vols.—From the second London edition, Cambridge, U. S., 1820, royal 8vo. in 1 vol.
- New Testament (authorized version). With short Notes. Lond. Darton and Harvey, 1792, 8vo. This edition was suppressed in consequence of the notes being only evasive of the patent. They occur, Matth. ch. 10,19, 25 and 27 ; Mark, ch. 11 ; Luke, ch. 3, 13 and 21 ; John, ch. 9 and 21 ; Acts, 13 ; Romans, 1 ; 1 Cor. ch. 1; 2 Cor. ch.9; Thess. ch, 3; James, ch. 5 ; and llev. ch. 3.
- New Testament. Rhemish edition, n. p. 1792, 12mo.
A Translation of the New Testament, from the original Greek, by the Hev. Thomas Haweis. Lond. 1796, 8vo. Gösset, 533, 5s. Mr. Orme observes, ' This work contains some good renderings, and others which ave not only mistaken, but ludicrous.'
- The New Covenant of Jesus Christ. 1796. See Newcome , William.
The Pronouncing Testament, on an original plan. With notes by W. Brown. Edinb. 1796, 8vo.
- New Testament. Rhemish edition. Edited by Dr. Challoner. Edinb. J. Moil-, 1797, 12mo.
A Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek, by Nathaniel Scarlett, assisted by Men of piety and literature, with Notes. Lond. 1798, 12mo. 4s. This version is executed in conformity with the tenets of the Universalists. Ïine Paper, 6s. Bindley, pt. iii. 1271, morocco, 13s.
The Family and School New Testament, with Notes. Lond. (1800), 8vo.
- New Testament. With explanatory Notes. Nottingham, 1801,12mo.
- New Testament (not divided into chapters and verses). Lond. Reeves, 1802, royal 8vo. Pine Paper.
- New Testament. Rhemish version. Seventh edition (second edition of M'Mahon). Dublin, 1803, 12mo.
- New Testament. Rhemish version. Dr. Challoner's edition. Edinb. J. Moir, 1804,12mo.
- The New Testament, with Observations by W. Burkitt, abridged by Dr. Glasse. Loud. 1806, 4to. 2 vols. II. 10s.
- New Testament. Edinb. Sir D. HBlair, 1806, 8vo.
- The New Testament ; or the New Covenant according to Luke, Paul and John. Published in conformity to the plan of the Rev, J. Evanson. Lond. J. Johnson, 1807, 8vo.
- The New Testament in an improved Version, upon the Basis of Abp. Newcome's new Translation, with a corrected Text, and Notes critical and explanatory, &c. &c. &c. Lond. 1808, 8vo. The merits and demerits of this Socinian or Unitarian version, generally attributed to Mr. Belsham, have been ably discussed by Drs. Nares, Laurence, and Magee, Mr. Rennell, and the British, Eclectic, and Quarterly Reviews. Gösset, 535, 7s.
ЬАВОЕ PAPER. Hollis, 1361, 12S. Home
Tooke, 679, lös. 6d. An edition also appeared in 12mo. without tlie notes.—Fifth edition, Lond. 1819, 12mo.
- The New Testament, in an improved version. (Unitarian.) From the London edition. Boston, U. S. 1809, 8vo.
- New Testament. Camb. (1810), 12mo. stereotyped.
- The New Testament. First published at Rhemes. With Annotations. Eighth edition (third by M'Mahon), Dublin, 1810, 12mo. Two editions, one published by H. Fitzpatrick, the other by P. Wogan.
- New Testament, Rhemes edition, by Dr. Challoner. Dublin, 1811, 12mo.— Again, 1814. — 1826. — 1834. — Belfast, 1817.—Again, 1825, 8vo.
- The New Testament first published by the English College at liheims, A.D. 1582, translated from the Latin Vulgate : diligently compared with the original Text, and other Editions in divers Languages, with useful Notes, critical, historical, controversial and explanatory, selected irom the most eminent Commentators and the most able and judicious Critics. Manchester, 1812, fol.
- The New Testaineut, a modern, close, and literal Translation, with Notes. By the Author of the Christian Code, &c. (W. Williams). Lond. J. Stockdale, 1812, 4to.
- New Testament, Rhemish version, edited by Kev. Mr. Worawick. Newcastle, 1812, limo.
- New Testament. Published by the Roman Catholic Bible Society. Lond. 1816, 8vo. and 12mo.
- New Testament. Rhemish version (begun to be published in numbers. Qneere if ever completed?). Lond. W.E. Andrews, 1816, 4to.
- New Testament. Rhemish version, with select Notes. Manchester, 1816,
- New Testament. Lond. Eyre and Strahan, 1816. 48mo. Printed on India Paper. Sotheby's, May, I860, 309, 2(. 6s. Testament—Englieh Versions.
Tho New Testament translated from the Greek; and the Four Gospels arranged in Harmony, with some preliminary Observations and Notes critical and explanatory, by William Thomson, A.M. Kilmarnock, 1816, 8vo. 3 vols. A work of little merit.
A New Testament, on an original Plan, with an entire Page of marginal References corresponding with each page of the text, bond. Bagster, 1817,12mo. 10s.
- The New Testament, translated by Dr. G. Campbell, Dr. P. Doddridge, and Dr. J. Macknight. bond. 1818, 12mo.
- The New Testament, translated out of the Latin Vulgate. Edited by M. Sid. ney, and carefully revised by the Rev. K. Horrabin. Lond. by P. and F. Hack, 1818, small 8vo.
- New Testament. Rhemish version, edited by Dr. Poynter. Lond. Keating, 1818, 12mo.
- New Testament, Rhemish version (no notes). Dublin, Coyne, 1820, 12mo. —Again, 1825.
- New Testament. Lond. Eyre and Strahan, 1821, 12mo. stereotyped.
The Now Testament, arranged and adapted for Family Reading, &c. By a Layman of the Clmrcli of England (J. Watson). Lond. 1822, tío.
- New Testament, translated from the Latin Vulgate. (Dr. Challoner's.) Lond. S. Bagstcr, 1823, 8vo.
- New Testament, with the Porteusian Index. Lon.1.1823, 8vo.
- The New Testament, arranged in chronological and historical order, with copious Notes by the Rev. George Townsend, D.D. Lond. Rivington, 1825, 8ro. 2 vols. 2¡.—1828, 8vo. 2 vols.—Fourth edition, 1838, 8vo. 2 vols. 1г. Юз.
The same work, hut with (short) Notes. Lond. 1833, 8vo.—New edition, n. d. Svo. 11. Is. Reduced, H. G. Bohn, 4s. 6d.
- New Testament. Rhemish version. By Dr. Poynter. Lond. 1825, Svo.— —With a new title-page, 1842.
A New self-interpreting Testament, containing many thousands of various Headings and Parallel Passages, &c. by the Rev. John Platts. Lond. 1827, royal 4to. Also published in 8vo. 4 vols.
- The New Testament, with a plain Exposition for the Use of Families, by the Rev. Thomas Boys, М.Д. Lond. 1827, 4to.
- The New Testament, with Notes and an Introduction, by J. A.Cnmmings. Second Edition, revised and improved. Boston. 1827,12mo.
- The New Testament translated oat a! the original Greek and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. Arranged in Paragraphs, with various Tables, &c. By James Noorse. New York, 1827, 8vo.
The Gospel of God's Anointed, the Glory of Israel, &c, being a recent Version, in two parts, of the Greek Scriptures, (commonly called the New Testa-. ment), by the Rev. Alexander Greaves. Printed for the Author, 1828, 18mo. Sign. A—3, A 6, 5s.
- New Testament, with References, and a Key of Questions, geographical, historical, &c. by Henry Wilbur. [Entitled the ' Reference Testament.'] Loud. 1329, 8vo.
- The New Testament, in the Common Version, conformed to Griesbach's Standard Greek Text (by Nathan Hale). Boston, U.S. 1830, 8vo.
The Devotional New Testament, containing Reflections, &c. by K. Mart-. Lond. 1830, 4to.
- The New Testament, a new and corrected version ; or a minute revision and professed translation of the original Histories, Memoirs, Letters, &c. of the Evangelists and Prophets. By Rodolpbus Dickinson, Boston, U.S. 1833, Svo. The character of this curious version may be judged by the following specimen: Luke 2, " And it happened that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the embryo was joyfully agitated, and Elizabeth was pervaded by the Holy Spirit; and she exclaimed, with a loud voice and said. Blessed are you among women 1 and blessed is you; incipient offspring!"
- New Testament, the Rhemish version of 1582, with the original Preface, all the Annotations, &c. New York, 1834, Svo.
- New Testament, with various Readings, references to parallel passages and explanatory notes. Lond, 1834, 8vo.— 1840, 8vo.
The Diamond New Testament, with Notes by H. Stebbing. Lond. 1835. 21m..
The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and Evangelists, commonly styled The New Testament, translated by Drs. Campbell, MacKuight, and Doddridge. with Prefaces, Emendations, and an Appendix, byAlexander Campbell, Bethany, U.S. Fourth edit.—Reprinted, 1835, 8vo. —Lond. Iloulston, 1839, 18шо—1844 — 1848.—1852,12mo. 3s. 6d.
- The New Testament, in raised Letter» For Tueuse Of The Blind. Bythe American and Massachusets Bible Societies. Boston, U.S. 1836,4to, 4 vol s.—The ваше, printed by J. Alston. Glasg. 1837-S, 4to. I vola.
Testament—English Versions
- The New Testament, with a Commentary by С. Girdlestone. Lend. 1836, 4to.
- New Testament, Rhemish version, edited by Dr. Denvir. Belfast, 1836, 8vo. —1837, 12mo —1889, 18mo.—1841.—1846, 24mo.—With a new title, 1860,1851, and 1854.
The Book of the New Covenant of our bord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with Annotations, and an expository preface by Granville Penn. Lond. 1836, 7, 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 5s.—Supplemental Annotations, 1838, 8vo. 5s.
- New Testament. Rhemish version (Dr. Challoner's), edited by Rev. C. McCarthy. Dublin, 1837,12mo.
- New Testament. Edinb. by Blair and Bruce, 1838,12mo. This edition has the following false reading : Matth. 25, 19, " After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with Aim."
- New Testament, Rhemish version, by Dr. Blake. Newry, 1838, 12mo.—1846.— Belfast, 1847, 8vo.
- New Testament. Pictorial Edition. With Notes by John Kitto, D.D. Lond. C. Knight, 1839, royal 4to. wood engravings. This forms the fourth volume of the Pictorial Bible.—Lond. 1850, 4to.
- New Testament (Dr. DenvirtJ, with preface by Rev. Dan. Curoe. Belfast, 1839,16mo.
- New Testament. Camb. J. W. Parker, 1839,12ino. Long lines.
- New Testament. Camb. J. W. Parker, 1839, 12uio. Long lines, in paragraphs.
- New Testament. (The Polymicrian.) Lond. Bagster, 18-10, 32mo. maps, 4s.
- The New Testament, translated from the text of J. J. Griesbach. Ну Samuel Sharpe. Lond. for John Green, 1810, 12mo.—Second edition, Moxon. 1844,12mo. 3s. 6d. — Third edition, 1856, 12mo.— Fourth edition, 1859, 12mo. 2s. 6d.—Fifth edition, Lond. J. R. Smith, 1862, 12mo. Is. 6d:
- The New Testament, revised from the authorized version, with the aid of other translations, and made conformable to the Greek text of J. J. Griesbach. Revised by a Layman [Edgar Taylor, F.S.A.]. Lond. W. Pickering, 1840, 8vo. 7s. 6d.
- New Testament (the Orthoepie); in which the pronunciation of every letter is shewn, without altering the spelling, by George Knight. Kdiub. 1810, 12mo. За. Gd.
- New Testament, Khemish version, edited by Dr. Kenrick. Philadelphia, 1840,8vo.
- New Testament, with an explanatory and practical Commentary by W. Dalton. Lond. Seeleys, 1842, 8vo. 2 vols.—Third edition, 1848, 8vo. 2 vols. 11. 4s.
- New Testament, in Taylor's System of Short-hand as improved by Udell. Lond. (iroombridge (1843), 8vo. 16s.
- New Testament, Rhemish version. Lond. and Belfast, 1843, 8vo.—1844,18mo.
- New Testament, Rhemish version, (Dr. Challoner's). Dublin, 1843,12mo.
- New Testament, Rhemish version, (Dr. Murray's edition). Dublin, 1844, 12mo.—1851 and 1853.
The Descriptive Testament, containing the authorized translation, with Notes explanatory of Rites, Customs, &c.. by I. Cobbin. Lond. 1845, square 12mo.—New edition. Lond. Routledge, 1848, 5s.
- New Testament, Rhemish version, by Dr. Mac Hale. Tuam, 1846, 12mo.
- New Testament. With Numismatical Notes by J. Y. Akerman. Lond. J. R. Smith, 1846, 8vo. 5s. 6d.
- New Testament (Phonotypically printed). Lond. 1846, Svo.—1849, 8vo. and 16mo.
- New Testament, authorized version, with wood-cut illustrations by Kenny Meadows. Lond. 1847, 4to.—Lond. Ingram, 1852, 4to. 2s. 6d.
Wycliffe's New Testament. The first translation into English, and now for the first time printed from a contemporary MS. written about 1380, formerly in the Monastery of Sion, and late in the Collection of Lea Wilson, F.S.A. Lond. by C. Whittingham for W. Pickering, 1848, small 4to. Printed in Black Letter on Thick Paper, pub. at 21. 2s. or in antique calf, 21.12s. 6d: Mr.Wilson had, previous to his decease, prepared the transcript of this MS. and passed it through the press to the end of tbe Gospels. See the preface. Berry, in 1857, morocco, 11. 11s. On Vellum, only 2 or 3 copies printed. Maskell, May, 1864, 181.18s. This version differs from that published by Lewis and Baber.
- New Testament, translated by the English College of Rhemes. Dublin, 1848, 4to. plates.
- New Testament. Translated from the Greek into pure English, with Notes by J. Morgan. Portland, U.S., 1848.8vo.
- New Testament, in Lewisian ShortBaud, lithographed by T. Coggin. Lond. lS49,8vo.
- The New Testament, expounded and illustrated according to the usiml Marginal References, in the very Words of Holy Scripture. By Clement Moody. Lond. Lougman, 1Ь49-51, 4to. 2 vols. 112. 6s.
Testament—English, continued
- New Testament, Rhemish version, (Dr. Challoiier's). Recommended by Rev. A. Irvine. Dublin, 1850,12mo.
- New Testament, Rhemish version. New York (1850), 12mo. stereotyped.
- New Testament, Rhemish version, by Dr. Challoner. Lond. 1851,12mo.
- New Testament, with brief Notes by the Kev. J. Edwards. NewYork,1851,8vo.
The Chronological New Testament, divided into Paragraphs, with Introduction, &c. by R. Blackader. Loud. 1851, email 4to. 7s. 6d,—1853, reduced, 6s.
- New Testament, a literal translation from the Syriac Peshito version, by James Murdock, D.D., with marginal references in Syriac. New York, 1851, 8vo. portrait, 10s. 6d.—Reprinted 1855.
- New Testament, Printed For The Blind, on the principle of elementary sounds. Lond. (1851), 4to. Sparts.
The Emphatic New Testament, according to the authorized version, with the various Readings in English of the Vatican MS., by John Taylor. Lond. liagstcr, 1852-54, 8vo. 12s. 6d.
- New Testament in Phonetic ShortHand. Lond. 1853, 8vo.
- New Testament, with 2400 Questions for examination by C. and J. Eves. Lond. 1854, 12mo. 2s,
- New Testament. The Family Commentary by T. Raven. Lond. 1856, 8vo.
- New Testament (Polyglot), with marginal readings showing the historical connection. Glasgow, 1857, 16mo. maps.
A revised Translation of the New Testament; with a notice of the principal various Readings iu the Greek Text, By H. Highton. Lond. Bagster, 1662, 8vo. 10s. 6d.
- The New Testament for English Readers, containing the authorized version, with Marginal Corrections of Readings and Renderings, Marginal References, and a critical and explanatory Commentary. By Henry Alford, D.D. Lond. 1863, 8vo. 2 vols. (Vol. i. part 1, the three Gospels. 12s., all yet published.)
====================================================================== -->
- Testament newydd ein arglwydd Jesu Christ, &c. Lond. by II. Denham at the Costes of Humfrey Toy, 1567, 4to. Black Letter. The first edition of the Testament in Welsh. The translator was William Salesbury, assisted byThomas Huatt and Richard Davies, Bishop of St. David's. Heber, pt. vii. (the first two leaves damaged, presented by Dr. S. Johnson to Dr.Worthingtou), U. Is. Bliss, pt. i. 63Í. Savilles, Feb. 6, Í 861 (wanting title, 4 preliminary leaves and 2 sheets), 23Í. Л copy is in the British Museum, and
Welsh, continued.
one in the Bodleijm Library, (injured by damp). A copy having been (¿цеек Klizabeth's is in the Royal Library at Dresden. The volume consists of 399 leaves, not including a calendar, an English dedication to Queen Elizabeth, signed William Salesbury, a long epistle in Welsh to his Countrymen by the Bishop of St. Davids, 16 leaves, and a Table, 2 leaves. Printed iu long lines, 31 to the full page.
- The New Testament in Welsh. Lond. 1647, 12mo. This edition has neither contents of chapters nor marginal references.
Testun Testament newydd ein Harglwydd a'n Jachawdwr Jesu Giist, yn Benhillion Cymraeg newn Egwyddoraidd drefn, a osodwyd allau trwy lafûr Ri Jones. (The New Testament abridged iu Welsh verse.) Yn Llundain gan John Broun, 1653, 8vo. Tenison, June, 1S61, 31.13s. 6d.
- New Testament in Welsh. 1654.
- New Testament in Welsh. Oxford, 1671.
Llyfr у Psalmau ynghyd ii Testament Newydd ein Harglwydd a'n Hiachawdwr Jesu Christ. The Book of Psalms in Prose and Metre ; together with the New Testament (in Welsh). Llundain gan E. Tyler, 1672, Svo.
- New Testament in Welsh. 1673.
- New Testament in Welsh. Llundain, 1762, folio.
- New Testament in Welsh. 1767, Svo.
- New Testament in Welsh. 17S9.
Testament Newydd. The New Testament in Welsh. 1806, 12mo. — 1808, 12mo.—1814, 12mo,—1819, 12mo. —1825, 18mo. Several other editions have of late years been published by the Bible Society,
- * Testament Newydd. Cserfgrddin, (Carmarthaen), 1811, 8vo.
- Testament Newydd. Caer Grawnt (Cambridge), 1813, iamo.—1826, 12mo.
- Testament
Newydd. Llundain, 1814, 8vo.
- Testament
Newydd Dwy ieithawg (Duoglott). Welsh and English. Denbigh, 1824,12mo.
- New Testament in Welsh and English. Oxford, 1826,12mo.
- Testament
Newydd. Rhydychain (Oxford), 1830, 12rao.
- Testament
Newydd gyda nodau eglur haol, ar bob adnod gan у parch. James Hughes. Wyddgrug, 1835, 12mo.—Another edition, Treffynnon (Holywell), 1839, 32mo.—tí. 1846, Svo.
- Testament
Newydd. Cyfieithiad, W Salesbury. Caernarfon, 1850, Svo.
- New Testament Welsh and English. Lond. 1853, 32mo—New York, 1S56, Svo.
"testament—Welsh, continued.
- * Testament Newydd. Loud. I860, 8vo. 1 s. 3d.—1862, urn. 4to.ls. 9d.—1863,16mo. 9d.—24mo. 6d.
- * Testament Newydd. Welsh and English in parallel columns. Load. 1861, ¿£4mo. Is.
====================================================================== -->
Tiomnadh Nuadh,arTighearna aguear Slaiiuigh-fliir losa Criosd, etc. The New Testament in the Gaelic Language by the Rev. James Stewart, Minister of ZKLillin. Dun-Eudain [Edinb.], 1767, 8vo. and 12mo. This translation, printed at T.he expense of the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge, Ъеага a high character for fidelity and accuracy. Ten thousand copies printed. New Testament in the Gaelic Language. Revised by the Kev. Dr. Stewart of Luss, son of the Translator. Duneidain, [Edinb.] 1796, I'.'mo. Of this edition twenty-one thousand five hundred copiée were printed for the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge.— —Several subsequent editions, 8vo. and 12mo. Edinb. 1B13, 12mo —1819.—1821. — 1825.—1826, two editions,—1827.— 1829. &c.
- * The New Testament in Gaelic. Revised by the Rev. Dr. Dcwar for the British and Foreign Bible Society, bond. 1807.—1821, lour editions.—1828. —1829, and 1831. small 12mo. and 8vo. See Reid's Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica.
- * New Testament in Gaelic, bond. 1840, 24mo. Is.
- * New Testament in Gaelic. Lond. 1855, 8vo. Is. 9d.—12mo. Is. Id.
====================================================================== -->
Tiomna Nuadh, ar Dtighearna Ague ar Slanajghtheorra Josa Criosd, re Hulliam O Domhnuiil, The New Testament in Irish, in Anglo-Saxon Character. (Dublin) 1602, small folio. The Irish types for this volume were furnished at the expense of Queen Elizabeth. The version was begun by lip. Nicholas Welsh, John Kearney, and Nebemiah Donellan, Bishop of Tuam, and was finished by the Editor,who succeeded DomHlan as Bishop of Tjiam, assisted by Abp. Usher. Heber,
Çt. ix. (jrith Common Prayer Book in rish, 1608), 2 vols, russia, 1Ы. Bp. Daly, in 1858, 25i. Copies are in the Bodleian Library, the Grenville Collection, British Museum, and in the Library of the British and Foreign liible Society.
Tiomna Nuadh. The New Testament in Irish Character, translated by William O'Domhnnill, and edited by lüshop Bedell. Lond. 1681, 4to. White Knights, 4200, lia. Heber, pt. i. II. Sotheby's, Aug.
Irish, continued.
11.1856,13s. A copy having both the English and Irish Dedications is in the Grenville Collection.
The Books of the Old Testament were published in 1685. See Bible.
The same version revised by Robert Kirk, [with Bedel's Translation of the Old Testament]. Lond. 1690,12mo.
- New Testament in Irish Gaelic. (From Kirk's edition.) Glasgow, 1754, 8vo.
Tomna Nuadh. The New Testament in Irish. (Lond.) 1763, 8vo.
- * New Testament, in the Irish character, with a Glossary, Irish and English. Lond. 1810,12mo.
- * New Testament, in Irish, in the Roman Character. Shacklewell, 1813, 12mo. Published by the British and Foreign Bible Society. It has been since several times reprinted by the society.
- The New Testament in the Vernacular Language of Ireland. Shacklewell, 1818, 12mo. 'Printed with beautiful Irish types, but the errors are innumerable.'— O'Se.illy.
- * The New Testament in Irish character. Lond. 1820, 8vo.—1821, 12mo.— 1824,12mo.—1861,12mo. Is.
- New Testament in Irish character. Dublin, 1829,12mo.—1830,12mo.—Dublin, 1858, 4to.
====================================================================== -->
Conaant Noa. The New Testament in the Manks Langnage, translated by Dr. Thos. Wilson and Dr. Hildesley, Bishops of Sodor and Man. Lond. Oliver, 1763-67, 8vo. 2 vols.
- New Testament in the Manks Language. Whitehaven, 1775, 8vo.
- * New Testament In the Manks Language. Lond. 1810,12mo. Published by the Bible Society. — Shacklewell, 1815, 12mo.
====================================================================== -->
Novum Testamentum Grœcum, Latinum, Syriacum, Arabicum. jEthiopicum, et Persicum, Londini, 1657, folio. This forms the fifth volume of the London Polyglott, but some copies have the following distinct title, ' Novum Testamentum juxta Editionem Bibliorum Polyglot. In ' qua Textus Grœcus, cum versione Interlinear! et vulg. Lat. Translations Antlquze, &c. Londini, 1698.'
Novi Testament! Biblia triglotta ; Bive Greeci Textus Archetypi, Versionis SyriacBB, et Versionis Latini Vulgateo Synopsis: cut accedunt Subsidia critica varia. (Evangelia) Curaetimpensis Rob. Watts. Londini, 1828, 4to. ' In thia handsomely printed volume the Greek text is printed after the editions of Knapp and Vater, with improved punctuation ; this is accompanied by the Syriac version, after
Testament—Polyglotte, continued
the text of Professor Lee's edition of 1316; and at the foot of the page is the Latin Vulgate Version, according to the Sixtine recension, printed from the Antwerp edition of 1603, which was superintended by John Moret. Prefixed is Prof. Vater's Index of critical subsidia; und in an appendix is given his selection of various readings, with the authorities by which they are supported.
Novum Testamentum Polyglottum, Grœcum, Syriacum Latinum, Lusitanum, et Anglicum, textum archetypum. Lend. Bagster, 1829, 4to. II. Us. 6d.—1849, 4to. II. Is. (Forming part of Bageter's Polyglott Bible. See p. 171.)
The English Hexapla, with Greek Text (Bagster's), 1841, 4to. See under Greek Testament, p. 2647.
====================================================================== -->
Novmn Testamentum Grœcum, ad Editionem Henr. Stephani (1582)impressum, cum Notis marginibuH, Londini, Tho.
Greek, continued.
1728, Ы. 7s. 6d. A copy, with MS. notes by T. Morel), is in the British Museum. Large Papee. lleath, 549, russia, II. 5s.
Novum Testamentum Grteeum, cum Notis Scaligeri, Stephani, et Casauboni. Londini, apud R. Whittaker, 1633. sm. 8vo. A good and convenient edition for the pocket, says Dr. A. Clarke. Savile'g, Dec. 1860, 11s.
Novum Testamentum, cujus Grseco contextul respondent Interprétât iones айве ; una, vetus, altera Theodori Bezœ ; cumejusdem Theod. Bezas Annotatiombus : Accessit etiam Joachimi Camerarii in Novum Foedus Commentarius. in quo et Figurai Sermoms, et Yerboruni SÍruÍficatio, et Orationis Sententia, ad illios Foederis Intelligentíam certiorera, tractantur. Cantabr. R. Daniel, 1642, folio. Best edition of Beza's Testament. Gösset, 750, II. Is.
Novi Testament! Librt omnes, adjecta sunt varies Lectiones, &c. Lond. excudebat M. P. prostant apud Danielem Frere.
Vautrollier, 1587, 16mo. A very neat i 1648,12mo. book. Title in red and black, with H. I Novum Testamentum Graacum. Lond. Stephen's preface, 6 leaves ; various readi R. Daniel (1652), 32mo. engraved title, ings in red and black, 17 leaves, all un! Novum Testamentum Graecum, Editío paged. Text, pp. 377. The first edition i nova accurata. Lond. R. Daniel, 1652,
of the New Testament in Greek printed in England. Copies are in George IV. Lib., British Museum ; the Bodleian Library, and in Earl Spencer's collection. Novura Testamentum Graicum, cum
12mo. Printed in double columns, 7s. Gd. A copy, with numerous MS. notes, is in the British Museum.
Novum Testamentum Grsecum, adject« eunt varies Lectiones, &c. Lond. }£.
tion, printed ( in Elzevirian type. It 3794, 7s. 6d. has the remarkable addition in Matth. Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Lond. i. 2, found in several MSS. A copy is in ¡ ex off. R. Danielis, 1653,8vo. Adapted to Earl Spencer's collection. Williams, 1718, i Daniel's Septuagint. A copy, with MS. ruled, morocco, 3Î. | notes by T. Mangey, is in the British
Novum Testamentum Grœcum, cum Argumentis ad singula capita, Locis parallelis, &c. Lond. (1609), 8vo.
Novum Testamentum Grsecnm, cum Notis R. Stephani, I. Scaligeri, I. Casauboni, &c. et variis Lectiouibus. Londini, ap. J. Billium, 1622, 8vo. Title and dedication, pp. 8. Text, pp. 325, and the various readings and notes, 72 leaves unpaged. An edition, according to Mill and Le Long, replete with errors. Edwards, 816, russia, 9s, The dedication copy (to James I.) is in the
British Museum.
Novum Testamentum Grsecum.
ap. Tho. Buck, 1632, sm. 8vo. engraved title, 5s. A beautiful and accurate edition. Steevens, 102, morocco, 1/. Is. Williams, 1722, morocco, 11. Duke of Grafton, 35, morocco, \L 2s. Heber, pt. ii. the first leaf supplied in pen and ink, morocco, presented with autograph in-
Novum Testamentum, Grsecum. Tluic Editioni omnia difiîcilionim Vocabulorum Themataquse in G. Pasoris Léxico grammaticé resolvuntur in Margine apposait Carolus Hoole. Londini, 1653, 12шо. А very useful edition, reprinted 1664, 1672, 1673,12mo. ; 1674,1701, 8vo. AH remarkable for the multiplicity and intricacy of the contractions in the Greek text.
Novum Testamentum Grœcum (edidit Joan. Pearsonius, Episc. Cestrencis). Cantab. Field, 1665,12mo. This was printed to accompany Field's edition of the Septuagint.
Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Loud. J. Redmaine, 1674,12mo.
- Testament
! Novi Libri omnes: accesserunt parallela Scripturœ Loca, necnou variantes Lectiones ex plus 100 MSS. Codicibus et antiquÏB Versionibus collect« fa Joanne Fell, Episc. Oxon.). Oxon, e
scrip tion by Pope to Lord Bolingbroke, in Theatro Sheldon, 1675, sm. 8vo. An ex-
Testament—Greek, continued
cellent aod correct edition. Gösset, 646, 17s. A copy, with MS. notes by К. Ashe, is in the British Museum. Thick Paper. Williams, 1733, morocco, 2Í. 2s.; 1734, morocco, 1г. 16s.
- Novum Testamentara Grsecum, in quo non tantum selecti versiculi 1900 continentes omnes voces, N. T. asteriscis notaiitur, &c. Anctore Joh. Leusden. Loud. Sam. Smith, 1G88,12mo.
- Novum Testamentum, Grsecum. Cantab. 17CO, 18mo. pp. 666 (generally bound in 2 vols.). Heath, 446, mor., 7s. Williams, 1736, morocco, 11 10s. Mitford, pt. i. interleaved in 3 vols, with MS. notes by Dr. Waterland, 2Í. 6s. ЪАЕОЕ Papeb. Hollis, 1356, 2 vols, morocco, 7s. 6d.
- Novuni Testamentum Grsecum. Lond. Л. et J. Churchill, 1701, 18mo. — Another edition of the same date, with various readings in the margin, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Edinb. T. et W. Euddiman, 1701, 16шо.
- Novum Testamentum Graecum, una cum Scholiis Gnecie e Grrecis Scriptoribua tam ecclesiasticis quam exteris desumptis, Opera J. Gregorii. Oxon. 1703, folio. A magnificent edition. Gösset, 752,7s. 6d. Large Papeb, 15a. Williams, 1811, morocco, 2Z. 12s. 6d.
- Novum Testameutum Grœcum. Lond. 1703,12mo. 6s.
- Novum Testamentum Grsecum. Lond. Eliz. Redmayne, 1705, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, cum Lectionibus variantibus MSS. Exemplariura, Versionum, Editionura, SS. Patrum et Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum, et in easdem Notis. Studio et Labore Joanuis Millii, S. T. P. Oxon. 1707, folio, engraved frontispiece. Dr. Mill devoted upwards of thirty years to this edition. The Prolegomena contain a treasure of sacred criticism. Michaelis observes, that ' notwithstanding those of Wetstein, they Btill retain tbeir original value, as they contain a great deal of matter which is not in Wetstein ; and of the matter which is common to both, some things are more clearly explained by Mill.' Hibbert, 5871, 10s. Heath,
450, 16S. LARGE PAPEE. Bishop of Ely,
1485,1Z. 10s. A copy in 3 vols, with 2 additional title pages is in the British Museum. Dr. Mill's various readings, amounting to 30,000, were attacked by Dr, Whitby, in a work entitled Examen Variantum Lectionum Johannis Millii. 1710, 8vo. In 1728 the Rev. Joseph Hallet published Index Librorum MSS. Grsecorum et Versionum antiquarum Kovi Fœderis,quos J. Millius et L. Kusterus
Greek, continued»
cum tertia Editione Stephamca contulenint. 8vo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Oxon. 1707 8vo. 4vols. 1/. 11s. 6d. (Forminga companion to Grabe's Septuagint, printed at Oxford in the same year.) After the folio sheets of Mill's Testament of this date were struck off, thé pages were divided, and over-run into an octavo form, to prevent the book from being piratically printed in Germany.
- The New Testament, Greek and English. Oxford, 1709-19, 4to. See Wells, Edward.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum (edenteMich. Maittaire). Lond. J. Tonson, 1714, 12mo. 5s. This edition is styled by Masch, ' Editio prffistantissima.' Laeob Paper. Duke of Grafton, 42,13s. Dent, 677, 14s. Williams, 1737, morocco, II. Heath, 3098, 11. 3s. Hibbert, 5731, morocco, 11. 10s. ; 5732, morocco, 11. la. White Knights, 4089, ruled, morocco, 2£, 2s.—Second edition, Lond. Tonson, 1728, 12mo.—Third edition, 1730,12mo.— 1756,12mo.4s. Frequently reprinted;
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, juxta exemplar Millianum. Lond. G. Bowyer. 1715,12mo.—ib. 1728,12mo.
In 17-20 Dr. Richard Bentley circulated Proposals for a new edition of the Greek Testament, with various lections, which, was never executed» See Bentley. Richard, D.D., p. 158.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcura. Lond. Tonson, 1728, 8vo. 78. A beautiful and correct edition, taken from the Cambridge edition of 1632. Heath, 453, morocco, 10s. A copy, with MS.notes by M. Burton, is in the British Museum.
TheNew Testament in Greek and English, containing the original Text, corrected from the Authority of the most authentic MSS. and a new Version formed agreeably to the Illustrations of the most learned Commentators and Critics, with Notes and various Readings (byW. Mace). Lond. 1729, 8vo. 2 vols. A wretched text and unfaithful translation, by William Mace, a Presbyterian dissenting minister of the Arian persuasion, printed in a large type. Sir P. Thompson, 496, 9s. Gösset, 522, 15s. 6d. Bliss, pt. i. 2s. Largk Paper in royal 8vo. Hibbert, 5730, 1/. 4s. Sotheby's, Apr. 2, 1857,12s. Large and Extra Thick Paper. An extended and valuable review of Mace's Edition of the New Testament was published by Dr. Leonard Twells, 1732, 8vo. See also Lewis' History of the Translations of the Bible, pp. 366-72.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Edinb. apud Ruddiman, 1740,12mo. An elegant edition.)'
Testament—Greek, continued
- Novum Testamentum Огласит, cum duplici interpretatione et notis Bez» et .1. Camerarii. Cant. 1742, folio.
- Novum Testamentum Grocuni, justa Divisionem J. A. Bengelii. Oxon. e The»tro Sheldoniino, 1742, 12mo. 7s. 6d. Edited by Gambold, the Moravian Bishop. Williams, 1740, morocco, 19s.
- Novum Testamentum Grsecnm, curante О. Bowyer. bond. 1743. 12mo. Mitford, Dec. 1859, with MS. Notes of Jeremiah Markland, Ils.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Dublin, 1746,12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, juxta p.ditionem Millianum. Glasg ap. Rob. Urie, 1750,12mo. 4s. An elegant edition. l.inoB Paper in 8vo. Heath, 455, 7s. Duke of Graf ton, 44, morocco, 12s, 6d. Dent pt. ii.678, morocco, by Roger Payne, 11. 8з. Williams, 1742, ruled, in. 2 vols, morocco, 2Í, 19s.
- Novum Testamentum Grsecum, curante T. Ruddiman. Edinb. 1750, 12mo.
Novnm Testamentum Grtecum, ex Editione Wetsteniana. Glasg. Foulte, 1759, 4to. Heath, 457, 4s. Roscoe, 568, 16s. Bröckelt, 487, russia, l!.ls.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Loud. Gul. Bowyer, 1760, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, ad Fidem GrœcoinmsolumCodicum MSS.nunc
Srimum expressum, adstipulante Joanne acoho Westemo: juxta Sectiones Jo. Alberti Bengelii divisum : et nova Interpunctione sœpius illustratum ¡ accessere in altero Volumine Emendationes conjecturales Virorum doctorum undicunque collectse. Londini, cura, typis et sumptibus G(ulielmi) B(owyer), 1763.12mo. 2 vols. A very accurate and valuable edition. Gösset, 551, 7s. 6d. Bishop of Ely,9s. 6d. —Lond. 1772, 12mo. 2 vols. This second edition is not so accurate as that of 1763.
- Novum Testamentum, Grœcè.juxta Exemplar Millianura. Typis J. Baskerville. Oxon. 1763, royal 8vo. Large type. Nassau.pt. i. 2445, 15s. Duke of Grafton, 47, 18s. Brockett, 304, morocco, 1!. 9s. Sotheby's, May, 1860, 7s. Quarto. Duke of Grafton, 46, 18s. 6ci. Urockett, 488. 1¡. 7s. Heath, 463,
11. 10s. Willett, 2447, 1!. 10s. Drury, 3199, morocco, 21.16s.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, cum Scholiis theologicis et philologicis (edente Sara. Hardy), bond. 1768, 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. — Editio secunda, 1778, 8vo. 2 vols. 10я. 6d. An incorrect edition, but with valuable notes calculated for the younger students in divinity. Heath.462, 2¡. 2s. —Editio tertia, bond. A. J. Valpy, 1820, 8vo. 2 vols. pub. at 11. Is.
Greek, continued.
- Novum Testamentum Grsecum. Lona, G. liowyer et J. Nichols, 1770,12ino.
- Novum Testamentum Graecura. tMitio tertio. Edinb. apud Vf. Ruddiman, 177!, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum GrsBcum. спгл Versione Latine Montani, ex editione Rudolph! Leusdenii. Lond. J. Nourse, 1772, 12mo.
- The New Testament (in Greek) collated with the most approved MSS. with select Notes in English, critical and explanatory, andReferences to those Authors who have best illustrated tlie sacred writings, by Edward Harwood, D.D. Lond. 1776. 12mo. 2 vols. This edition/ says Bishop Marsh. ' is certainly entitled to a place among tbe critical editions of the Greek Testament, though it is not accompanied with various readings.' Dr. Harwood admitted and rejected a variety of readings, according as they favour or oppose the Socinian doctrine. At the end of the second volume is a catalogue of the best editions of the Greek Testament, with a list of the most esteemed commentators and critics, who have either written in defence of, or favoured the Socinian system. Gösset, 530, 10s. 6d. A copy, with additional MS. notes and corrections by the Editor, is in the British Museum.
- Novum Testamentum Graecum, ad Fidem GrœcorumsolumCodicum MSS.expressum adstipulante J. J. Westenio : juxta Sectiones J. Alb. Bengelii divisum, et nova Interpunctione ssepius illustratum (edente Gul. Bowyer). Editio secunda, cura J. Nichols. Lond. Nichols, 1783, 4to. Bindley, pt. iii. 2291, russia, 12s. Bishop of Ely, 1416, 11. 2s. Dr. Henry Owen assisted in the correction of this edition.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, ex Codice MS. Alexandrino, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, descriptum a Carolo Godofredo \Voide. Lond. 1786, fol. An elegant fac-simile, printed in uncial characters, consisting of 260 pages, with a preface of 22 pages, and an engraving representing the style of writing in various MSS. also a list of various readings in 89 pages. It is said 500 copies were printed, fifty of which were taken off on fine paper. Bindley, pt. iii. 2092, russia, 14s. Hollis, 1341,11. 2s. Gösset. 755, 2Í. 5s. Duke of Grafton, 49,11. 5s. Steevens, 99, blue turkey, 4Í. 14s. 6d. Heber, pt. v. 11. 5s. Da'wson Turner, uncut, 11. 2s. Sotheby's, Aug. 1860, with the Appendix, russia, 2Í. 15s. On Vellum. Ten copies primed, six of which only have the various readings. Dent, pt. i. 337, with the various readings, in morocco, 16Z. 16s. SirM. M. Sykes, pt.i. 473, with the various readings, ruseia, 22/. Is. Duke of Grafton, Testament—Greek, continued.
50, with the various readings, morocco, ií6¿. 6s. There are 3 copies on Vkllum, nil with the various readings, in the liritish Museum.
Appendix ad Editionem Novi Testament i Grœci, e Códice Alexandrine deHcripti я С. G. Woide : in qua continentur Fragmenta Novi Testament!, juxta Interpretationen! Dialecti Superioris jEgypti, qua Thebaica vel Sahidica appellatur, e Ôodd. Oxoniens. máxima ex parte debitmpta: com Dissertatione de Versione ^Egyptiaca, quibus subjiciturCodicis Vaticani Collatio. Oxon. e Typogr, Clarend. 1799, fol, 2Z. 2s. This work, which contains the completest collection of fragments of the Sahidic Version, was prepared for the press Ъу Dr. Woide, and Siblished after his 'death by the Kev, r. Ford. Bishop Randolph, 1592, with the New Testament, 1786, SI. 10a. Drury, 3236, with the New Testament, 1786, rus.ttia, 4¿. Is. Heber, p t. v. with the New Testament, russia, Ш. 3s. Sotheby's, Aug. 1860, with the New Testament, russia, &. 15s.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Lond. 1794, 8vo.
- Novum Testamentum, Greece, Textum ad Fidem Codicum Versionurn et Patrum recensait et Lectionis Varietatem adjecit D. Jo. Jac. Griesbach. Lond. et Ualœ Saxon. 1796—1806, 8vo. 2 vols, royal 8vo. This is a reprint of Griesbach's second edition of the Greek Testament, for which the paper was supplied for fifty copies by the Duke of Graf ton, with the imprint Lond, apud Petr. Elmsley, et Hala? Saxonum apud Jo. Jac. Curtii Haraedes, 2Z. 2s. Crawford in 1854, morocco, 11,19s.—I.AEGE PAPER, ill 4tO. Sir M. M. Sykes, 171. 6s. 6d. Dent, 1164, 81. loe. In George IV. Library, British Museum.
- Editio nova, Lond. 1809-10, Svo. 2 vols. 41.2s. Of all modern critical editions of the Greek Testament, that of Griesbach is universally allowed to be the most valuable and complete, notwithstanding the different opinions entertained by some learned men relative to the correctness of his system of recensions or editions of maii'ittcripte. In this edition of 1809, the text is printed in long lines, and the notes in columns, and Griesbach's addenda of various readings are inserted in their proper places, 11. Ils, 6d, Drury, 2892, mor. 2Í. 10s. A copy, with MS. notes by Dr. C. Burney, is in the British Museum.
Keprinted Camb. U.S. 1809, 8vo. 2 vols.
Again, Lond. 1818,-8vo. 2 vols. In this «ilition the addenda of various readings have been newly collated and inserted in tlitir proper places, &c.
Greek, continued.
- Novum Testamentum, Grœcù, Lectiones variantes, Griesbachii Judicio, us quas Textus receptus exhibet anteponendas velsequiparandas adjecit JosephusWhite. Oxon. 1798-1808, crown 8vo. 2 vols. 15s. A very neat and accurate edition. Drury, 2891, 16s.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum Juxta exemplar J. Millii. Editio prima Americana (EdiditC. Alexander). Wigornise, Maesachusettensi, 1800,12mo.
- The New Testament in Greek, according to the text of Mill and Steevem, and the arrangement of Mr. Reeves7 Bible. Lond. 1803, 12mo. A neat edition, edited by John Reeves. Heber, pt. v. 5s.
- Novum Testamentum Grsecum, cum Yeruione Latina Ariœ Montani, Edidit J. Leusden. Lond. 1804, 12mo. 6s.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, juxta Exemplar Millianum. Oxon. e typ. Clarend. 1805, 8vo. Hibbert, 5726, morocco, 8s. 6d.—1813, 8va
- Novum Testamentum Greecum, juxta Exemplar Wetstenii, Glasgiue, et J. J. Griesbachii, Halse Impressum; accedunt Prolegomena in Evangelia, in Acta, et in Epístolas Apostolorum, accurante Guilelmo Whitfield Dakins. Lond. 1808, lïiiuo. 5s. Large Papeii in royal 8vo. 12s.
- Novum Testamentum, Grœcè, Lectiones variantes Griesbachii prœcipuas, necnou quam plurimas Voces ellipticas, adjecit Adamus Dickinson. Edinb. Ту pis Acad. 1811, 12mo. 4s. A new edition, designed foi? young students.—1817.
- Novum Testameutum Grœcum, juïta Exemplar Millianum. О son. e typ, Clarend. 1813, 8vo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. Lond. T. Pytt, 1814, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœctmi, Juxta exemplar J. Millii. Boston, U.S. 1814, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, cum Scholiis theologicis et philologicis (ed. Edv. Va Lp r). Lond. 181G, bvo. 3 vols, pub. at 2¿. 12s. 6d, A correct and elegant edition, a valuable auxiliary to sacred studies. Drury, 2894, 11. 16s. Large Paper. Earl of Kerry, 525, 3/. 3s. (This edition was afterwards republished with, a translation of the notes into English.)
- Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat., secundum curam Leusdenii et Griesbachii, cura H. A. Ai tumi. Glasg. 1816, 24mo. 2 vols. 7s. 6d.—Lond. 1837, lümo.
îs'ovum Testamentum, Greece. Glasg. A. et J. Duncan, 1817, 18mo. A beautiful little reprint of Griesbach's text. Brockett, 305,14s.
- Novum Testamentum, juxta Exemplar Millianum. Oxon. e typ. Clarend. 1819, 12mo. 4s.—ib. 1836. 12mo.
Testament—Greek, continual
- Novum Testamentum Greecum, juxta Exemplar Millianum, recognita et emeudata. Lond. Allman, 1820, 8vo. 12s.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, ad exemplar Millianum. Lond. Bagster, 1820, 12mo. (part of his Polyglot). —1823, 16mo,
- Novum Testamentum Manuale, juxta Exemplar (paucis bine inde mutatis) Aittoni, qui in textum complures Emendationes Griesbachianas transtulit, aliis praiteritis, quum Lectio vulgo recepta antefereuda videretur. Glasgue ex Prelo Académico, 1821, 32mo. 7s. This edition is beautifully printed on fine blue-tinted writing paper: and, to ensure accuracy, was read six times carefully in passing through the press.
- Novum Testamentum, Grace. Glasg. 1822, 18mo. 5s.
- The New Testament in Greek and English, the Greek according to Griesbach, the English upon the basis of the fourth London edition of the Improved Version. With improvements by A. Kneeland. Philadelphia, 1823, 8vo.
- Novum Testamentum, Greece, recognovit atque insigniores Lectionum Varietatis et Argunientorum, Notationes subjecit Geo. Christian. Knappius. Lond. Valpy, 1824, Svo. 2 vols, in 1. A neat reprint of the Halle edition, 1824. Drurv 2896, 10s. 6d.
Scientia Bíblica ; being a copious Collection of Parallel Passages for the Illustration of the New Testament, printed in Words at length, the whole so arranged as to illustrate and confirm the different Clauses of each Verse ; together with the Text at large in Greek and English, the various Readings and the Chronology. (By W. Carpenter.) Lond. 1825, 8vo. 3 vols, published at 31. The design of this work is to expound Scripture by Scripture : with this view the different verses of the New Testament are printed by themselves, in Greek and English ; and below them is placed, in words at length, a selection of parallel references, Laeoe Paper, in royal Svo pub. at Ы.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum juxta exemplar Milliauum, Oxon, e typ Clarend. 1825, 8vo.
- The New Testament (in Greek) with English Notes, critical, philological and explanatory (by the Rev. Edwaed ValPy). Lond. 1826, Svo. 3 vols. An excellent edition.—Third edition, corrected and enlarged, Lond. 1831, Svo. 3 vols.— Fourth edition, 1830, 8vo. 3 vols.—Fifth edition, corrected and enlarged, Lona. 1817, 8vo. 3 vols, with 2 maps, pub. at 2Í.
Greek, continued.
- Novum Testamentum, Graece. Londiui, typis Corrall, 1828, 48mo. 10s. 6d. Pickering's diamond edition. The text is copied from the Elzevir edition of 1624, and to ensure correctness, each proof -was critically examined eight times. Prefixed is a frontispiece representing the Last Supper, after Leonardo da Vinci. A specimen page is inserted in Dibdin's Introduction to the Classics, voL 1. p. 166.
- ! Novi Libri historic!, Grsece. Textui recepto appositse Bunt bectiones Griesbachianœ, cum Commentariis i>. Christian! Theophili Kuinöel. Loud. Priestley, 1826,8vo. 3 vols. An accurately executed reprint of Kuinöel's valuable philological Commentaries on the Historical Books of the New Testament, with . the Greek text, and the various readings of Griesbach.—Reissued, with a new title, Lond. Booker, 1835, 8vo. 3 vols. 11. 7s.
- Novum Testamentum (Grœcum) : accedunt S. Scripturœ Loca necnon vêtus Capltulorum Notatio et Cañones Eusebii. Oxonii, è Typogr. Clarend. 1828, 12mo. Edited for the use of junior biblical students, by the Kt. Rev. Girarles Lloyd, D.D. Bishop of Oxford. It was reprinted in 1830.—1836—1847, 12mo. 4s. 6d.— 1856, 18mo. 3s.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum ad exemplar Millianum, cum emendatt. et Lectt. Griesbachii prsecipuis vocis ellipticis, &c. Studio et labore Gul. Greenfield. Lond. Bagster, 1829, 32mo. 8s.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, subjecitur selectio copiosa Lectt variantium emendatiouumque Griesbachii, accurante Gul. Duncan. Edinb. 1830, 12mo.—1854, 12mo.4s. 6d.
- The Greek Testament, with English Notes by the Rev. Edward Винтоя, D.D. Oxford, 1831, 8vo. 2 vols, published at If. 10s,— 1835, Svo. 2vols—Third edition, 1848, 8vo. in 1 vol.—Fifth edition, with Index, Oxford, 1856, Svo. in 1 vol. 10s. 6d.—Sixth edition, 1862, 8vo. 10s. 6d.
- Novum Testamentum Grsecum ex recensione Lachmanni. Loud, apud Black, et Young, 1831, 12mo.
- The Greek Testament ; accompanied with English Notes, critical, philological, and exegetical, by the Rkv, S. T. BloomFiKi.D, Cambr. 1832,8vo.2 vols.—Second edition, greatly enlarged and considerably improved, L^pnd. 1836, 8vo. 2 vols.— Third edition, 1839, Svo. 2 vols.—Fifth edition, 1843, 8vo. 2 vols.—Sixth edition, 1847, 8vo, 2 vols. 2!. 2s.—Ninth edition, 1856, 8vo, 2 vols. il. 8s. This work is expressly adapted for Academical students (including the first classes in Public Schools) and Candidates for Holy Orders.
Testament—Greek, continued
Additional Annotations to Bloomfield's Greek Testament. Lond. 1850, 8vo. 15s.
Critical Annotations, being a supplemental volume to the ninth edition of Jsioomfield's Greek Testament. Lond. 1860, 8vo. 14s.
- The New Testament, Greek and English. (Edited by 3. Scholefield.) Camb. 1834, 12mo.—1836, 12mo. 8s. 6d.
- The New Testament in Greek and English, with a marginal Harmony, References to Parallel Passages, a Concordance of Words, and a graduated collection of various Readings, arranged and edited by Edward Cardwell, D.D. Oxf, 1837, crown Svo. 2 vols. 16s-, reduced 9s.
The Greek Testament, with English Notes. For the use of Schools. By S. T. Bloomfield. Lond. Longman, 1837, 12mo. — Third edition, enlarged, 1813, 12mo. 10s. 6d.—1847, 12mo. 7s. 6d.
- Kovum Testamentum Grœcum juxta exemplum Griesbachianum, cum var. Lect. Millii et Scholzii. (Cura Geo. Long î) Lond. Taylor and Walton, 1837, 32шо.— Second edition, revised, 1850, 12mo. 6s. 6d.
- The Greek Testament, with English notes and chronological Harmony, for the use of Schools and Colleges, by the Eev. W. Trollope. Lond. Tegg. 1837,8vo. —1851, 8vo.-1860, 8vo. 9s.
- Novum Testamentum Graecum ad exemplar R. Stephani, cura P. Wilson. Philadelphia, 1838,12mo.
- The English Hexapla; exhibiting, under the Greek Text of Scholz, the SI* celebrated Translations known as Wiclif's, 1380, Tyndale's, 1634, tho Great Bible, 1539, the Genevan, 1557, the Rhernish, 1582, and the Authorised, 1611, arranged in parallel columns. Loud. Bagster, 1841, 4to. 2Z. 2s. Large Paper, 31. 3s.
—New edition. Loud. Bagster, 1846, 4to. il. 2s. Lai. j i. Paper, 32. 3s.
- The Pocket Critical Greek and English New Testament in parallel columns. Lond. Bagster, 1842, 16mo. 8s.—The same with Lexicon and Concordance, in 1 vol. morocco, 11. Is.
- Critical New Testament, Greek and English, with a wide margin for notes. Lond. Bagster, 1842, Email 4to.—1857, small 4to. ÍOs. ed.
- The Greek Testament (the Polymicrian), with various readings and maps. Lond. Bagster, n. d. 32шо. 5-s. The same with Lexicon, 7s. 6d. or with Concordance, 10s.
- The Greek Testament, with various
Readings. Lond. Bagster, n. d. fcp. 8vo.
very thin for the pocket, 5a.
- The New Testament, Greek and En
Greek, continued.
glish. Lond. Bagster, n. d. fcp. 8vo. very thin for the pocket, 8s. 6d.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, editio Hellenistica. Cura E. G. Grinfleld. Lond. Pickering, 1843, Svo. 2 vols. pub. at 2i. 2s. — Scholia Hellenistica in Novum
- Testamentum Grsecum, ex Philone et Josepho, Patribus Apostolicis aliisque Ecclesite Antiquœ Scriptoribus, nee non Libris Apocryphis, maxime depromta. Studio et opera E. Gul. Grinfield. Lond, Pickering, 1848, 8vo. 2 vole. pub. at 80s. (The present price of the Testament and Scholia, 4 vols. 1Í. 10s.)
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. (Edidit J. Jowett.) Cantab. 1843, 16шо.— 1847, 16mo.
- The Greek Testament, edited by F. Е. J. Valpy, for Schools. Loud. Whittaker, 1845, 12mo. 5s.
- The Greek Testament, with a critically revised Text, a Digest of various Readings, Marginal References, Prolegomena, and a critical and exegeticalCommentary. ByHENETAlford.d.d. Lond.Hivington, 1848-61, 8vo. 4 vols, sometimes bound in 5.—New editions, 1861-63, 8vo. 4 vols, in Б, Ы. 2s. ; viz. vol. 1,5th edition, revised, 1863, 1Í. 8s. ; vol. 2, 4th edition, 1861, 11.4s.; vol. 3, 3rd edition, 1862, 18s. ; vol. 4, part 1,2nd edition, 1862,18s. ; vol. 4, part 2, second edition, 1862,14s.
- New Testament, Greek and English, in parallel columns. Edited by Professor Scholefleld. Camh. 1850, crown 8vo. 7s 6d. —The same, small 4to. with wide margins for notes, 12s.—Camb. 1867, cr. 8vo.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum. El editione Stephani 1550. Camb. 1650, 18mo. 3s. 6d.
- Critical Greek Testament (Large Print), containing various readings from Lachmann, Scholz, Griesbach and Tischendorf, with copious Parallel Passages. Lond. Bagster, 1851,8vo. 12s.
- The Greek Testament (large type). With various Readings and References. Lond. Bagster, 1852, 8vo. 16s—1854.
- The New Testament in Greek. With English Notes and Prefaces by J. I'. Macmichael. Lond. Bell and Daldy,1854, fcp. 8vo.—1861, fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d.
- The Greek Testament, with Notes, grammatical and exegetical, by W. WebSter and W. F. Wilkinson. Lond. J. W. Parker, 1856-61, 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 4s.
- The New Testament in the original Greek, with introductions and copious English notes by Christopher WordsWorth, D.D. Lond. Rivington, 1856-60, imp. Svo. 4 vols. 4l. 4s, This Exposition is largely illustrated from the Writings of the Fathers.—Second edition of vol. 1,
Testament—Greek, continued
- The New Testament, consisting of the Greek Text of Scholz, with the Readings ->f Griesbach and the variations of the editions of Stephens 1550, lieza 1598, and the Elzevir I6(>3, with the English authorized version and its marginal Readings, bond. Bagster, 1857, 4to. IOs. 6d.
- Greek Testament, edited by Dr. S. P. Tregelles. bond. 1857-60, 4to. Tarts 1 and 2, the Gospels.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcnm juxta exemplar Millianiim. Oxon. e typ. Clarend. 1859, 12mo. 2s. 6d. — The same, on writing paper, witli a wide margin, small 4 to. 6s. 6d.
- The Greek Testament. Griesbaclfs Text with the Varions Readings of Mill Hnd Scholz, Marginal References to Parallels, and a Critical Introduction. Third edition, revised and corrected. Lond. Bonn's Collegiate Series, 1859, post 8vo. with 2 facsimiles of Greek Manuscripts, 3s. 6d.The same, with a Greek and English Manual Lexicon to the New Testaient by J. H. Bass, 1860, 2 vols, in one, 5s. (The text of this edition of the Greek Testament is said by the Rev. W. Webster to be immaculate.)
- Novum Testamentum Griectim, ex antiquísimo Códice Vaticano, ËUidit Лп::t-I;is Maius. Ad fîdem editionis Roraaiiaï accuratius impressum. Loud. Williams and Norgate, 1859, 8vo. 12s.
- Novum Testamentum Textus Stephanici, A.D. 1550. Accedunt Variée Lectiones ex editiouibus Bezae, Elzevir!, Lachluanni, Tischendorfii, Tregellesii. Curante F. H. Scrivener. Cambridge, 1859, 18mo. 4s. ed.—With wide margins for notes, 4to. 12s.
- Novum Testamentum Grœcum, ex antiqnissimo Códice Alexandrine a C. G. Woide, accuratius edidit B. H. Cowper. Lond. Williams and Norgate, I860. 8vo. 12s-
- The New Testament in Greek, from Cardinal Mai's edition of the Vatican Bible, with English Notes, a Harmony of the Gospels, Chronological Tables, &c. Ity Robert Ornsby. With tlie Approbation of P. Cullen (the Roman Catholic Archbishop). Dublin, I860, post 8vo. 8s. 6d.
- The New Testament, Greek and English, construed literally by J. A.Giles, D.D. Lond. 1860-61, 12mo. 2 vols. U Is.
- The Greek Testament, the Text of Scholz, with various readings, "Narrow «"Ikion." Lond. Bagster, 1861, narrow ISmo. 4s. 6d.
- *„* All the editions to which an asterisk* is prefixed, are printed or published by our Bible Society.
- Greek (Modern), or Romaic The New Testament in the Romaic or modern Greek Language, by Maximum Calliergi, with a Preface by Séraphin, u Monk of ititylene. Lond. 1703, 12mo. The preface to this edition gave great offence to the Greek bishops, particularly
i to the Patriarch of Constantinople, by whose order it was committed to the
| flames.—Again, Lond. 1705, 12mo. Only a new title-page, und the Noutfiesia substituted for Seraphiu's preface.
- * The New Testament, in modern Greek. Chelsea [bond.]. 1810, 12шо.— 1814,12mo. Frequently reprinted.
| * The New Testament, in ancient and : modern Greek, in parallel columns. Lond.
1810, thick 12mo. — Lond. 1819, 12mo. : Frequently reprinted.— Ib. 1829, 8vo. i The New Testament in ancient and
modern Greek. Lond. 1827 and 1830,8vo.
- * The New' Testament in ancient and modern Greek, Abp. Hilarion's Version. Lond. 1828—1830—1832, 8vo.
- New Testament in Modern Greek. New York, 1836, 8vo.—1842,12mo.
- * New Testament in Modern Greek. Lond. 1861, 12mo. Is. 6d.
====================================================================== -->
- Novum Testamentvm Latinvm, ad Antiquissima Grsecorum exemplaria, quam diligentississime : castigatum inq : Latinara phrasira transfusum. Per B.Galterum Delœntim, Rœgiœ Maiestatis Anglicanae liiblioscopum. Lond. excud. Joannes Mayler, 1540, 4to. Pickering, pt. H. 3179, 11. Is. Stevens, fine copy, 5/. 5s. This volume contains fol. 228, besides dedicatory epistle to K. Henry VIII. 20 leaves, epistle to the reader, one page. At the end, a small tract upon Justification, Free Will and Predestination, 10 leaves ; also ' Pleonexegesis Prsefationis & aliorum passim Locorum Noui Testamenti : pereundem Galteruru Delœaum,' 12 leaves. Following thw Preface is a note to the Reader of one page, stating that he had deviated in above six hundred places from the Vulgate as well as i1;1 .i i the text of Erasmus, and has translated the New Testament according to ttie oldest Greek examples. This Walter Delaine styles himself in two places, ' the Biblioscoper to the King.' What other record is there of this office? Copies are in George IV.'s Lib., British Museum, and in Earl Spencer's and Mr. Lenox's Collections.
- Testament
um Novvm ex Des. Erasmi Koterodaml Versione, ac eiusdem recog.
Testament—Latin, continued
lïïtione postrema. Londini, apud Ge.rardnm Demies, 1568, Svo. This version was reprinted by Thomas Marshe, in 1573,32mo. vith 2 title pages. lu the British Museum.
- Jesv Christi D. N. Novvm Testamentara, Theodoro Beza interprete. Additae sun t summae breuea Doctrinae in Euangelistas et Acta Apo.stolortmi, &c. Londini, ex Officina Tho. VautroIIerii, 1574. 8vo. Bliss, pt. i. Ss. Again frequently.
Novum Testamentum Latinum. Theo
doro. Beza interprete. Lond. Excudeba* Custalionis. bond. tí. Mearne, 1682,
Thomas Vautrollerius, 1574, 4to. With Parallel Passages in the margins.
Novura Testamentum Latinum Theod. Beza Interp. Lond. T. Vautrollerins, 1577, 24mo.—Another edition, ib. 1579, small 8vo. with notes in the margin.—ib, 1582, 32m o.
Jesv Christi D. N. Novvm Testamentum, e Lingua Syriaca Latino Sermono redditum, Interprete Immanuele Tremellio. ExcudehatT.(homas) V.(au troller ¡us) Typographus, impensis J.(oan) H.(arrifion), 1580, 4io. Usually appended to Harrison'B edition of the Latin Bible.
Novum Testamentum Latinum, Theod. Beza interp. Lond. H. Middleton, 1585, thin 4to.
- Novum Testaraentum Latinum, Theod. Beza interp. Lond. 1587,12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, Theod.
Beza interprete. 1589,12mo.
Lond. T. Vautrollier,
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, Theod. Beza interprete. Loud, excud. Keg. Typograph. 1592, folio. With marginal notes.
- Novum Testamentum in hexámetros Versus ad Verbum et genuinum Sensum fideliter in Latinam Lingiiam translatum per Johannem (BridgesJ Episcopum Oxoniensem. Londini, excud. Valent. Simsius, 1604,8vo. An uncommon booh, exhibiting great ingenuity and learning, but little taste. The translation, in Latin hexameter verse, opens with three long
Latin, continued.
Novum Testamentum. Interprete Theod. Beza. And New Testament translated by King James' command Lond. by E. Tyler, 1659, 12mo. Printed in two columns, the Latin in Roman letter, the English in Italic, with a preface by Charles Hoole.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, Theod. Beza interprete, Cantab, ex offic. Joa. Field, 1676, 8vo.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum. Oxon. 1679, 12mo.
- Novum Testamen.tum Latine. Versio
12mo. engraved title.
- Novum Testamentum, ex versione Theod. Bezre; ad fUem optimorum editt. recensitum. Cantab. 1686,12mo.
- Novum Testamentum ex Sebast. Cnstalionis Interpretatione. Lond. 1702, lümo. —ib. 1712, I2mo. — ib. 1722, — ib. 1750, 12mo.—1756, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, Theod. Beza Interpreta;. Lond. 1705, 12mo.— Reprinted, 1715. 1720.—1726.—1726. — 1735.—1743, 12mo.—1746.—1753.—1764.— 1768.—1770.—1773.—1793, 12mo.
- N.ovum Testamentum ex Sebast. Castalionis Interpretatione. Glaeg. 11. et A. Foulis, 175S 2 vols. Williams, 1743, morocco, 16s. Laegb Paper. Williams, 1744, morocco, by Roger Pnyne, II. 4s. —Lond. 1762, 12mo. Castalio'n version has been frequently reprinted.
- Novum Testamentum Vulgafœ Editionisjuxta Exemplum Parisiis editum apud Fratres, Barbou. Sumptibus Acadeniise Oxoniensis in u sum Cleri Gallicani in Angliâ exulantis. Cura et Studio quorundam ex eodem Clero Wintoniai commorantium. Oxonii, e Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1796, 8vo. Of this handsome edition 4000 copies were printed for distribution among the French ecclesiastics driven from their homes by the Revolution.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum Theodoro Beza interprete. Lond. Longman, 1811,12mo. 3s. 6d. stereotyped.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, editio vulgata. Lond. 1812,12mo.
- Novum Testamentum, oh fréquentes omnium Interpretationum Hallucinatio-
copies of Latín verses, a. prayer to the
Almighty, 154, an epistle dedicatory to :
K. James, 267, and preface to the pious [ nes, nunc demum ex Códice Alexandrine,
and benevolent reader, 573 lines. Conodhibitis etiam compluribus MSS. vari<
stable, 61, 9s. 6d. Sotheby's, March 12, ; antibusque Lectioni« editis, summa fid
Ю, 2s. In the British Museum.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum. Lond. ex off. Station. 1622,12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, ex interp. Theod. Beza. Lond. R. Morton, 1633, 8vo.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, ex interp. Theod. Beza. Lond. II. Whittaker, 1633,12mo.
ac cura Latine redditum. Omnibus Sacris Auctoribns Greecis, Sacris Criticis, Glossuriis, et Instructioribus per totam Grseciam Ecclesiasticis Viris diligentissime consultis. Interprete Leopoldo Sebastiani Romano. Londini, Jno. Bohn, 1817, royal i.ivo. The author of this version, a Roman Catholic clergyman, was at the head of the Missionaries in Persia. Eoou
Testament—Latin, continued
after he finished his task, intending to leave the country, he sold off the book for waste paper at a lose of more than 200Í. He failed to satisfy either Church, because he had sacrificed the original simplicity to florid Latinity. The Preface is very political. A copy is in the British Museum.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, Theod. Beza interp, Lond. Bagster, 1821, 12mo. —32mo.Sa.ed.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, Theodoro Beza luterp. Edinb. 1825,12mo. — 1850, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum Latinum, Vulgiitse editionis. Lond. , Bagster, fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d.
- Novum Testamentum, Gallicc, ex Joannis Calvini recognitione. Lond.Thomas Gualtier, 1551, 8vo.
Le Nouveau Testament. Genevan version. Lond. 1686, 12mo. with an engraved title-page, date 1687.
Le Nouveau Testament. Lond. chez Daniel Chemin, 1693, 8vo.
Le Nouveau Testament. Lond. D. Mortier, 1706, 8vo,—Reprinted, 1710.— 1724—1725,—1734,12mo.—1735,8vo. large type.
Le Nouveau Testament, revue sur le texte de M. Martin. Lond. 1740,12rao.
Le Nouveau Testament, par D. Martin, revue par D. Durand. Lond. 1750,12mo. —1772, 12mo.
Le Nouveau Testament. Edinb. 1806, 12mo.
- * Le Nouveau Testament, par Ostervald. Lond. 1807, 12mo. — 1813, 8vo. —1862. 32mo. 7d.—1863, 12mo. lOd.
Le Nouveau Testament, par D. Martin. Southampt. 1807,12mo. Southampt. 1811, 12mo.
- * Le Nouveau Testament, par Martin. Lond. 1808, 12mo.—1862,32mo. 7d—1863, 12шо. lOd.
Le Nouveau Testament. Traduction de M. de Sacy. Boston, U.S. 1810, 8vo. 2 vols.
- * The New Testament, in French and English. Lontl. 1817, 12mo.
- * Le Nouveau Testament, par De Sacy. Norwich, 1820,12mo—Lond. 1821, 8vo.
Le Nouveau Testament. Edinb. 1829, 16mo.
Le Nouveau Testament. Londres, 1829, 24mo. 4s.—1837, 12mo.
Le Nouveau Testament, par Ostervald. Glasgow, 1835, Sumo.
Le Nouveau Testament. Revue et corrigée par "W. Clapperton. Lond. (printed in Edinb.) 1839, 16шо.
| French, continued.
Le Nouveau Testament, par Ostervald, with the English version. Loud. 1840, 12mo.
Le Nouveau Testament. Version revue sur l'original. Lond. 1842, 8vo,—1848, 8vo.
Le Nouveau Testament. Dus Neoe Testament (French and German). Lond. 1846, 8TO.
Le Nouveau Testament, traduit en Français, avec le commentaire littéral du Père De Carrière. Québec, 1846,8vo.
Le Nouveau Testament, par Ostervald. Edinb. 1853,16mo.
- New Testament, French and English. New York, 1854, 12mo.
- * New Testament, French and German, with Psalms. Lond. 1856, 8vo. 1s. 6d.
Le Nouveau Testament. Lond. Bagster, 1857, 24mo. 3s. 6d.
- * II Nuovo Testamento. The NewTestament in Italian, by Diodati. Shacklewell, 1811, 12mo.—Reprinted in 1813, 12mo.—1816,12mo.—New édition. 24шо. 9d., or with References, Is.
- * In Nuovo Testamento. The New Testament in Italian, by Antonio Martini, Archb. of Florence. Lond. 1818,12mo.— Reprinted in 1821,12mo.
II Nuovo Testamento da Diodati, riveduto da Giamb. Roland!. Lond. 1819, 8vo. 7s.—1821, 12mo.
- * II Nuovo Testamento, trad, da Martini. Lond. 1838, 16mo. —1861, 32mo. 7d., 24mo. 9d.
- * II Nuovo Testamento, trad, da Diodati. Lond. 1861, 32mo. 7d. ; 24mo.9d.
II Nuovo Testamento, trad, da Diodati. Lond. 1840, 8vo.—Stampato per T. Combe. (Oxford), 1848, 16mo.
II Nuovo Testamento, trad, per cura di G. Achill!. New York, 1854, Svo.
II Nuovo Testamento, trad, da Diodati. Cambr. 1858, 8vo. and 12шо.
Il Nuovo Testamento trad, da Diodati riveduta ed eméndala. Lond. 1862, 8TM. Is. 6d.—16mo. Is. Published by the Society for PromotingChristian Knowledge.
- * Piedmontr.se.—New Testament in the Piedmontese language, translated (by the \ Rev. P. Bert). Edited by C. Beckwitb. Lond. 1834,8vo.
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El Testamento nuevo de nuestro Señor Jesu Christo. En Casa de Ricardo del Campo (Field), 1596, 12mo. 742 pages.besides the prefaces. Parallel placee in the margin. Bliss, pt, i. 11s.
El Nuevo Testamento, Impresso рог S. l Rousseau. (Lond.) 1805,12mo.
Testament—Spanish, continued
- * El Nuevo Testamento. The Ne.. Testament in Spanish. Bermondsey, 1813, 12mo. — Lond. 1817, 12mo. — Reprinted 1821,12mo.-1829, 12mo.
El Nuevo Testamento. Bungay (1815), I2mo.
El Nuevo Testamento. The New Testament, in Spanish by P. Scio de S. Miguel. New York, 1819, 12mo.
- * El Nuevo Testamento. By P. Scio. Khacklewell, 1820, 12mo. — Lond. 1828, 8vo. and 18mo.—1857, 8vo. Is. 8d.—12mo. Is.—24mo. Is. 2d.—32mo. 7d.
El Nuevo Testamento, por Don Felix Torres Amat. Edición revista. Lond. 1825, 12mo.—1837, 8vo.—1839.8vo.
- * El Nuevo Testamento. Revisada por Griego. Lond. 1847, 8vo.
El Nuevo Testamento, trad, рог С. De Valora en 1602, y revisado en 1831. Glasgow, 1849, 12mo.
- * El Nuevo Testamento. By De Valora. Lond. 1850, 24mo. Is. 2d.
El Nuevo Testamento, with English version, New York, 1850, 8vo.—1855, ISmo.
El Nuevo Testamento. Version cotejada revisada por J. Calderón. Lond. 1852, 8vo.
- * New Testament in Judzeo-Spanish. (Rabbinical characters.) (Corfu), 1829, 8vo.
- * Catalonian.—Ъа Nou Testament. Traduhit de la Vulgata Llatina en Llengua Catalana. [By Prat.1 Londres, 1832. 8vo. —1835, 12mo. Is. 94.
====================================================================== -->
- * O Novo Testamento. The New Testament, in Portuguese by A. de Almeida. Shacklewell, 1811, 12mo. — Lond. 1813, 12mo.—1817,12mo.—1858,8vo. ls.9d.
- * O Novo Testamento. Edited by J. Pereira. Lond. 1818, 12mo.—Lond. 1823, ISmo.—1847, 12rao.—1858, 24mo. Is. Id.
- * The New Testament in Portuguese. Lond. 1841-43, 32mo.—1862, 32mo. 7d.
- The New Testament in Portuguese. New York, 1858, ISmo.
- * The New Testament in Indu-Portugnese, translated by the Rev. W. Newstead. Lond. 1826, 8vo.—Reprinted, Colombo, 1831, Bvo.—ib. 1852, 8vo.
- New Testament, Portuguese and English. New York, 1857,12mo.
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Das Neue Testament. The New Testament (Luther's version), in German. Lond. 1751,12mo.
- * Das Neue Testament. The New Testament, in German. Lond. 1811, 12mo.— Reprinted 1817, 1823, in 12mo. and in 1827, 24mo.
German, continued.
- * The New Testament, in German. Lond. 1813, 8vo. — Reprinted in 1829. — 1830,12mo.—1831,12mo.—1848,12mo.
- The New Testament, in German, bond. Bagster, 1837, 32mo. 4s.
- * New Testament (Luther's version), in the Judœo-German. (Rabbinical characters.) Edited by J. D'Allemand. Lond. 1820, 12mo. — Another edit, edited by B. N. Solomon. Lond. 1821, Svo.
- New Testament in German (Luther's version). Lond. 1848,12mo.
- * New Testament in German. Lond. 1856, 32mo.8d.—1860, 24mo. lOd.
- New Testament, in German. New York, 1856, 8vo.—ib. 1858, 32mo.
- New Testament, in German and English. New York, 1857,12mo.
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Het Nieuwe Testament ofte alle Воеken dos Nieuwen Verbunds onsers Ыеегеп Jesu Christi, Tolgens het besluyt der Sinode van Dordrecht in dae Jare. 1618 en 1619. With an English Translation (the Royal Version), and a French Translation. Amst. 1684, 15s.
Nieuwe Testament, volgens het beslnyt van de Synode Nationaal. Lond. 1809,12mo.
- * Nieuwe Testament. The New Testament in Dutch, in Roman type. Lond, 1B09, 12mo. —1812. — Bermondsey, 1814, 12mo.
- * Het Nieuwe Testament. Lond. 1883, 12mo. 3s.—1848, 32mo. 6d,—1857, 12mo. lOd.
- New Testament, in Dutch and English. New York, 1856, 8vo.
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Het Nieuwe Testament in Neder duytsche (Flemish), na der Griescher waerheyt overgeset. Met de annotation. August Marlorati. Ghedrucht in Jaer, 1568, no place or name (Anthony Solemne, Norwich), 121110. The only copy known is in Trinity College, Dublin. For a notice of this printer, see Cotton's Typographical Gazetteer, 1831, p. 197.
- * New Testament in Flemish. Lond. 1854, 8vo. Is. 3d. ,
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Nye Testamente, overeat fra Grundsproget. Lond. 1809,12шо.
- * Nye Testamente. The New Testament in Danish. Lond. 1814,12mo. Reprinted in 1823, 7, 8, and 9. — 1849, 32mo. —1862,12mo. Is. 3d.-32mo. lOd.
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- * Nya Testamentet. The New Testa, ment in Swedish, Lond. 1827, 12mo.— 1829, 12mo. Is. 3d.—With Psalms, 1863, 32mo. 9d.
- New Testament, Swedish and English. New York, 1856, 12шо.
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- * New Testament in the Icelandic language. Lond. 1863, sm. 4to.
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- * New Testament, translated into thft Greenland Language by the Missionaries of the Unites Fratrum. Lond. 1822 8vo.
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- * New Testament in the Finnish Language. Lond. 1815, 8vo. Is. lid.
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- New Testament in Polish, hut in the Hebrew Character for the use of the Polish Jews, by the Rev. N. Solomon. 1821, 8vo. Printed by the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews.
- * New Testament in Polish. (Roman characters.) Lond. 1868,16mo. Is.
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- * New Testament in the Modern Russian language. Lond. 1022, 8vo.—1862, I2mo. ls.4d.—24mo. Is.
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- The New Testament translated into the (American) Indian Language, by John Eliot. Cambridge, U.S. 1661, small 4to. with a second title-page in the Indian language. A dedication to Charles II. was inserted in only twenty copies, which were sent to England as presents. In the Grenville Collection, and BritishMnseum. Copies of this translation were annexed to the Bible in the same language published in 1663, when the English titlepage and dedication were suppressed.
- The New Testament (American Indian). Camb. U.S. Printed for the right hon. Corporation in London, for the propagation of the Gospel among the Indians in New England. 16SO, 4to.
Chippewat/.—tXew Testament in Chippeway, or Ojibway, translated by Dr. James. Albany, 1833, 12rao.
Choctaw.—New Testament in the Choctaw language. New York, 1848,12mo. —75.1857, 12mo.
- * Cree.—New Testament. For the Cree Indiana, Hudson's Bay Territories. Lond. 1859,12mo. Is. 8d.
Dakota.—New Testament in the Dakota language. The Gospels by G. H. Pond and J. Renville, Acts to Revelations by S. R. Riggs. Cincinnati, 1843, 12mo.
- * Esquimaux.—New Testament in Esquimaux. Lond. 1840, 12mo.
Ojibway.— New Testament in the language of the Ojibway Indians. New York, 844,12mo.—1856, tSvo.
- * Novum Testamentum Amharicnm vertit Abu Rumi Habessinus. Etlidit T. P. Platt. Lond. 1829, fsc. 4to.—Nova editio edidit C. H. Blumenhardt. Lond. 1852, 8vo. 3s. 6d.
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- Xovurrt Testamentum, Arabice. Londini, Snmptibus Societatis de Propaganda Cognitione Christi apud Exteros. 1727, roy. 4to. 15s. Of this edition, published under the direction of Salomon Negri,ten thousand copies are said to have been printed, which bave been sent to the East as occasion required. Large Papkr.
- New Testament in Arabic. Translated by N. Sabat. Calcutta, 1816, 8vo.
- * Novum Testamentum, Arabice, secundum Textura Edit. Kom. 1671. Lond. 1820, Svo.—1825, 8vo.
- * New Testament in the Arabic Language, Sabat's Version. Lond. 1825, Svo.—Calcutta, 1826, 8vo.
- * New Testament in Arabic. Lond. 1850, Svo.—1862, 8vo. 3s.
- * New Testament in Arabic, translated by Paris al Shadyak. Lond. 1851, 8vo.
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- * New Testament in Ararat-Armenian. Calcutta, 1839, Svo. 2s.
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Caffir, or Kafir.
- New Testament in the Kafir language. Wesleyan Mission Press, King William's Town, 1853, 8vo.
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Carshimic, or Carshun.
- * Novum Testamentum Carshimice.Litteris Syriacis impressum, in usum Christianorum qui СагнЫт, Bokharam, etc. iucolunt. Lond. 1840, 4to. 5s.
- * New Testament, Carshun and Syriac, parallel columns, Lond. ' 4to. 7s. 6d.
====================================================================== -->
- The New Testament in Chinese, translated by Robert Morrison, D.D. (Canton, 1813), in 8 parts, 12mo. — An edition, 1 vol. Canton, 1813, 8vo,—New edition, revised by Dr. Morrison and Dr. Milne, Anglo-Chinese College (Malacca), 1823, in 8 parts, 8vo.
- The New Testament in Chinese, translated by the Committee of Delegates appointed by the Protestant Missionaries to China. Shanghae, 1852.8vo.—Another edition, Anglo-Chinese College, Hong Kong, 1854, 8vo.
- * New Testament in Chinese, in Roman characters. Lond. 12mo. 6d.
- New Testament in Chinese MunchTM Svo. 10s.
====================================================================== -->
E. Indian Languages & Dialects
» Assam.—New Testament ¡n the Asват Language. Serampore, 1819, 8vo.— Lond. 1820, 8vo.
- New Testament. Translated into
the Assamese language,by N. BrownSibsagor. Assam, 1849, 8vo.
Bengalee. — New Testament in Bengalee, translated by Dr. W. Carey. Serampore, 1801, 8vo.—Lond. (Bible Society), 1819, 8vo.
- New Testament in Bengalee,translated by the Calcutta Baptist Missionnries, with Native Assistants. Calcutta, 1833 8vo — Fourth edition, 1839, 8vo. —Fifth edition, 1841,12mo.—184T, 12mo.
- * New Testament in Bengalee,
Koman character. Lond. 1839, 8vo. 3s.
» The New Testament in Bengalee,
translated by Dr. Yates. Lond. 1839, bvo. (or with the English version) 2 vols.
BJiugelkunda. — New Testament, translated into the Bhugelkunda dialect by the Serampore Missionaries. Serampore, 1821, 8vo.
BJiutuner. — New Testament in tho lihutuner language, translated by the Serampore Missionaries. Serampore, 1818, 8vo.—1824, 8vo.
Bikaneera, — New Testament in the Bikaneera (Vikanera) language. Serampore, 1820, 8vo.—1823. 8vo. The title is in the Sanscrit character.
Burmese— New Testament in Burmese. Rangoon, 1832, 8vo.
Camatic.—New Testament. Translated into the Carnatica language by J.Hands. Bellary (1820), 8vo.
- New Testament. Translated into
the Kurnata language by the Serampore Missionaries. Serampore.. 1Ь23, 8vo.
Cashmere. — New Testament in the Kashmeera language. Serampore, 1821, 8vo.
ПмдгЛ.—New Testament in the Doo. grab dialect. Serampore, 1818, 8vo.
Goqralee.->New Testament in the Goojratee Dialect. Serampore, 1820: 8vo.
. New Testament in Goojratee
translated by the Rev. Messrs. Skinne and Fyvie. Surat, 1821, 8vo—1827, 4to —Third edition, 1832, 8vo.
- New Testament in Goojratee
(Bombay, 183T?)8vc>.
Harotee.—New Testament in Harotee Serampore, 1821,8vo.
Hmdoostanee.—Kew Testament, trans
lated into the Hindooetanee language
By the Missionaries at Serampore. Se
гашроге, 18П. 4to.
-— New Testament, Hindoostanee, in
E. Ind. Languages, &c., contind. he Persian character. Translated by H. iartyn, and revised by MirzaFitrut and ther natives. Serampore, 1814, 8vo.— Lond. 1819,8vo.
New Testament in Hindoosta-
ee in Nagree Character, translated by he Rev. H. Martyn. Calcutta, 1817,8vo.
—»Lond. 1819, 8vo.
» New Testament in Hindoostanee,
ranslated by W. Yates, with marginal eferences in the Arabic character. Calcutta, 1839,8vo. and 12mo.
- New Testament in Hindoostanee.
Dr. Hœberlin's edition.) Calcutta, 1841, 2mo.
- New Testament in Hindoostanee
Roman characters). Calcutta, 1841, 2mo.*1860, 12mo. Is. Id.
- New Testament in Hindoostanee.
Calcutta, 1842, 8vo.
» New Testament in Hindoostanee.
Translated by the Missionaries at Bañara». Lond. 1842, 12mo.
- New Testament in Hindoostanee
in the Niski character). Calcutta, 1844,
» New Testament, Hindostanee
and English. Lond. 1860,12mo. Is. 8d.
Hindui. — New Testament in Uinduee, translated by (Dr.) W. Carey. Serampore, 1811, 410—1812, 8vo.
» New Testament, translated into
the Hinduee Language, by the Rev. W. Bowley. Calcutta, 1826, 8vo.
- New Testament Hinduee, in Kai-
thee character. Calcutta, 1840? 8vo.— Edited by A. Leslie. Calcutta, 1850, 12mo.
- New Testament in the Tlindnl
language. Translated by the Baptist Missionaries. Calcutta, 1848, 12mo.
- Klmssm.—New Testament in the Khassia (Indo-Chinese) dialect. Serampore, 1827, 8vo.
- Kunkuna— New Testament in the Kunkuna language. Serampore, 1818, 8vo.
- Kunouij.—New Testament in the Kunouij dialect. Serampore, 1821, 8vo.
- Magudha.—New Testament in Magudha. Sevampore, 1826, 8vo.
- Mahratta. — New Testament in the Mahratta language. Translated by tho Serampore Missionaries. Serampore, 1821, 8vo. In 20 parts, with separate title pages.
- New Testament in the Mahratta
language. Translated by the American Missionaries. Bombay, 1826, 8vo.—1830, 8vo.
Another Translation. Printed for
the Almedmugger Mission. Bombay, 1847-51, 8vo.—1855, 12mo.
- Malabar.—See Tawui.
Testament—E. Ind. Lang., tont.
- Malaylim. — New Testament in the Malaylim language. Translated by the Itev. Mr. Bailey. Cottaynm, 1829, 8vo. —1843.—Part 1. Gospel and Acts. Lond
1834, 8vo.
- Marwar.—New Testament in the Marwar language. Serampore, 1821, 8vo.
- * Mooltan. — New Testament in the Mooltan dialect. Serampore, 1819, 8vo.
- Nepala.—New Testament in the Nepala language. Serampore, 1821, 8vo.
- Ooojuin, or Ujjain.—New Testament in Ooojein, translated bythe Serampore Missionaries. Serampore, n. d. (1824) 8vo.
- Oriya. — New Testament in Oriya, translated by the Baptist Missionaries. Serampore, 1819, 8vo.—1822, 8vo. Cuttack, 1840, 8vo.
Au.—New Testament in Pal!, in Burmese characters, translated (by W. Tolfrey, B. Clough, and others). Colombo,
1835, 8vo.
- Punjabee.—New Testament in Punjabec (or Sikh). Serampore, 1811, Svo.— 1818,8vo.
- fushtoo.—New Testament in the Pushtoo langnage, translated by the Serampore Missionaries. Serampore, 1819, 8vo.
- Sanscrit.—New Testament in Sanscrit (Sacred language of the Brahmins). Translated by the Baptist Missionaries. Serampore, 1808, 4to. »Calcutta, 1841,8vo. 3s. 4d.
- Tamul. — New Testament in Tamul. Ziegeubalg's version, adapted for the use of the Natives of Ceylon. Colombo, 1743, 4to.—111. 1759, 4to.
- New Testament into Malabar
(Tamul) by J. P. Fabricius. Madras, 1777, 8vo.—Reprinted Serampore (1812) 8vo._Madras, 1824, 8vo.
- Telinga.—New Testament in Telinga, translated by the Serampore Missionaries. Serampore, 1818, 8vo.
- Teloogoo.—Hew Testament in Teloogoo, translated by E. Pritchett. Madras, 1818 8vo. 2 vols.
- New Testament in Teloogoo,
translated (by J. Hay and J. S. Wardlaw). Vizagapatam, 1856, 12mo.
- Tulu,—New Testament in Tulu. Mangalore Mission Press, 1842-7, Svo.
====================================================================== -->
Egyptian, or Coptic.
- Novum Testamentara .ffigyptmm vulgo Copticiim, ex MSS. Bodleianis descripsit, cum Vaticanis et Parisiensibus contulit et in Latinum Sermonem convertit David Wilkins. Oxon. 1716, 4to. 11. Is. Copies are still tobe had, reduced, 12s.6d. With an engraved title and 40 pages of prolegomena. A beautiful book, though according to Woide, the Latin version is ¡u
Egyptian, continued. several instances inaccurate. Heath.4M. 13s. 6d. Gösset, 744,1/. 6s. Hibbert. 5S3S, morocco, 21. 10s. Heber, pt vii. 12s Lakob Paper. Williams, 1546, uncut, morocco, 41. 2s.
- Fragmenta Novi Testament!, ' e Versione jEgyptiaca Dialecti Thebaidicœ, Sahidicœ, seu superioris .¿Egypti. Oxon. 1799, folio, 2!,2s. These fragments, some of which are supposed to be nearly as old as the second century, are a valuable addition to our biblical apparatus. Prefixed is an elaborate and learned dissertation by Dr. Woide, and there are many useful notes by Dr. Ford, who completed the publication, Woide haviug died when the volume was advanced only to the end of Luke.
- New Testament, Coptic and Arabic. Lond. 1847-53, folio, 2 vols.
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- * Novum Testamentara, Ethiopice, ad Codicum MS. fidem edidit T. P. Platt. Lond. 1826-30, fsc. 4to.
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- Novum Testamentum Hebraicumemendatum et castigatum, Opera et Studio Guliel. Robertsoni. Londini, 1661, 8vo. From Hutter's Polyglott. The greater part of this edition was consumed in the Fire of London. Williams, 1710,3s. 6d.
- The New Testament, Hebrew and English, taken from Robertson's Edition, 1661, by the Kev. Richard Caddick (the Gospels only). Load. 1798, 2 parts, 12mo.
- Novum Testamentum, Hebraice. Lond. 1813, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Edited by T. Fry aud W. B. Collyer. Published at the ежpense of the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews.
- * Novum Testamentum, Hebraice. (By Fry and Collyer.) Loud. 1817, Svo. —1821, 8vo.—1836, 8vo. Is. lOd.
Novnm Testamentnm, Hebraice. Lond. Bagster, 1831, 12mo. 5s., and 32mo. 5s. Edited by W. Greenfield.—1836, Svo. 8s.
- New Testament in Hebrew, Translated by Dr. M'Caul and others for the Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. Lond. 1838, 8vo.—1852,12mo. and 24mo.—1854, Svo.
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Madagascar, or Malagassee-
- New Testament, translated into the Madagascar language by the Missionaries, J, J. Freeman, D, Johns, and others. Tananarive, 1830, Svo.
- * New Testament in Malagassee t Ma. dagascar), (translated chiefly by Messrs. Jones, Griffltha and Johns). Lond. 1835, 12mo. Is. 6d.
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- New Testament. Translated into Maltese, under the direction of Dr. TomlinBon, Bishop of Gibraltar. Malta, 1847, 8vo.
- New Testament, in Maltese. Lond. Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, 1852, 8vo. 2s.
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- * New Testament in the Mongolian language, translated by E. Stallybrass and W. Swan, Lond. 1846, roy. 8vo. 10a.
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- New Testament. Translated into Negro-Dutch of Surinam. Bautzen, 1846, 8vo.
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- * New Testament, translated into the Negro-English by the Missionaries of the Uniias Fratrum. Edited by C. A. Austen and C. J. Latrobe. Lond. 1829, 8vo. Pickering, pt. iii. Si. 43. Currer, July, 1862, 2¡. 6s.
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- New Testament in Persian. Calcutta,
1813, Svo.
- New Testament in Persian, translated
by H. Martyn. Calcutta, 1816, 8vo.—
Calcutta, 1841, Svo.
- * New Testament, in Persian, by Martyn, edited by Professor Lee. Lond. 1827, 8vo. —1837, 8vo. 3s. 9d. — Fifth edition, Edinb. 1846, Svo.
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Polynesian Languages and Dialects.
- * ¿neiteum,— New Testament in Aneiteum. Lond. 1862, 8vo. 3s.
Dyak.—New Testament in Dajak (Borneo). Cape Town, 1846, 8vo.
- * Feejean. — New Testament in the Feejean language. Lond. 1853, 12mo, ls.4d.
ilamaian. — New Testament' in Hawaian. Translated by the American Missionaries. Oahu, 1835,12mo.—HonoInla, 1837,12mo.
- New Testament, Hawaian and En.
glish. New York, 1857, 8vo.
- * Javanese.—New Testament in the Javanese Language. Lond. n. d. 8vo.
- * Malayan.—New Testament (Malayan), in the Arabic Character. Serampore, 1814, 8vo. Calcutta, 1817.—Lond. 1820, 8vo.—Singapore, 1831, 8vo.— 1853, 8vo. 2s. 8d.
- * Elkhawlu' Idjadtd. The New
Testament, in Malay, in Roman Character. Lond. 1818, 8vo.—1821, royal 8vo. 2s. 8d.
- * Moon or New Zealand.—New Testament in the New Zealand language. Eanana (Lond.), 1841, 12mo. —1844. — 1852, 8vo. Is. 9d. — With Psalms, 24mo. Is. 4,1.
Polynesian, continued,
- Testament in the language of Raratonga (South Sea Islands). By J. Williams and others. Lond. 1836, 12mo.
- Samoan. — New Testament in the Samoan language. Translated by the Missionaries of the London Missionary Society. Lond. 1842-6, 12mo. in 2 parts.— 1S49, 12mo. Is. lOd.
- * Tahitian. — New Testament in the Tahitian language. (Edited by H. Nott.) Lond. 1838, 12mo.— 1853, 12mo. Is. Id.
- * Tongan. — New Testament in the Tongan language. Lond. 1852, 12mo.
- New Testament in the Secuana dialect of Southern and Central Africa, translated by the liev. H. Mofifatt. Lond. 1840, small Svo.
- * New Testament in the Singhalese language. Translated by J. J. Fybrants and H. Philipsz. Colombo, 1776-83, 4to. —1820, 8то.— 1827, 8vo.
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- Novi Testament! Versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, ex Codd, MSS. Ridleianis, cum Interpretati one et Annotationibns Jos. White. Oion, 1778-1803, 4to. 4 vols. 2¡. 2s.
- * Ñovum Testamentum, Syriace, demio recognitum atque ad Fidem Codicum MSS. emendatum. Lond. 1816, 4to. A beautiful edition, corrected for the press as far as the Acts of the Apostles, by the late Rev. Dr. Buchanan, and completed by the Rev. Samuel Lee, Professor of Arabic in the University of Cam. bridge.
- * Novum Testamentum, Syriace. Lond. 1826, 4to.
Novum Testamentum, curante Greenfield. Syriace. Lond. Pub. by Bagster, 1829, 12mo. 8a., or with Lexicon, 12s. The Peschito, or old Syriac version is printed from Widmanstadt's edition, published at Vienna in 1555, collated with an edition revised under the auspices of the British and Foreign Bible Society. The Apocalypse and such of the Epistles as are not found in the Peschito are given from the Philoxenian version. Printed also in 4to. 10s., and crown folio, 12s.
- * New Testament, Syriac and Carshun, in parallel columns. Loud. 4to. 7s. 6d.
Novum Testamentum Turcice, Opera Gul. Seaman. Oxon. 1666, 4to. Published at the joint expense of the Hon. Robert Boyle and the Levant or Turkey Company of London, for the benefit of the Christians in Turkey.
Testament—Turkish, continued
- * New Testament in Turkish, revised Ът Tarabi Efendi. Lond. 1833, 8vo. 7s. IM.—lomo. 2s.
- %* Kor other versions printed at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society abroad, вее the Reports published by the society, as also the Catalogue of their Library, by George Bullen, 1857, 8vo. A previous Catalogue was published in 1832, 8vo.
- A Chronological List of the Rhemes and Doway Versions of the Bible and New Testament ii prefixed to ''Rhemes and Doway," &c. by Archdeacon Cotton, Oxford, 1856, 8vo.