List of English Bible Versions, Translations, and Paraphrases

Assembled and cleaned up by Steven J. DeRose, 2008-03-2009-06-2009-08-01. Sources are listed at the bottom, as are the conventions used. Please email corrections and additional information here.

Note: There are a lot of columns, so make your window as wide as possible. You may also want to Zoom Out to make sure all columns fit. The translations are listed chronologically, but may be resorted by clicking the icon at the top of any column.

See for a list of OSIS standard codes, which are indicated in green below in the "ID" column. If there is any conflict between those and the abbreviations shown below, the OSIS codes are the correct ones.

Total current entries:

ID Name Translator Contents Lg Date Source Publisher and Copyright ISBN Links Affiliation Comments
Aldhelm Aldhelm (b. 639 d. 25 May 709) ?? Psalms (existence disputed) Old English 600s-700s (late seventh or early eighth centuries) Vulgate [No copyright] N/A (lost)
?? Aldhelm is thought to have written an Old English translation of the Psalms, although this is disputed.
Lindisfarne Lindisfarne Gospels, aka The Durham Book, The Book of St. Cuthbert. Redfrith, Bishop of Lindisfarne (698-721) Gospels Latin 700 (circa) ?? [No copyright] 0876545010 (reprint) Text
?? Bears Northumbrian Old English glosses added ~900 by Aldred. Reprint: Pomegranate, 1995
Vespasian The Vespasian Psalter ?? Psalms Old English glosses 700s (second quarter of the 8th century) Vulgate ?? N/A Text
?? An illuminated Psalter produced in the second quarter of the 8th Century. It contains an interlinear gloss in Old English which is the oldest extant English translation of any portion of the Bible. It was produced in southern England, perhaps in St. Augustine's Abbey or Christ Church, Canterbury or Minster-in-Thanet. Reprint: Kuhn, Sherman M., ed., University of Michigan Press 1995.
Caedmon Caedmon manuscript ?? a few verses Old English 700-1000 Vulgate [No copyright] N/A bodleian, 1976 Kennedy edn, GB
?? Caedmon is mentioned by Bede as one who sang poems in Old English based on the Bible stories, but he was not involved in translation per se. The Caedmon manuscript which was initially ascribed to Caedmon, was written between 700-1000. The extant manuscript was copied about 1000. It includes Biblical material in vernacular verses.
Egbert Gospels. Egbert Gospels Old English 709 (before)? ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
?? The Bible handbook, by Thomas Linton Leishman and Arthur Thomas Lewis, 1936 suggests that Egbert had the Gospels translated some time before 709; but if so, this cannot be the same Archbishop Egbert of Trier (d. 993) of the "Egbert Psalter" aka Gertrude Psalter, aka Trier Psalter, ca. 980, created by the monks of the Abbey of Reichenau (a monk named Ruodprecht is mentioned in the original dedication) for Egbert, along with the Gospels in "Codex Egberti" and in "Codex Epternacensis"? Life and thought in the early Middle Ages, by Robert Stuart Hoyt, 1967, has illustrations said to be from "Egbert Gospels, Trier." Saint Egbert of Northumbria (d. 729) was Bishop of Lindisfarne, so perhaps there has been confusion with the Lindisfarne Gospels, although he had no apparent connection to any translations or codices.
Paris The Paris Psalter Sometimes attributed to King Alfred (Cf Alfred). Psalms Old English glosses 800s Vulgate? [No copyright] N/A
georgetown, GB
?? A real translation of Psalm 1-50. Held at Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS 8824
Alfred King Alfred (c. 849 – October 26, 899) "the Great" ?? Pentateuch portions; possibly also Psalms 1-50 Old English 900 (circa) Vulgate [No copyright] N/A Text
?? King Alfred had a number of passages circulated in the vernacular around 900. These included passages from the Ten Commandments and the Pentateuch, which he prefixed to a code of laws he promulgated. Alfred is also said to have directed the Book of Psalms to have been translated into Old English. Many scholars believe that the fifty Psalms in Old English that are found in the Paris Psalter represent Alfred's translation.
Aldred Aldred (a priest) ?? Northumbrian interlinear gloss on the Gospels Northumbrian Old English glosses 950-970 Vulgate [No copyright] N/A Text
?? Aldred added a gloss in Northumbrian to the Lindisfarne Gospels, and a forward saying that it was written and illuminated by Eadfrith, Bishop of Lindisfarne 698-721; that the book was sewn together and physically bound by his successor as Bishop, Ethilwald; and that the metalwork within which it was contained was made by Billfrith the anchorite.
Farman Farman ?? Gloss on the Gospel of Matthew in the Rushworth Gospels Old English glosses 950 to 970 Vulgate, Lindisfarne "Aldred" glosses [No copyright] N/A Text
?? A priest of Harewood named Farman wrote a translation of Matthew and glosses on the other Gospels, preserved in the Rushworth Gospels ms.
Aethelwold The Royal Psalter Aethelwold, Abbott of Abingdon (c. 954-963), later Bishop of Winchester Psalms Old English glosses 960 (circa) ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
?? One of his students was Aelfric.
Wessex Wessex Gospels ?? Gospels Old English translation and glosses 990 (circa) Vulgate [No copyright] N/A Text
?? A full and freestanding version of the four Gospels in idiomatic Old English, in the West Saxon dialect. Seven mss of this translation have survived; they apparently had some currency.
Aelfric Ælfric ?? Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Kings, Job, Esther, Judith, Maccabees (slightly abridged in Genesis, Judges and following). Old English 990 (circa) Vulgate [No copyright] N/A Text
?? At about the same time as the Wessex Gospels, a priest of Dorsetshire named Ælfric produced this independent translation of the Pentateuch, Joshua, and Judges. Aelfric claims this in his "De vetere testamento" (~1010). See The homilies of the Anglo-Saxon church: The first part, containing the Sermones catholici, or Homilies of Ælfric, in the Original Anglo-Sexon, with an English Version. Benjamin Thorpe, ed. Printed for the Ælfric Society, 1844. See also Aelfric: a new study of his life and writings, by Caroline Louisa White. Lamson, Wolffe and Company, 1898 GB
WestSaxon The West Saxon Gospels Gospels Old English 1000 (circa) ?? [No copyright] N/A archive* (Liber Psalmorum : The West-Saxon Psalms, being the prose portion, or the 'first fifty,' of the so-called Paris Psalter (1907))
?? 7 mss. Matthew 6:9-13: Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum, Si þin nama gehalgod. to becume þin rice, gewurþe ðin willa, on eorðan swa swa on heofonum. urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us todæg, and forgyf us ure gyltas, swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum. and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge, ac alys us of yfele. soþlice.
Lambeth The Lambeth Psalter ?? Psalms Old English glosses on Latin (one page with Middle English glosses) 1000s Vulgate? [No copyright] N/A Text
?? London, Lambeth Palace MS 427
Vitellius The Vitellius Psalter ?? Psalms Old English glosses on Latin 1000s Vulgate? [No copyright] N/A Text
?? British Library, Cotton Vitellius E. xviii
Ormulum The Ormulum Orm or Ormin (an Augustinian monk) Passages from the Gospels and Acts Middle English 1150-1180 (circa) Vulgate [No copyright] N/A The Ormulum Project (Stockholm U); Edition by Robert Meadows White, Robert Holt 1878, GB
?? Mainly a work of poetic exegesis and homiletics, but includes paraphrases. Because of the unique phonetic orthography adopted by the author, the work preserves many details of English pronunciation at a time when the language was in flux after the Norman Conquest; consequently, despite its lack of literary merit, it is invaluable to philologists in tracing the development of English. The sole manuscript (Bodleian Library MS Junius 1, far from complete) is thought to be the actual autograph. The first new homily cycle in English since Aelfric.
A translation of Revelation ?? Revelation Middle English 1300s (early 14th century) From a French translation. [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? ??
Paues A fourteenth century English Biblical version Anna Carolina Paues ?? Middle English 1300s? (reprint 1904) ?? [No copyright] Evidence reported by judy jordan for fourteenth century authorship ?? archive*
?? ??
Rolle-1300 Richard Rolle of Hampole (d. 1349) ?? various passages, including some of the Psalms Middle English 1300s (early fourteenth century) Vulgate [No copyright] N/A GB, edition by Rev. H. R. Bramley, 1884
?? A famous preacher and highly venerated hermit. Cf Rolle-1884
Wyc Wyclif Wycliffe TWT Wyclif's Bible, Wiclif Translation John Wyclif et al. OT NT, Apoc Middle English 1380s. much revised 1388+ Vulgate [No copyright] N/A GB bibledata
Wycliffe was associated with the Lollards. first complete Bible in English
ACNT A Catholic New Testament ?? NT Middle English 1400 (circa) Vulgate(??) [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Catholic ??
Caxton Caxton ?? various passages Middle English 1483 (published in Golden Legend), 1484 (The Book of the Knight in the Tower) From a French translation. [No copyright] N/A Text
?? William Caxton was England's first printer, and he printed "Knight of the Tower" in 1483; not certain what relation this is to Biblical texts. See GB
Joye-Psalms The Psalter of David in Englishe purely and faithfully translated aftir the texte of Feline George Joye Psalms English 1530 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? Metrical translation. Joye b. Renhold, Befordshire ~1495. Eventually exiled for Lutheran sympathies. 26 works attributed to him, some reprinted during his lifetime.
Joye-NT The New Testament George Joye JNT English ~1530?? ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
Tyn, Tyndale, WTT William Tyndale Translation. The newe Testament as it was written, and caused to be written, by them which herde it. To whom also oure saveoure Christ Jesus commannded that they shulde preache it unto al creatures. William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536) NT, Pentateuch Early Modern English 1530 MT Erasmus, with some influence from other translations. [No copyright] 0300065809, 978-0300065800 (modern-spelling edition) CW, GB* (Jonathan Peele Dabney's edition, with "Essential Variations of Coversale's, Thomas Matthew's, Cranmer's, The Genevan, and the Bishops' Bibles...", 1837).
?? Multiple reprints. Tyndale's other OT work went into Matthew's Bible. This translation was very influential on KJV. A modern-spelling edition was published by David Daniell (Yale University Press, 1996) Google books. Facsimile edition, 720 pages, by Hendrickson Publishers, ISBN 1598562908, 978-1598562903Facsimile edition 1976, David Paradine Developments: London.
Joye-Jeremiah Jeremy the Prophete, Translated into Englishe George Joye Jer English 1534 Jeremiah ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
CoverDale Coverdale Bible Myles Coverdale OT NT, Apoc Early Modern English 1535 VG, Erasmus, Tyndale and German and Swiss-German Bibles. [No copyright] N/A studylight
?? First complete Bible in Modern English and first printed Bible in English. Aka The Newe Testament of oure Sauyour Jesu Christ. See also Hollybushe.
Matthews Matthew's Bible ?? OT NT Early Modern English 1537 MT Erasmus VG Luther, and a French version. [No copyright] 978-1598563498 (no GB)
?? ISBN is for 2009 facsimile by Hendrickson, 1116 pages. Aka Roger's Bible.
Starnhold Certayne Psalmes chose out of the Psalter Thomas Starnhold Selected Psalms English 1537 1548(?) ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Hollybushe The newe testament: both in Latine and Englyshe eche correspondente to the other after the vulgare texte, communely called S. Ieromes. Faythfullye translated by Iohan Hollybushe Hollybushe NT Early modern English 1538 ?? [No copyright] Printed in Southwarke: By Iames Nicolson. Set forth wyth the Kynges moost gracious lycence, N/A GB-
?? English and Latin in parallel columns. The English version is actually the Coverdale translation, possibly revised by Hollybush. Identified as STC 2818 on UMI microfilm reel 109. Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
Great, TCB Great Bible, aka Cranmer Version, aka The Coverdale Bible Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556), the Archbishop of Canterbury, hired Myles Coverdale at the bequest of King Henry VIII OT NT Apoc Early Modern English 1539, 1583 MT VG Erasmus Luther [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? ??
Grafton-Whitechurch The Byble; The Byble in Englysh (The Great Bible); The New Testament in Englyshe Richard Grafton and Edward Whitechurch OT NT Early Modern English 1539 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? The first (and only) English Bible formally authorized for public use (by Cromwell). Aka Thomas Cromwell Version, Cranmer Bible, Chained Bible.
Taverner Taverner's Bible Richard Tavener OT NT Early Modern English 1539 Minor revision of Matthew's Bible. [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? ??
Whitechurch The first tome or volume of the paraphrase of Erasmus vpon The Newe Testament Edward Whitechurch English ~1540?? ?? [No copyright] N/A GB-
Crowley The Psalter of David newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men.... Robert Crowley Psalms English 1549 ?? [No copyright] London N/A GB-
?? Metrical translation [STC 2725]
Howard-Proverbs Certayne Chapters of the proverbes of Salomon drawen into metre by Thomas Sterneholde, late grome of the kynges Magesties robes Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517-1547) Selected Proverbs English ~1549?? ?? London, John Case for Willyam Seres, 1549-1550 N/A GB-
?? Metrical translation. [STC 2760] paraphrase in verse of Proverbs and certain psalms that is falsely attributed to Thomas Sternhold. The misattribution is corrected in "Certayn chapters taken out of the Proverbes of Salomon" (STC 12631), in which the paraphrase of Proverbs is identical. The paraphrases of Ecclesiastes i-iii and at least Psalm lxxxviii (E1r-F2v) are by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. Two of the other minor poems are also printed in 12631.3, another edition of STC 12631--Cf. STC. - Actually edited by John Case; printer's name and suggested range of publication date from STC
Wyatt Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of David/ commonly called thee .vii. penytentiall psalmes Sir Thomas Wyatt Selected Psalms English 1549 ?? [No copyright] T. Raynald and J. Harryngton, 1549 N/A GB-
?? Metrical translation
Whittingham The Newe Testament of ovr Lord Jesus Christ; The Bible and Holy Scriptvres conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament (The Geneva Bible) William Whittingham NT English 1549 ?? [No copyright] 978-1598562125 GB-
?? Cf Whittingham-Psalms 1556. 1560 edition reprinted by Hendrickson.
Hunnis Certayne Psalmes chosen out of the Psalter of David, and drawen forth into Englysh meter by William hunnis, servant to the rhyght honorable Syr Wyllyam Harberde Knight newly collected & imprinted William Hunnis (d. 1597 Psalms English 1550 ?? [No copyright] London: In Aldersgate strete by the wydowe of Ihon Herforde, for Ihon Harrington, 1550 N/A GB-
?? Metrical translation [STC 2727]
NTOSJC Newe Testament of Our Saviour Jesu Christe Richard Jugge ?? ?? 1552 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB-
?? ??
Whittingham-Psalms One and Fiftie Psalmes of David in English metre, wherof .37. Were made by Thoma Sterneholde: and the rest by others. Conferred with the hebrewe, and in certeyn places corrected as the text, and sens of the prophete requried. William Whittingham, ed. (1524?-1579) Psalms English 1556 ?? [No copyright] Geneva, John Crespin N/A (no GB)
?? Metrical translation [STC 16561]. Cf Whittingham 1549
Geneva TGB Geneva1599 The Geneva Bible ?? OT NT, Apoc Early Modern English 1560 ?? [No copyright] N/A CW, thedcl pdfs?
?? the popular version just prior to the translation of the KJV. Poritons: NT 1557. First English Bible with entire OT translated from Hebrew. First Bible to add verse numbers. ~90% matches Tyndale; major influence on KJV. 144+ editions from 1557-1644.
Martin The New Testament of Iesvs Christ (Rheims New Testament); The Holie Bible (Douay Old Testament) Gregory Martin (c. 1540-1582) NT English ~1560?? ?? [No copyright] N/A Info ?? Cf The Text of the New Testament of Iesus Christ: Translated Out of the Vulgar Latine by the Papists of the Traiterous Seminarie at Rhemes : with Arguments of Bookes, Chapters, and Annotations, Pretending to Discouer the Corruptions of Diuers Translations, and to Cleare the Controuersies of These ... Authors William Fulke, Gregory Martin, Matthew Parker Contributors John Bill, Adam Islip Publisher Printed for John Bill, 1617 GB
Locke A Meditation Of A Penitent Sinner: Written in Maner Of A Paraphrase upon the 51. Psalme of David Anne Locke English 1560 ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
?? Appended to her translation of four sermons by John Calvin. The first sonnet sequence in English.
EnglishPsalter The English Psalter of 1562, aka Day's Psalter ?? Psalms ?? 1562 ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
?? First portion, 19 Psalms (Ps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 41, 49, 73, 78, 103, 120, 122, and 138), as Sternhold and Hopkins Psalter, 1548. Millar Patrick reports that John Daye printed an English Psalter as early as 1559, but that it was never released. Daye did publish a Psalter based on the Genevan work in 1560 that was very similar to the 1560 Genevan Psalter, then he published a second edition in 1561 which contained a total of 87 Psalms. This version dropped some of the Genevan additions. First complete English Psalter, 1562. This version dropped twenty-three of the fourty-three Psalms added in Geneva. It contained eighty-six new Psalms, mostly by John Hopkins, but four new Psalms by Sternhold. 1562 edition remained in use in England, with few changes, well into 19th c. The Sternhold and Hopkins version was brought to the American colonies and saw considerable use there. More than six-hundred editions, final in 1828.
Starnhold-Hopkins The Whole Booke of Psalmes Thomas Starnhold and I. Hopkins Psalms English 1562, 1560?, 1594, 1639 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB-
Bishops Bishop's Bible Matthew Parker? OT NT Early Modern English 1568, rev. 1572 MT, TR. [No copyright] N/A studylightText
Church of England Base text for the KJV. Aka The Holie Bible. Also "The whole psalter translated in to English metre, which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes" (London, John Daye, 1567)
Glemhan Most godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. Translated Out of Latin Into English by Charles Glemhan. Charles Glemhan Psalms English 1569 Vulgate [No copyright] Imprinted by W. Seres N/A Text
?? Metrical translation
DR DRB Douay-Rheims Bible ?? OT NT, Apoc Early Modern English 1582 (NT), 1609-1610 (OT) Vulgate [No copyright] N/A Text
BG, facsimile on French site, spelled Rhemes.
Catholic Written in support of the Counter-Reformation. However, it sometimes follows the wording of Tyndale, esp. in the Coverdale edition. Uses Vulgate organization (e.g., Ezra and Nehemiah are called 1 and 2 Esdras).
Barbar Apocalypsis Thomas Barbar English 1592 1610? ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Sidney The Psalmes of David translated into diverse & sundry kinds of verse, more rare & excellent, for the method & varietie then ever yet hath bene done in English Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke [1561-1621] Psalms English 1599 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
?? Metrical translation
Verstegan Odes. In imitation of the seaven penitential psalms, with sundry other poemes and ditties tending to devotion and pietie Richard Verstegan [ca. 1550-1640] Psalms English 1601 ?? [No copyright] Antwerp N/A GB-
?? Metrical translation [STC 21359]
KJV AV King James Version OT NT, Apoc (dropped later) Early Modern English 1611, revised 1629, 1638, 1653, 1701, 1762, 1769 (Blayley) MT, TR; Bishop's Bible English Crown Copyright [No US copyright] 1565631609, 978-1565631601 CW (1769), thedcl facsimile
?? a.k.a. Authorized Version. Hendrickson Publishers reprinted the 1611 edition in December 2003, though it was re-typeset in a somewhat more modern font. The ISBNs noted above refer to this reprint. Nearly all recent editions, even if they say "1611", are actually the 1769 edition, which is quite different. Facsimile editions are available for ~$250 from In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Ainsworth The Book of Psalmes: Englished Both in Prose and Metre with Annotations, Opening the Words and Sentences, by Conference with Other Scriptures Henry Ainsworth Psalms English 1612 ?? [No copyright] Amsterdam: Giles Thorpe 0914678159 GB-
?? Modern reprint: The music of Henry Ainsworth's Psalter. Lorraine Inserra and H. Wiley Hitchcock. Brooklyn, NY: Institute for Studies in American Music, Dept. of Music, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, c1981.
Sandys A Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David. By G.S. Set to new tunes for private devotion; and a thorough bass, for voice or instrument. By Henry Lawes, Gentleman of his Majesty's Chapel Royal George Sandys (1574-1643) Psalms English 1636 ?? [No copyright] London: At the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard [the shop of A. Hebb]. 1636. 1636, 1636. N/A (no GB)
?? Metrical translation [STC 21724]
BayPsalter The Whole Booke of Psalmes Faithfully Translated into English Metre. Aka The Bay Psalter. Psalms ?? 1640 ?? [No copyright] Cambridge, MA: Stephen Day (1594?-1668) N/A dcl
?? First book printed in British North America.
?? A Paraphrase And Annotations Upon All The Books Of The New Testament, briefly explaining all the difficult places thereof. Henry Hammond (1605-1660) ?? ?? 1653, 1681 5th ed, 1689 6th ed; Oxford reprint 1845. ?? [No copyright] London: Printed by J. Macock and M. Flesher for Richard Royston... and Richard Davi ?? GB* 1845 ed: vol 1, vol 2, vol 3, vol. 4.
?? New 4-volume ed., 1845, Oxford U. Press.
Haak The Dutch Annotations upon the whole Bible Theodore Haak English 1657 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB-
Coles Christologia, or a Metrical Paraphrase on the History of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Elisha Coles ?? ?? 1671 ?? ?? ?? GB*
?? ??
Batly-Chandler A new version of all the Books of the New Testament with a Literal Commentary on All the Difficult Passages ; to which are Added, I. An Introduction to the Reading of the Holy Scriptures, Intended Chiefly for Young Students in Divinity. II. An Abstract Or Harmony of the Gospel-history. III. A ... Isaac de Beausobre, Jacques Lenfant, Jeremiah Batley, Samuel Chandler NT English 1726 ?? [No copyright] Printed for J. Batley, at the Dove in Pater-noster Row; and S. Chandler, at the Cross-Keys in the Poultry N/A GB-
Caryll The Psalmes of David, translated from the Vulgat: translated from the Vulgat C. Caryll Psalms English 1700 Vulgate [No copyright] s.n. N/A GB-
Walthoe The books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon J. Walthoe Wisdom Books English 1726 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Mace The New Testament in Greek and English, Containing the Original Text Corrected from the Authority of the most Authentic Manuscripts: And a New Version Form'd agreeably to the Illustrations of the Most Learned Commentators and Critics: with Notes and Various Readings, and a Copious Alphabetical Index Daniel Mace NT ?? 1729 ?? [No copyright] London: for J. Roberts N/A GB-
Presb., Unitarian Published anonymously. Alterations to MT often unfounded.
?? A Paraphrase on the Acts of the Apostles and on the Epistles of the New Testament Being a Supplement to Dr. Clarke's Paraphase on the Four Gospels... Thomas Pyle (1674-1756) ?? ?? 1737 3d ed, 1765 5th ed ?? Printed for J. Rivington, L. Hawes and W. Clarke and R. Collins, R. Horsfield, T. Longman,c. And R. Ware, Z. Stuart, T. Becket and S. Bladon ?? GB* (1737)
?? ??
FamilyExpositor The Family Expositor; or, a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament; with Critical Notes; and a Practical Improvement of each Section Philip Doddridge, Andrew Kippis NT Modern English 1739-1756, 1807, 1908 ?? [No copyright] Sold by him at Washington Head Bookstore N/A GB*
?? ??
Scott-1741 A new version of St. Matthew's Gospel Daniel Scott Matthew English 1741 1727? ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
Whiston Mr Whiston's Primitive New Testament: Containing the Four Gospels, with the Acts of the Apostles; Epistles of Paul; Catholic Epistles; the Revelation William Whiston (1667-1752) ?? Modern English 1745 Revision of KJV acc. C Bezae Cantab., C Claromont., C Alex. [No copyright] Stamford and London. Reprinted 2008 Kessinger Publishing, LLC 1436528747, 978-1436528740 archive, GB-
?? ??
DRC Challoner The Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgat: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers languages, and first published by the English College at Doway, Anno 1609 : newly revised, and corrected, according to the Clementin edition of the scriptures : with annotations for clearing up the principal difficulties of Holy Writ. Aka Douay-Rheims Bible (Challoner Revision) Richard Challoner (an English bishop) OT NT Modern English 1752 Vulgate [No copyright] N/A CW
CW, Murphy 1899, BRC
Catholic The Douay-Rheims Bible Project - Reprinted 1899, John Murphy Company, Baltimore, Maryland
WNT Wesley Explanatory notes upon the New Testament; 1790 The New Testament, with an Analysis of the several Books and Chapter. Aka John Wesley New Testament John Wesley NT ?? 1755. Reprinted 1757. Editions 1760, 1790 (abridged), 1837 Revision of KJV according to Bengel 1734. [No copyright] London: William Boyer N/A Text
Methodist Aka "The New Testament with Notes, for Plain Unlettered Men who know only their Mother Tongue". In the beginning existed the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Mortimer Divers parts of the Holy Scriptures: Chiefly from Dr. J. Mills's Printed Greek Copy. With Notes and Maps J Mills, Mr. Mortimer English 1761 ?? [No copyright] printed for T. Piety N/A GB-
Wynne The New Testament: Carefully Collated with the Greek, and Corrected; Divided and Pointed According to the Various Subjects Treated of by the Inspired Writers, with the Common Division Into Chapters and Verse in the Margin; and Illustrated with Notes Critical and Explanatory Richard Wynne ?? ?? 1764 ?? [No copyright] Printed for R. and J. Dodsley N/A GB-
?? ??
QB Purver Quaker Bible: A new and literal translation of all the books of the Old and New Testament; with notes critical and explanatory Anthony Purver (1702–1777) OT NT Modern English 1764 MT, TR? [No copyright] London by W. Richardson and S. Clark N/A GB-
Quaker Purver was a self-taught translator and laboured for 30 years single-handed. Very low circulation.
Smart The Psalms of David Christopher Smart Psalms English 1765 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Harwood A Liberal Translation of the New Testament; being An Attempt to translate the Sacred Writings with the same Freedom, Spirit, and Elegance, With which other English Translations from the Greek Classics have lately been executed ... with select Notes, Critical and Explanatory Edward Harwood NT Modern English 1768 ?? [No copyright] London: for T. Becket and Others N/A GB*
?? The Lord's Prayer: "O Thou great governour and parent of universal nature - who manifestest thy glory to the blessed inhabitants of heaven - may all thy rational creatures in all the parts of thy boundless dominion be happy in the knowledge of thy existence and providence, and celebrate thy perfections in a manner most worthy of thy nature and perfective of their own!"
Worsley The New Testament or New Covenant John Worsley ?? ?? 1770 ?? [No copyright] Printed by R. Hett; and sold by T. Cadell...W. Brown...and G. Pearch N/A GB-,
?? ??
Scott-Job The Book of Job Thomas Scott Job English 1771 ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
?? Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments, with Original Notes and Practical Observations. In Six Volumes. Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong, 1816, 1816. Six volumes. Full leather. Heavily scuffed but generally sound with two notable exceptions. First volume of the New Testament has a small tear affecting text in Chapter 10 of Luke, crease to text block but still stitched together. Volume 4 text block cracked More...
Bate A new and literal translation, from the Hebrew, of the Pentateuch of Moses, and of the historical books of the Old Testament, to the end of the second book of Kings: with notes critical and explanatory Julius Bate Partial OT English 1773 ?? [No copyright] Printed for W. Faden, B. Law N/A GB*
Brown Brown's Self-Interpreting Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments According to the Authorized Version. John Brown (1722–1787) OT NT Modern English 1778? 1864 ?? Reverend John B. Blackie & Son, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London ?? Text
?? 1348 pages. Full title: "The Self-Interpreting Bible containing the Old and New Testaments according to the Authorised Version with an Introduction; marginal references and illustrations; a summary of the several books; an analysis of each chapter; a paraphrase and evangelical reflections upon the most important passages; and numerous explanatory notes; by the Rev. John Brown, Late Minister of the Gospel at Haddington to which is prefixed, a biographical sketch of the Venerable Author. The text is more fully elucidated by upwards of 8,000 explanatory and critical notes; and introductory concluding observations on each Book; by the Rev. Henry Cooke, Minister of the Presbyterian Church, May Street, Belfast."
Callender Essay towards a literal English version of the New Testament, in the Epistles of the Apostle Paul directed to the Ephesians John Callander (Callender?) Eph English 1779 ?? [No copyright] printed by Andrew Foulis N/A GB-
Lowth Isaiah: A new translation Robert Lowth Isaiah English 1779, 1794 3d ed,... ?? [No copyright] Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, no. 2, Pearl-street. N/A GB*
?? Abridgement of the Sacred History of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, An. Containing the most striking Passages in the New Testament. Adapted to the Understanding of the meanest capacities, and design'd for the Improvement of Christian Knowledge., Illustrated with Sixty Headpieces, curiously Engrav'd on Copper Plates and expressing the subject of Each Passage. ?? ?? ?? 1779 ?? London: Printed and sold by Ryland, No 67, in the Old Bailey ?? Text
?? ??
Blayney Jeremiah and Lamentations Benjamin Blayney Jeremiah and Lamentations English 1784 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
Macknight A New Literal Translation from the Original Greek, of All the Apostolical Epistles: With a Commentary, and Notes Philological, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical. In Four Volumes. To which is Added a History of the Life of the Apostle Paul. James Macknight (Cf LO) 1Thes 2Thes English 1784-1795 ?? [No copyright] Edinburgh and London. N/A GB*
?? 2nd ed. London: Longmans & Co. 1806 and Boston: W. Wells and T.B. Wait & Co. 1810. Reprints published in Philadelphia, 1835 and 1841. Reprint Grand Rapids: Baker Book House 1984. Reprinted without notes in The New Testament Translated from the Original Greek, by G. Campbell, P. Doddridge and J. MacKnight. London: John Lepard, 1818 (revised by Alexander Campbell for his NT edition, 1826). Another similar edition London: Wightman and Cramp 1827.
Levi The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis,: In Hebrew, with the English Translation on the Opposite Page. With Notes. ... by Lion Soesmans. Corrected, and Translated, by David Levi David Levi Genesis English 1787 ?? [No copyright] printed by Lion Soesmans, and Co., N/A GB-
Campbell-Gospels The four Gospels, translated from the Greek. With preliminary dissertations, and notes critical and explanatory George Campbell Gospels Modern English 1789 ?? [No copyright] London: A. Strahan and T. Cadel N/A Text
?? Cf Campbell 1826. Posthumous 2nd ed: Aberdeen by J. Chalmers & Co. in 4 volumes, 1803-04
Delgardo A New English Translation of the Pentateuch: Being a Thorough Correction of the Present Translation... Isaac Delgardo Pent English 1789 ?? [No copyright] Printed for the author... and sold by W. Richardson N/A GB-
Street A New Literal Version of the Book of Psalms: With a Preface and Notes. By the Rev. Stephen Street Stephen Street Psalms English 1790 ?? [No copyright] printed by J. Davis, for B. White and Son N/A GB-
Gilpin An Exposition of the New Testament; intended as an introduction to the study of the Scriptures, by pointing out the leading sense and connection of the sacred writers. William Gilpin NT Modern English 1790. 2nd edition, 1793, 4th ed 1811 ?? [No copyright] London: for R. Blamire N/A GB* (4th ed)
?? Paraphrase
Clementine Clementine Edition. Aka Sixto-Clementine Vulgate. ?? ?? ?? 1790 An edition of the Vulgate ?? ?? Text
?? Three printings of this edition, in 1592, 1593 and 1598. The Clementine differed from the manuscripts on which it was ultimately based in that it grouped the various prefaces of St. Jerome together at the beginning, and it removed 3 and 4 Esdras and the Prayer of Manasses from the Old Testament and placed them into an appendix. The Psalter of the Clementine Vulgate, like that of almost all earlier editions, is the Gallicanum. The Clementine Vulgate of 1592 became the standard Bible text of the Roman Rite of the Roman Catholic Church until 1979, when the Nova Vulgata was promulgated.
Wakefield A Translation of the New Testament Gilbert Wakefield ?? Modern English 1791. 2nd edition 1795. Reprinted 1820 ?? [No copyright] London: Philanthropic Press N/A GB*
Unitarian Portions: Matthew 1782.
Haweis A Translation of the New Testament from the original Greek. Humbly attempted with a view to assist the unlearned with clearer and more explicit views of the mind of the Spirit in the Scriptures of Truth. Thomas Haweis NT Modern English 1795 ?? [No copyright] London: printed for T. Chapman N/A GB-
?? By a founder of the London Missionary Society
Hawkes The New Testament Thomas Hawkes NT English 1795 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Newcome An attempt toward revising our English translation of the Greek Scriptures, or the New Covenant of Jesus Christ; and toward illustrating the sense by philological and explanatory notes. (Archbishop) William Newcome NT English 1796 Revision of KJV according to Griesbach 1774 [No copyright] Printed by John Exshaw, No.98, Grafton-Street, for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, Londonw N/A GB*,
?? ??
Benjohn Johna George Benjohn English 1796 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Geddes The Holy Bible, Or the Books Accounted Sacred by Jews and Christians: ... Faithfully Translated from Corrected Texts of the Originals. With ... Notes, ... By the Rev. Alexander Geddes, ... Alexander Geddes Pent, Jud - 2Chr, Ruth, Prayer of Manasseh Modern English 1792 vol 1 = Pent; 1797 vol 2 = Jud - 2Chr, Ruth, Prayer of Manasseh ?? [No copyright] printed for the author by J. Davis: and sold by R. Faulder; and J. Johnson N/A GB-
?? In 1788 Geddes put forth his 'Proposals for publishing a new translation of the Holy Bible.' .. In 1792 the first volume appeared .. followed by another volume in 1797. .. Apparently no further portions of his translation were printed" (Darlow and Moule)
Scarlett A Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek, humbly attempted by Nathaniel Scarlett, assisted by men of piety and literature. Nathaniel Scarlett, ed., NT Modern English 1798 ?? [No copyright] London: Printed by T. Gillet; F. & C. Rivington N/A GB-
Universalist Collaborators include James Creighton (Anglican), William Vidler (Universalist), and John Cue (Sandemanian)
RTISS A Revised Translation and Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures J. M. Ray NT Modern English 1799, 1815 ?? [No copyright] Glasgow: W. Lang N/A GB*
?? Tyndale lists this as by David Macrae, which appears to be incorrect.
Stock The Book of Job: Metrically Arranged According to the Masora and Newly Translated Into English with Notes Critical and Explanatory: Accompanied on the Opposite Page by the Authorized English Version by Joseph Stock: Metrically Arranged According to the Masora and Newly Translated Into English... Joseph Stock Job English 1805 MT [No copyright] R. Cruttwell N/A GB-
?? Abridgment of the Holy Scriptures William Sellon ?? ?? 1805 ?? ?? ?? GB*
?? ??
Henshall The Gothic Gospel of St. Matthew, from the Codex Argenteus of the fourth century: with the correspinding English, or Saxon, from the Durham Book of the eighth century, in roman characters; a literal English lesson of each,and notes ... Ulfilas, Samuel Henshall Matthew English 1807 ?? [No copyright] Printed for the Author, and sold by J. White N/A GB*
TOC The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Covenant, Commonly Called the Old and New Testament Charles Thompson OT NT Modern English 1808 ?? [No copyright] Printed by J. Aitken N/A GB*
?? ??
Belsham NTIV The New Testament, An improved version upon the basis of Archbishop Newcome's new translation with a corrected text and notes critical and explanatory. Thomas Belsham et al. NT English 1808 1822? 1816? Unitarian revision of Newcome's version (1796) [No copyright] London: Richard Taylor & Co., 1808; Boston: William Wells 1809 N/A GB*
Unitarian Unitarian revision of Newcome's version (1796)
Thomson The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, Commonly called the Old and New Testament; Translated from the Greek, by Charles Thomson, Late Secretary to the Congress of the United States. Charles Thomson OT NT Modern English 1808 LXX TR [No copyright] Philadelphia: Jane Aitken, 1808 N/A GB*
?? First English translation of LXX. OT reprinted by S F Pells (GB*, 1904 (London: Skeffington), and revised by C A Muses, 1954 (Indian Hills, Colorado: Falcon's Wing).
Smith The Book of Job, Translated from the Hebrew Elizabeth Smith Job English 1810 ?? [No copyright] Printed by Richard Cruttwell, St. James's Street, Bath N/A GB*
?? With a preface, and annotations, by the Rev. F. Randolph, D.D.
Good The Book of Job John Mason Good Job English 1812 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Fry Holy Bible Francis Fry, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain) ?? Modern English 1765, 1812? ?? [No copyright] And, for Boulter Grierson, Printer to / the King's Most Excellent Majesty, at the / King's Arms in Parliament-Street, Dublin / M.DCC.LXV N/A GB-
?? Portions: Canticles: or Song of Solomon (1811); Lyra Davidis (Psalms) (1819?). Reprinted by ABS, 1851.
Bagster The English Version of the Polyglot Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments, with a Copious and Original Selection of References to Parallel and Illustrative Passages, Exhibited in a Manner Hitherto Unattempted Thomas Chevalier, Samuel Bagster English ~1812??, 1820, 1833, 1840 Polyglot Bible [No copyright] Samuel Bagster N/A GB-
Williams1812 The New Testament W. Williams NT Modern English 1812 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? ??
Bellamy The Holy Bible: Newly Translated from the Original Hebrew, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory John Bellamy ?? Modern English 1818 ?? [No copyright] printed for the translator N/A GB-
?? Portions published earlier ?? as The Book of Daniel; The Minor Prophets. Originally published in about ten parts.
Jefferson New Testament Jefferson ?? Modern English 1820 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? ??
?? The sacred history of the Old Testament, abridged, in the language of the Bible. Ralph Barnes, ed. ?? ?? 1821 ?? ?? ?? GB*
?? ??
Kneeland The New Testament: being the English only of the Greek and English Testament Abner Kneeland (1774-1844) NT Modern English 1822 Gospels, 1823 rest Griesbach GNT [No copyright] Kneeland N/A GB*
Universalist Similar to the Emphatic Diglot. Kneeland was a Universalist for many years; once convicted of blasphemy; and non-trinitarian.
Hunt The Book of Job George Hunt Job English 1825 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
Parkhurst A literal translation of the psalms of David: solely upon the authority of the Rev. J. Parkhurst John Parkhurst Psalms English 1825 ?? [No copyright] Printed for the translator by J. Johnston, published by W. Wetton; J. Hatchard and So N/A GB-
Campbell, LO The Sacred Writing of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, Commonly Styled The New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek, by George Campbell, James MacKnight, and Philip Doddridge, Doctors of the Church of Scotland. With Prefaces to the Historical and Epistolary Books; and an Appendix, Containing Critical Notes and Various Translations of Difficult Passages. Alexander Campbell, George Campbell, James MacKnight, and Philip Doddridge NT Modern English 1826 ?? [No copyright] Buffaloe, Virginia N/A GB* CW
Church of Scotland Second edition, 1828. Third edition, 1832. Fourth edition, 1835. Reprinted by Gospel Advocate Co., 1974. Aka "The Living Oracles." In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Greaves The Gospel of God's Annointed, the Glory of Israel, and the Light of Revelation for the Gentiles: or, the Glad Tidings of the Service, Sacrifice, and Triumph of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God; and of the gracious and mightily operative powers of the Holy Spirit, which were the first-fruits of that labour of divine love: being a recent version, in two parts, of the Christian Greek Scriptures (commonly called the New Testament) in which is plainly set forth the New Covenant promised by God through Moses and the Prophets. Alexander Greaves English 1828 ?? [No copyright] London: A. Macintosh N/A GB-
?? ??
Howard-Liber Liber Ecclesiasticus, the Book of the Church; or Ecclesiasticus: tr. from the Lat. vulgate, by L. Howard Luke Howard English 1827 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
?? ??
NewFamily A New Family Bible, and Improved Version, from corrected Texts of the Originals: With Notes, Critical and Explanatory; and Short Practical Reflections on each Chapter, Together With A General Introduction, on the Authenticity and Inspiration of the Sacred Books; and A Complete view of The Mosaic... Benjamin Boothroyd ?? Modern English 1833 ?? [No copyright] William Moore N/A GB*
?? Tyndale lists incorrectly as 1833.
Webster Webster Bible. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, in the Common Version. With Amendments of the Language. Noah Webster OT NT Modern English 1833. Reprinted, Baker Publishing Group (MI) (March 1988). Reprinted Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1987 Very light revision of KJV [No copyright] New Haven: Durrie and Peck, 1833. N/A CW
CW, webster, BRC
?? Info
Pick A literal translation from the Hebrew of the Twelve Minor prophets: With Some Notes from Jonathan [ben Uziel]'s Paraphrase in the Chaldee, and Critical Remarks from R.S. Yarchi, Abenezra, D. Kimchi, and Abarbenel Aaron Pick Minor prophets English 1833, 1835 ?? [No copyright] W. Straker N/A GB-
WebsterKJV Webster's Revision. Aka Revised Webster. ?? OT NT Modern English 1833 Revision of KJV. [No copyright] N/A Text
CW, webster
?? ??
Dickinson A New and Corrected Version of the New Testament; or, a minute revision, and professed translation of the original histories, memoirs, letters, prophecies, and other productions of the Evangelists and Apostles: to which are subjoined a few, generally brief, critical, explanatory and practical notes. Rodolphus Dickinson NT English ~1833?? Griesbach 1805 [No copyright] Boston: Lilly, Wait, Colman and Holden N/A (no GB)
?? Luke 1:41: "And it happened, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the embryo was joyfully agitated."
Ablett The Book of the Law from the Holy Bible. (The Pentateuch) Joseph Ablett Pent English ~1834?? ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Aislabie The Gospel according to Matthew; The Gospel of John William J. Aislabie Matthew; John English 1834 Matt; John ?? ?? [No copyright] N/A Google Books
Etheridge-Matthew Horae Aramaicae: Comprising concise notices of the Aramean dialects in general and of the versions of the Holy Scripture extant in them; with a translation of the Gospel according to st. Matthew and of the Epistle to the Hebrews, from the ancient Peschito Syriac John Wesley Etheridge Matt, Heb English ~1835??, 1843 Peshitta [No copyright] J. W. Etheridge 0790510863, 978-0790510866 ???? GB*
Penn The Book of the New Covenant of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, being a critical revision of the text and translation of the English version of the New Testament, with the aid of most ancient manuscripts unknown to the age in which that version was last put forth by authority. Granville Penn, Johann Leonhard Hug NT English 1836 ?? [No copyright] London: James Moyes, for James Duncan N/A GB*
Fysh Revelation of John in Blank Verse Frederic Fysh John Modern English 1841 ?? ?? ?? GB*
?? ??
Cheke The Gospel according to Saint Matthew: and part of the first chapter of the Gospel according to Saint Mark Sir John Cheke Matt, partial Mark English 1843 1835? ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
Conquest The Holy Bible, containing the Authorized Version... with twenty thousand emendations. Aka The holy Bible, the authorized version, with emendations [by J.T. Conquest.] John Tricker Conquest ?? Modern English 1841 ?? [No copyright] London: Longman, Brown & Co.; Bungay: John Childs and Son N/A GB*
?? ??
JosephSmith The Holy Scriptures, Translated and Corrected by the Spirit of Revelation, by Joseph Smith, Jr. the Seer. Aka Joseph Smith Translation. Aka Inspired version. Joseph Smith OT NT Modern English Completed before 1844, published 1867 Revision of KJV. [No copyright] Plano, Illinois: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Herald Publishing House) N/A Text
Mormon Smith had no knowledge of Hebrew or Greek. John 1.1: "1 In the beginning was the gospel preached through the Son. And the gospel was the word, and the word was with the Son, and the Son was with God, and the Son was of God."
Etheridge The Peschito Syriac New Testament: Translated into English by John Wesley Etheridge J. W. Etheridge NT English 1846 Gospels; 1849 NT Peshitta for Gospels, Acts, and some Epistles; rest "after a later syrian text, etc. 1849." [No copyright] N/A CW
Morgan New Testament Jonathan Morgan ?? Modern English 1848 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? ??
?? The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Revised From the Translations and Made Conformable to the Greek Text of J.J. Griesbach. Edited By a Layman. Edgar Taylor (1793-1839 NT Modern English 1840 Revision of AV [No copyright] London: William Pickering ?? GB*
?? Editor was an attorney who wrote on constitutional law and also translated Grimm.
Sharpe The New Testament, translated from the Text of J.J. Griesbach. London: John Green, 1840. Second edition, 1844. Third edition, 1856. Fourth edition, 1859 Samuel Sharpe NT Modern English 1840? 1856?, 1862 (5th ed.), 1892? Griesbach 1805 [No copyright] N/A GB*
Unitarian ??
Brenton Brenton's English Translation of the Septuagint ?? OT Modern English 1844 From the Septuagint. [No copyright] N/A GB-
?? Later revised to Apostles Bible.
Jebb A Literal Translation of the Book of Psalms: Intended to Illustrate Their Poetical and Moral Structure, to which is Added Dissertions on the Word Selah, and on the Authorship, Order, Titles, and Poetical Features of the Psalms John Jebb Psalms English 1846 ?? [No copyright] Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans N/A GB-
Comstock The "fonetik" New Testament, set in Comstock’s "purfekt alphabet." Andrew Comstock, M.D. ?? ?? 1848 ?? [No copyright] Philadelphia ?? Text
?? NW TESTAMENT OV ÖR LORD AND SEVYUR JIZUS KRIST, TRANSLETED ÖT OV I ÙRIJINAL GRIK, AND WI? E FORMUR TRANSLECUNZ DILIJENTLI KOMPARD AND RIVIZD. IN KOMSTOK’S PURFEKT ALFABET (an approximation of the characters in the special font. Letters were created, Dr. Comstock claimed, not only for every elementary sound, but for the accents, inflections, and melody for the voice. He hoped for a literary revolution and spread "the Gospel, as well as the arts and sciences, not only among those to whom English is vernacular, but among foreign nations, particularly the heathen"; however, his Phonetic Testament never reached a second edition. Comstock’s was the first phonetic New Testament to be printed in America. V. rare, single leaves ~$70-$90.
Forshall Holy Bible John Wycliffe, Josiah Forshall, Frederic Madden ?? Modern English 1850 ?? [No copyright] 0790583267, 978-0790583266 ??? GB-
?? ??
Cone The Commonly Received Version of the New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: with Several Hundred Emendations Edited by Spencer Houghton Cone and William Henry Wyckoff NT Modern English 1850 KJV [No copyright] New York: Lewis Colby 0837013011, 978-0837013015 ??? GB-, archive
Baptist ??
Barham The Bible Revised; The New Testament; The Book of Job; St. John's Epistles Francis Barham OT; NT; Job; 1J 2J 3J English 1850 Bible; 1851 NT; 1871 Job; ?? 1J/2J/3J ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Barham-Hare The Book of Psalms Francis Barham and John Hare Psalms English ~1850?? ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Murdock The New Testament; or, the Book of the Holy Gospel of our Lord and our God, Jesus the Messiah. A literal translation from the Syriac Peshito version. James Murdock OT NT Modern English 1851 Peshitta [No copyright] New York: Stanford and Swords N/A GB* CW, ccel
CW, thedcl
?? In the beginning, was the Word; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.
Leeser Leeser Bible Isaac Leeser (1806-1868) OT Modern English 1853 MT [No copyright] N/A archive (1891), GB-
Jewish First Jewish translation in US. Pentateuch 1845, as Hebrew-English diglot. Has some different verse-numbering. Reprinted as Torah, Neviim u-Khetuvim. Twenty-four books of the Holy Scriptures carefully translated according to the Massoretic text, on the basis of the English version, after the best Jewish authorities (1891); The Twenty-four Books of the Holy Bible: Hebrew and English, Hebrew Pub. Co (1912).
Howard-Pent The Book of Genesis; Exodus and Leviticus; The books of Numbers and Deuteuronomy, according to the version of the LXX, tr., with notices of its omissions and insertions, by the hon. H.E.J. Howard Henry Edward J. Howard Genesis Exodus Leviticus English 1855 Gen; Exod/Lev 1857; Num/Deut 1857 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB* Num, Deut
Norton A Translation of the Gospels Andrews Norton; Charles Eliot Norton, Ezra Abbot (eds) Gospels English 1856 ?? [No copyright] Little, Brown, and compan N/A GB*
Alford The New Testament for English Readers Containing the Authorized Version, Marginal Corrections of Readings and Renderings, Marginal References and a Critical and Explanatory Commentary Henry Alford, D.D. Dean of Canterbury NT Modern English 1857, 63, 68, 72 ?? [No copyright] Chicago: Moody Press edition 1950 ?? GB*
?? ??
Sawyer Holy Bible Containing the Old and the New Testaments Leicester Ambrose Sawyer ?? Modern English 1858 NT. 1862 OT. 1851 revised. Tischendorf 1849 [No copyright] Boston: J. P. Lewett N/A GB thedcl
?? NT published as "The New Testament, Translated from the Original Greek, with Chronological Arrangement of the Sacred Books, and Improved Divisions of Chapters and Verses."
EVPB English Version of the Polyglot Bible ?? ?? Modern English 1836, 1842, 1847, 1858 ?? [No copyright] Sorin & Ball N/A GB*
?? the English portion of an early Bible having translations into several languages
Cookesley A Revised Translation of the New Testament William Gifford Cookesley NT English 1859 ?? [No copyright] Longman & Co N/A GB-
?? Pt. 1. containing the Gospel of St. Matthew.
Wellbeloved The Holy Scriptures of the Old Covenant in a Revised Translation Charles Wellbeloved, George Vance Smith, John Scott Porter OT Modern English 1859 ?? [No copyright] Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts N/A GB*
?? ??
Congleton The Psalms Lord Congleton Psalms English 1860 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
Benisch Jewish School and Family Bible Abraham Benisch (1851: also lists Judith Lady Montefiore College Library, Isaac Hart, Judith Lady Montefiore College, Henry Hart) ?? Modern English 1851 ("The first part containing the Pentateuch", publ. James Darling), 1852 (entire? publ. Longmans, Brown, Green & Longmans), 1861 (publ. James Darling) ?? [No copyright] N/A GB-
Jewish ??
Thorn The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chris (tyndale and The New Testament...As revised and Corrected by the Spirits). Leonard Thorn ?? Modern English 1633 (tyndale: 1861), 1701, 1712 ?? [No copyright] Published by the Proprietors N/A umich, GB-
Spiritism ??
YLT The Holy Bible ... literally and idiomatically translated out of the original languages. Aka The Holy Bible, consisting of the Old and New Covenants, translated according to the Letter and Idioms of the Original Languages. Aka Young's Literal Translation Robert Young OT NT Modern English 1862, 1863?, revised 1898 MT, Estienne 1550 [No copyright]. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton and Co. Modern printing: Baker Publishing Grand Rapids, MI, 1955 N/A CW, thedcl
CW, BG (1898 ed?), BRC
?? Cf RYLT. Young tries to translate Greek tenses, word-order, and each Greek word with the same English in all cases.
Highton A revised translation of the New Testament: with a notice of the principal various readings in the Greek text Henry Highton NT Modern English 1862 ?? [No copyright] S. Bagster N/A GB-
?? ??
Kenrick New Testament Translated from the Latin Vulgate Francis Patrick Kenrick ?? ?? 1862 Vulgate ?? ?? archive
?? ??
Heinfetter A Literal Translation of the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, on definite rules of translation, from the text of the Vatican Manuscript Herman Heinfetter [Pseudonym of Frederick Parker] NT English 1863 Vaticanus [No copyright] 6th ed. London: Evan Evans N/A GB*
?? Called 6th edition, but first complete NT.
Kay The Psalms: Translated from the Hebrew : with Notes Chiefly Critical and Exegetical William Kay, Edward B. (Edward Byles) Cowell Psalms English 1863 ?? [No copyright] R.C. Lepage and Co. N/A GB-
?? The author was 'Principal of Bishop's College, Calcutta, and Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford'
?? Paraphrase Upon the Hard Texts of the Whole Divine Scripture Joseph Hall ?? ?? 1863 ?? ?? ?? GB* vol 1, vol 2
?? ??
Rodwell The Book of Daniel J. M. Rodwell Daniel English 1864 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
CENT The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Common English Version, Corrected by the Final Committee of the American Bible Union Spencer H. Cone and William H. Wyckoff (cf Cone) NT Modern English 1864, revised 1865, 1891, 1912. moderate revision of KJV [No copyright] New York: American Bible Union N/A Google Books
BRC, lookhigher
?? Aka American Bible Union Version
ED The Emphatic Diaglott Benjamin F. Wilson (1817-1900) NT Modern English 1864, 1870 Griesbach 1805 [No copyright] Geneva, IL: B. F. Wilson. Later editions Samuel R. Wells (later Fowler & Wells) of New York: 1873, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1882 N/A GB* 1870
Later came to be used by Jehovah's Witnesses. Greek/English interlinear. Prior publication in parts. 1873 and 1882 editions aka "The Emphatic Diaglott: containing the original Greek Text of what is commonly styled the New Testament, according to the Recension of Dr. J.J. Griesbach, with an interlineary word for word English Translation; a new Emphatic Version, based on the interlineary Translation, on the Renderings of eminent Critics, and on the various Readings of the Vatican Manuscript, No. 1209 in the Vatican Library, together with illustrative and explanatory Footnotes, and a copious Selection of References, to the whole of which is added a valuable alphabetical Appendix"
Anderson The New Testament Translated from the Original Greek Henry T. Anderson NT Modern English 1866, 1918 ?? [No copyright] Printed for the author at Franklin Type Foundry in Cincinnati, Ohio. Reprinted Louisville, Kentucky by John P. Morton & Co., 1866 ?? Text
Campbellite "Disciples of Christ" Revised as "The New Testament Translated from the Sinaitic Manuscript discovered by Constantine Tischendorf at Mount Sinai." Cincinnati: The Standard Publishing Company, 1918; actually a revision with some changes according to Sinaiticus.
Carter The Book of Psalms Charles Carter Psalms English ~1867??, 1869 ?? [No copyright] Yates & Alexander N/A GB-
Dar Darby The Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Book of Revelation: Commonly called the New Testament. A New Translation from a Revised Text of the Greek Original. Aka Darby Bible John Nelson Darby (1800-82) OT NT Modern English 1867. Second edition 1872. Third edition 1884 NT; 1890 OT modern critical editions [No copyright] London: G. Morrish N/A CW
?? Very literal. Extensive annotations. OT (1890) was produced posthumously, based on Darby's French and German translations.
Meikle The Book of Job in metre William Meikle Job English 1869 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
Noyes The New Testament, translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf by George R. Noyes George R. Noyes ?? English 1869 Tischendorf [No copyright] Boston: American Unitarian Association N/A GB* CW
Unitarian Portions: "An Amended Version of the Book of Job" 1827; "The Book of Psalms" 1831; "A New Translation of the Hebrew Prophets" 1837; "A New Translation of proverbs, Ecclestiastes and the canticles" ????.
Bowes The New Testament, tr. from the purest Gr Bowes NT Modern English 1870 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB-
?? ??
Eyre-Spottiswoode Revised English Bible Eyre and Spottiswoode English ~1871?? ?? [No copyright] N/A (no gb)
?? In the beginning the Word already was. The Word was in God’s presence, and what God was, the Word was.
Rotherham The New Testament: newly translated from the Greek text of Tregelles and critically emphasised, according to the logical idiom of the original; with an introduction and occasional notes. Aka Rotherham's Emphasized Bible. Joseph Bryant Rotherham OT NT Modern English 1872 NT; 1902 Tregelles [No copyright] 4 volumes. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons; Revised: London: H.R. Allenson, 1897-1902 N/A GB* CW
Campbellite Churches of Christ "The emphasised Bible: a new translation, designed to set forth the exact meaning, the proper terminology and the graphic style of the sacred originals: arranged to show at a glance narrative, speech, parallelism, and logical analysis, also to enable the student readily to distinguish the several divine names: and emphasised throughout after the idioms of the Hebrew and Greek tongues: with expository introduction, select references & appendices of notes." Literal, word-to-word, retaining Greek word order. //Originally// was /the Word, And //the Word// was /with God; And /the Word/ was //God//.
Davidson The New Testament. Translated from the Critical Text of Von Tischendorf; with an Introduction on the Criticism, Translation, and Interpretation of the Book. Samuel Davidson NT Modern English 1875 Tischendorf [No copyright] London: Henry S. King and Company N/A GB*
?? based on translations from northern Egypt
JuliaSmith Holy Bible Julia E. Smith ?? Modern English 1876 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
?? ??
SmithParker The Holy Bible ... translated literally from the original tongues, by Mrs. Julia E. Smith Parker Julia E. Smith Parker OT NT Modern English 1876 MT, TR? [No copyright] Hartford, CT: American Publishing Co N/A (no GB)
?? First complete Bible translation by a woman. Literal, word-to-word.
Richter New Testament John Richter ?? Modern English 1877 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? ??
Cheyne The Book of Psalms Thomas Kelly Cheyne Psalms English ~1881?? ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
ERV English Revised Version. Aka The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated out of the Greek: Being the Version Set Forth A.D. 1611, Compared with the Most Ancient Authorities and Revised, A.D. 1881 C.J. Ellicott, ed. Cambridge University Press NT OT Modern English 1881 NT; 1885 OT; 1895 Apoc Revision of KJV based on WH 1881 and Tregelles 1857 [No copyright] Oxford: Oxford University Pres N/A GB Text
?? Cf WPE, Cf REB. ASV is the American version of this.
Rolle-1884 The Psalter: or Psalms of David and certain canticles Richard Rolle (of Hampole); Henry Ramsden Bramley (ed) Psalms English 1884 ?? [No copyright] Clarendon press N/A GB*
?? Error? Cf Rolle-1300
Wordsworth Holy Bible Christopher Wordsworth OT Modern English 1876 ?? [No copyright] Rivingtons N/A GB~ Daniel, Minor Pr GB* Samuel GB*
?? ??
?? Song of Songs Arranged into Twelve Canticles and Rendered into Blank Verse B. S. Clark Song ?? 1881 ?? ?? ?? GB*
?? ??
RV Revised Version ?? OT NT Modern English 1885, 1881 NT Revision of KJV, but with a critical NT text. [No copyright] Scammell & Company N/A GB (NT)
?? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Spurrell A Translation of the Old Testament Scriptures from the Original Hebrew. Helen Spurrell ?? Modern English 1885 ?? [No copyright] London: James Nisbet & Co; Bethelehem, PA: Assemblies of Yahweh N/A GB-
Assemblies of Yahweh The title page reads MDCCCCLXXXV, which is a misprint. However, a facsimile reprint was done in 1985 by Kregel Publishers, Grand Rapids. The wife of a pastor, and an accomplished musician, artist and sculptor. Bulliol College, Oxford. Taught herself Hebrew in middle age.
Hanson The New Covenant: Containing I. An accurate translation of the New Testament. II. A Harmony of the Four Gospels. III. A Chronological Arrangement of the Text. IV. A Brief and Handy Commentary. John Wesley Hanson NT English 1886, 1889 ?? [No copyright] Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1884, 1886 N/A GB* 1889
Universalist ??
Eadwine Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter ?? Psalms English glosses 1889 Vulgate [No copyright] 978-0859918503 GB-The Eadwine psalter By Margaret T. Gibson, T. A. Heslop, Richard William Pfaff (GB- (limited preview)
?? Reprinted: Edited by F. Harsley. 2000. Imprint: Early English Text Society
NumericalBible The Numerical Bible: Being a Revised Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Arranged, Divided, and Briefly Characterized According to the Principles of Their Numerical Structure. F. W. Grant OT NT (incomplete) English 1890 ?? [No copyright] New York: Loizeaux Brothers N/A Text
Grant was a prominent teacher among the early brethren. Extensive notes. Reprint by Kessinger Publishing, 1998. Reprint by Believer's Bookshelf Canada, ~2006. All editions are multiple volumes.
Pratt Modern Bible Version Pratt / American Bible Society ?? Modern English 1893 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? I have been unable to find any information on this other than terse mention on a few other lists of translations.
Lewis A Translation of the Four Gospels from the Syriac of the Sina[i]tic Palimpsest Agnes Smith Lewis Gospels English 1894 Syriac of the Sina[i]tic Palimpsest [No copyright] N/A GB*
MRB Modern Reader's Bible Richard G. Moulton OT NT, 3 books of Apoc Modern English 1895, 1899. 1923? ?? [No copyright] N/A GB* 1899
?? stresses literary qualities. Possibly a second with same title in 1923?
Berry Interlinear Literal Translation of the Hebrew Old Testament George Richter Berry Gen, Exod Modern English 1897; 1946, 51, 59, 70 Gen: Baer and Delitzsch; Exod: Theile. [No copyright] Chicago: Wilcox & Follett Reprint: 0825422140 GB-
?? "with the King James version and the Revised version conveniently presented in the margins for ready reference & with explanatory textural footnotes supplemented by tables of the Hebrew verb, and the Hebrew alphabet." Contributions: Baer, S. 1825-1897., Delitzsch, Franz, 1813-1890., Theile, Carl Gottfried Wilhelm, 1799-1854., Berry, George Ricker, 1865-1945.
Clarke The Old and New Testaments J. Clarke and Co. OT NT English ~1897?? ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Weekes The New Dispensation: The New Testament Robert Weekes NT English 1897 WH ("but not exclusively") [No copyright] New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co N/A GB*
Spencer-Gospels The Four Gospels Seymour Spencer Gospels English ~1897?? ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Spencer SCM The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated into English from the original Greek by the Very Rev. Francis Aloysius Spencer, O.P.; edited by Charles J. Callan, O.P., and John A. McHugh, O.P. Francis Aloysius Spencer NT Modern English 1898 Gospels; 1941 NT Vulgate, Syriac, GNT [No copyright] New York: William H. Young & Company 1898; New York: The Macmillan company, 1937. N/A GB- GB?
Catholic ??
CVNT Coptic Version of the New Testament Budge? NT Modern English 1898 ?? [No copyright] N/A Text
?? based on translations from northern Egypt. Cf GB: The Coptic version of the New Testament in the Southern dialect otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic: with critical apparatus, literal English translation register and notes of fragments. George Horner. Clarendon Press, 1924 GB
Rutherford St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans; Corinthians and Thessalonians W. G. Rutherford Rom 1Cor 2Cor 1Thes 2Thes English 1900 Rom 1899?; Cor/Thess 1908 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB Romans GB Cor Thes
MAB The New Testament. The Modern American Bible ... The Books of the Bible in Modern American Form and Phrase with Notes and Introduction Frank Schell Ballentine Only the New Testament was published. Modern English 1901 ?? [No copyright] New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1899-1901. Revised 1909. N/A GB*
?? Ballentine was a Presbyterian who turned Unitarian.
ASV American Standard Version. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, Being the Version Set Forth A.D. 1611, Compared with the Most Ancient Authorities and Revised A.D. 1881-1885, Newly Edited by the American Revision Committee A.D. 1901, Standard Edition Philip Schaff, ed., who chose 30+ scholars. Work began in 1872. OT NT Modern English 1901 NT: WH 1881 and Tregelles 1857, (Reproduced in a single, continuous, form in Palmer 1881. OT: MT with some LXX influence); Revised Version [No copyright] (expired). New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1901. ?? CW Dedicated site
Info, EB
?? a.k.a. Standard American Edition, Revised Version, the American version of the Holy Bible, Revised Version. Led to WEB and others.
MSNT Modern Speech New Testament ?? NT Modern English 1902 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB?
?? An attempt to present the Bible in effective, intelligible English. POssibly = An Idiomatic Translation Into Every- Day English From The Text Of "The Resultant Greek Testament", By The Late Richard Francis Weymouth, M.A., D.Lit. Fellow Of University College, London, And Formerly Headmaster Of Mill Hill School, Editor Of " The Resultant Greek Testament". Edited And Partly Revised By Ernest Hampden-Cook, M.A. Formerly Exhibitioner And Prizeman Of St. John's College, Cambridge B.A., London. New York: The Baker And Taylor Co. 1905 (GB). In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Godby Translation of the New Testament from the Original Greek William B. Godbey NT Modern English 1902, 1905? Sinaiticus [No copyright] Cincinnati: M. W. Knapp, Office of God's Revivalist, [1902?]. N/A thedcl (no GB),
?? The Gospels are presented synoptically in parallel columns.
TCNT Twenty The Twentieth Century New Testament. A Translation into Modern English. Made from the Original Greek. ?? NT Modern English 1902. Revised 1904. WH [No copyright] New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1902. Revised 1904. ?Merrell:W. and J. Mackay and Co. N/A GB* CW
?? "The constant effort of the translators was to exclude all words and phrases not used in current English. However, an older phraseology was used in rendering poetical passages and quotations from the Old Testament and in the language of prayer." A history of the version is given in Kenneth W. Clark, "The Making of the Twentieth Century New Testament." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 38 (1955), pp. 58-81.
?? The Temple Bible Edmund Tyrell Green (19 March 1864 – 18 February 1937), et al., eds. (by volume) OT NT Modern English 1902 ?? [No copyright] London: J. M. Dent & Co ?? ?? (25 vols): First volume is 'Introduction to the Scriptures' by the Right Rev W Boyd Carpenter, The Lord Bishop of Ripon, w/ prospectus laid-in; subsequent titles are as follows (links are to Google Books*):
'Genesis' edited by A H Sayce,
'Exodus' by Archibald Robert Stirling Kennedy,
'Leviticus' by James Alexander Paterson,
'Numbers' by George Buchanan Gray,
'Deuteronomy' by George Wilkins,
'Joshua and Judges' by Archibald Robert Stirling Kennedy,
'Samuel I & II' by James Sime,
'Kings I & II' by James Robertson,
'Chronicles I & II' by A Hughes-Games,
'Job and Ruth' by AB Davidson,
'Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther' by James Wilson Harper,
'The Psalms' by Archdeacon Sinclair,
'Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon' by DS Margoliouth,
'Isaiah' by Andrew Bruce Davidson,
'Jeremiah & Lamentations' by E Tyrell Green,
'Ezekiel' by OC Whitehouse,
'Daniel & Minor Prophets' by R Sinker,
'Matthew & Mark' by Charles William Stubbs,
'Luke' by MR Vincent,
'The Johannine Books' by Canon William Benham,
'The Earlier Pauline Epistles' by Vernon Bartlett,
'The Later Pauline Epistles' by Handley Carr Glyn Moule,
'Acts & the Pastoral Epistles' by Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield,
'Hebrews & the General Epistles' by Sir John Herkless,
FF Fenton Ferrar Fenton Bible. The Holy Bible in Modern English, containing the complete sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, translated into English direct from the original Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek languages Ferrar Fenton OT NT Modern English 1903. Romans 1882. Epistles 1884, NT 1895 MT WH [No copyright] London: Bradbury, Agnew, and Co., for S. W. Partridge and Co, 1903. Expired. N/A GB Pent GB Gospels, some Ep
?? Fenton was a businessman and had little knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. Many translation errors. However, briefly popular as easy to understand.
Davis Story of the Nazarene in Annotated Paraphrase Noah K. Davis ?? ?? 1903 ?? ?? ?? GB*
?? ??
Kohler The Book of Psalms Kaufman Kohler Psalms English 1903 ?? [No copyright] Jewish Publication Society N/A GB*
Wey Weymouth The New Testament in Modern Speech: an idiomatic translation into everyday English from the text of 'The Resultant Greek Testament' by Richard Francis Weymouth; edited and partly revised by Ernest Hampden-Cook Richard Francis Weymouth NT Modern English 1903, Hampden-Coo revision 1912 ?? [No copyright] London: James Clarke and Co., 1903 N/A GB CW
CW, Home
?? .
Worrell The New Testament, revised and translated by Adolphus. S. Worrell, A. M. With Notes and Instructions designed to aid the earnest Reader in obtaining a clear Understanding of the doctrines, Ordinances, and primitive Assemblies as revealed in these Scriptures Adolphus S. Worrell (1831-1908) ?? Modern English 1904 ASV [No copyright] Louisville, KY: A.S. Worrell, 1904. Reprinted by the American Baptist Pub. Society (Philadelphia, 1907), and Gospel Publishing House Springfield (Missouri, 1980) N/A lookhigherGB-
holiness movement American Baptist educator and evangelist. A moderate revision of ASV. "immerse" replaces "baptise," and verbs and participles are rendered more literally. Notes reflect doctrines of the holiness movement.
CorrectedEnglish The Corrected English New Testament; A Revision Of The "Authorised" Version (By Nestle's Resultant Text) Prepared With The Assistance Of Eminent Scholars, And Issued By Samuel Lloyd A Like Governor Of The British And Foreign Bible Society Samuel Lloyd NT Modern English 1905 Nestle [No copyright] NEW YORK: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS ?? GB*
?? ??
Forster The Revelation; St. John's Gospel, Epistles and Revelation Henry Forster Johannine English 1906 Joh Ep Rev; Rev ?? ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
Steuart The Book of Ruth, a literal tr. with grammatical notes and vocabularies by R.H.J. Steuart Robert Henry J. Steuart (Stewart) Ruth English 1912 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB-
HBIE The Holy Bible ... An Improved Edition ?? ?? Modern English 1912 NT is a new revision of the 1891 revision of the American Bible Union 1862-1863 version. [No copyright] Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1912. N/A archive*
?? ??
Mof Moffatt A New Translation of the Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments. NT as The historical New Testament: being the literature of the New Testament arranged in the order of its literary growth and according to the dates of the documents James Moffatt OT NT Modern English 1901 NT. OT published in New York in 1924-1925 (2 vols.). Single-volume complete Bible 1926. Reprinted, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1995. From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. [No copyright] T. & T. Clark, 1901. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1913. N/A GB* (NT, 1913)
?? Highly regarded by scholars and laymen.
Panin The New Testament from the Greek text as established by Bible Numerics Ivan Panin (1855-1942) ?? Modern English 1914 WH, but with many changes (apparently to make the numerics work) [No copyright] New Haven: Bible Numerics Co., 1914. N/A scribd, GB-
?? A literal version, revised 1935, reprinted by Oxford University Press from 1944.
PRNT Restored New Testament James M. Pryse? Synoptics plus fragments Modern English 1914 ?? [No copyright] N/A GB*
?? [The translator] "undertook the uncongenial task of showing, by dissecting the texts of the Gospels, that the founders of the Christian church, deliberately falsified that text throughout. He rejects as spurious many passages of the Gospels, all of The Acts, and nearly everything in the Epistles. The Apocalyse is treated as a prose version of a Greek Mystery-poem."
TNC The New Covenant, commonly called the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: A revision of the version of A.D. 1611. Edward Ernest Cunnington ?? Modern English 1914 "Western" readings in Nestle 4 [No copyright] London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1914. N/A Google Books has (in copyright??) printing from 1926, 1930, and 1935.
?? Other editions appeared, e.g., in 1919 published by T. Foster Unwin of London under the title, The Adelphi New Testament; and in 1926 under the title, The Western New Testament.
King The Poem of Job: Translated in the Metre of the Original Edward George King Job English 1914 ?? [No copyright] Cambridge University Press N/A GB-
Osterley The Wisdom of Ben-Sira (Ecclesiasticus) W. O. E. Osterley Ecclesiasticus English 1916 ?? [No copyright] N/A (no GB)
?? (Cf Oesterley 1936??)
JPS The Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic text. A New translation with the aid of previous versions and with constant consultation of Jewish authorities. Jewish Publication Society of America Version. Aka "New Translation (Jewish)" Jewish Publication Society Tanakh (OT) Modern English 1917 MT [No copyright] Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society N/A CW, Home
Jewish A revision of ASV OT by American Jews. Cf NJPS
SBK Shorter Bible Charles Foster Kent, Woolsey Professor Of Biblical Litebatube In Yale University NT OT Modern English 1918 NT, 1921 OT? ?? [No copyright] NY: Charles Scribner's Sons N/A GB*
?? eliminates duplications. With The Collaboration Of Charles Cutler Torrey, Professor Of Semitic Languages In Yale University; Henry A. Sherman, Head Of The Department Of Religious Literature Of Charles Scribner's Sons; Frederick Harris, Senior Secretary Of The Publication Department Of The International Committee Of Young Men's Christian Associations; Ethel Cutler, Religious Work Secretary Of The National Board Of The Young Womens Christian Associations
Pym Mark's Account of Jesus: being a version of St. Mark's Gospel in common speech T. W. Pym Mark English 1921, 1938 ?? [No copyright] W. Heffer & Sons Ltd N/A GB-
Robinson Amos: Hebrew text, edited with critical and grammatical notes Theodore Henry Robinson Amos English 1923 1920?? ?? [No copyright] London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge N/A GB-
RNT The Riverside New Testament, a translation from the original Greek into the English of to-day William G. Ballantine NT Modern English 1923; slightly revised in 1934. Nestle [No copyright] Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1923. N/A archive, GB-
?? No verse numbering. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Centenary CTNT Montgomery The Centenary Translation of the New Testament Helen Barrett Montgomery (July 31, 1861 - October 19, 1934) NT Modern English 1924 Revision of ASV Philadelphia: The American Baptist Publication Society, 1924. N/A CW
Baptist A Baptist revision of ASV. Published in commemoration of the centenary of the American Baptist Publication Society. Reprinted as "The New Testament in Modern English", with a spine and cover labeled "Montgomery New Testament". Montgomery was the first woman to translate the New Testament into English from Greek and have it published by a publishing house. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was face to face with God, and the Word was God.
Clark-Matthew St Matthew's Gospel ?? Matthew English ~1925?? ?? T. and T. Clark N/A Text
?? Uncertain. Cf An Old Hebrew Text of St. Matthew's Gospel, Hugh J. Schonfield, 1927 reprint of earlier work.
Wales The epistle to the Hebrews Frank Howard Wales Hebrews English 1925 ?? ?? N/A GB-
PNC The People's New Covenant (New Testament): Scriptural Writings Translated from the meta-physical standpoint by Arthur E. Overbury. Being a revision unhampered by so-called ecclesiastical authority ... together with a preface setting forth the standpoint of the author on many fundamental questions ... also an explanatory index giving a large amount of valuable information and data helpful to a comprehensive study of the Bible. Overbury, Arthur Evill (1875-?) ?? Modern English 1925 ?? ?? N/A Text
"metaphysical" Avoids some words, like "hell." “In the original being the Word, or GOD-Idea existed; and the God-Idea existed in the at-one-ment with God; and the GOD-Idea was GOD-manifest.”
CONC Concordant version, the Sacred Scriptures: designed to put the English reader in possession of all the vital facts of divine revelation without a former knowledge of Greek, by means of a restored Greek text, with various readings, conforming, as far as possible, to the inspired autographs, a consistent sublinear based upon a standard English equivalent for each Greek element, and an idiomatic, emphasized English version with notes, which are linked together and correlated for the English reader by means of an English concordance and lexicon and a complementary list of the Greek elements. Aka "Concordant Literal New Testament". Adolph Ernst Knoch NT Modern English 1926 ?? [Expired] Los Angeles: Concordant Publishing Concern, 1926. N/A Home (HTML, no notes)
Unorthodox A.E. Knoch (1874-1965) was associated with ultra-dispensationalist E. W. Bullinger, was the editor of a magazine called Unsearchable Riches, and founded the Concordant Publishing Concern to publish his translation. Resembles YLT, hyper-literal, but designed to support Knoch's ideas such as Universalism, "soul sleep," Arminian soteriology, and Arian Christology. For example, Knoch translates aionios as "eonian" instead of "eternal," and says it should be understood in the sense "pertaining to the Æon" or "age-long," thus obscuring immortality and eternal destiny. Knoch had no formal education in the biblical languages. In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word.
Cunnington The New Testament (or Covenant) of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: A Translation Based on the Version of A.D. 1611. E. E. Cunnington NT Modern English 1926 KJV London: George Routledge & Sons ?? Text
?? ??
Martin-Psalms The Psalms Complete William W. Martin Psalms English 1928 ?? ?? N/A Text
LeFevre The Christian's Bible: New Testament George LeFevre NT English ~1928?? ?? ?? N/A Text
WVSS Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures ?? ?? Modern English 1929 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? ??
BDRL Bible Designed to Be Read as Literature ?? OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1930 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? stresses literary qualities of the Bible
SGNT SGAT The Bible: An American Translation. 1944: The Complete Bible; an American Translation: The Old Testament Translated by J. M. Powis Smith and a Group of Scholars; the Apocrypha and the New Testament Translated by Edgar J. Goodspeed Edgar J. Goodspeed and J.M. Powis Smith, eds. OT NT Apoc Modern English 1931, 1935, Apoc 1939, complete 1944 MT and various Greek texts. [Expired] Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931. 2nd edition, 1935 N/A NT Text
?? Aka "Complete Bible: An American Translation" 1939, aka "AAT". Portions: "The Old Testament: An American Translation" (J.M. Powis Smith, ed. and T.J. Meek, Alexander R. Gordon, Leroy Waterman) 1927; "The New Testament: An American Translation" (Edgar J. Goodspeed) 1923.
Torrey The Four Gospels, A New Translation Charles Cutler Torrey Gospels, Rev Modern English 1933 Based on Torrey's reconstruction of hypothetical Aramaic documents underlying the Greek Gospels. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1933. Revised 1947. N/A thedcl
?? Book of Revelation published in 1958.
DNT Documents of the New Testament G. W. Wade NT Modern English 1934 ?? Thomas Murby & Co. N/A archive*
innvista info
Catholic midway between an exact literal rendering and a paraphrase. In the Beginning there existed the Divine Reason, and the Divine Reason was with God, and the Divine Reason was God. This Divine Reason at the Beginning was in closest relation with God. Through the Divine Reason all things came into being; and apart therefrom there was not brought into being even a single thing which has come to exist.
Westminster The Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures Cuthbert Lattey, ed. NT Modern English 1935; 1948 revised. Vulgate London: Longmans and Green, 1935. N/A Text
Catholic An unofficial Roman Catholic version. Only NT was completed.
Oesterley The Song of Songs: the authorized version / together with a new translation, an introduction and notes by W.O.E. Oesterley ; with engravings on copper by Lettice Sandford William Oscar Emil Oesterley (1866-1950) Song of Songs Modern English 1936 ?? ?? N/A (no GB)
?? (Cf Osterley 1916?) Limited ed. of 204 numbered copies.
Oneill The Psalms and the Canticles of the Divine Office; Job George Oneill Psalms; Sing; Job English 1937 Psalms; 1938 Job ?? ?? N/A Text
Wms Williams1937 Williams New Testament. The New Testament, a translation in the language of the people Charles B. Williams ?? Modern English 1937 WH Boston: Bruce Humphries, 1937. Slightly revised in 1950 (Chicago: Moody Press). N/A archive*
?? A careful attempt to represent nuances of Greek tenses. Cf Williams1812
Parker Pulpit Bible, The Parker ?? Modern English 1937 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? ??
Cornish St Paul from the Trenches Gerald Cornish English 1937?? ?? ?? N/A GB-
Greber New Testament: A New Translation Based on the Oldest Manuscripts. Johannes Greber (1876-1944) ?? Modern English 1937 ?? ?? N/A GB-
?? A Roman Catholic Priest and spiritist, also authored "Communication with the Spirit World: Its Laws and Its Purpose (1932). Controversial, appears supportive of Jehovahs' Witness teachings. Greber claimed his translation was done with the aid of spirits.
Clementson The New Testament Edgar L. Clementson ?? Modern English 1938 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? ??
Benziger The Psalms... Also the Canticles of the Roman Breviary Benziger Bros Psalms English ~1939?? ?? ?? N/A Text
Power Ecclesiasticus A. D. Power Ecclesiasticus English 1939 ?? ?? N/A Text
Confraternity Confraternity Version. The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, translated from the Latin Vulgate; a revision of CHalloner-Rheims edited by Catholic scholars under the patronage of the Episcopal committee of the Confraternity of Christian doctrine. Edward P. Arbez, ed. NT Modern English 1941, revised 1953? Revision of DRC [Expired] Paterson, N.J.: St. Anthony guild press, 1941 N/A Text
Catholic Aka Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation?
EDW The Emphatic Diaglott, containing the original Greek text of what is commonly styled the New Testament (according to the recension of Dr. J. J. Griesbach) with an interlineary translation, on the renderings of eminent critics, and on the various readings of The Vatican Manuscript, No. 1209, in the Vatican Library, together with illustrative and explanatory foot notes, and a copious selection of references.... Benjamin Wilson NT Modern English 1942 Appears to be unchanged from ED Brooklyn, NY? International Bible Students Association (1942) N/A Text
J. Witness The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (J's Witnesses) acquired the printing plates for this edition in 1902, and published an edition in 1926. Wilson was not associated with the Witnesses. He was a Christadelphian and employed as a newspaper editor.
Berkeley The Holy Bible, The Berkeley Version in Modern English Gerrit Verkuyl et al. OT NT Modern English 1945 NT, 1959 OT Translated Afresh From the Original Languages and Diligently Compared With Previous Translations Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1959. N/A Text
?? The New Testament was published in 1945. Revised in 1969 as The Modern Language Bible.
Brotherhood The New testament c NT English 1946 ?? ?? N/A Text
SNT New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ George Betts Swann NT Modern English 1947 WH [Expired] Louisville: Pentecostal Publishing Co., 1947. N/A GB-
?? Swann was a Christian Church pastor in Kentucky. This editions uses no chapters, only paragraphs, with verses numbered consecutively from Matthew to Revelation. Unconnected to: The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Edward Stallybrass, William Swan, Edward Swan. British and Foreign Bible Society, 1846.
LVME New Testament, Letchworth Version in Modern English Thomas F. Ford and Ralph E. Ford ?? Modern English 1948 Revision of KJV Letchworth: Letchworth Printers, 1948. N/A Text
?? The KJV text with archaic expressions replaced by modern English. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Basic The Basic Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments in Basic English. 1949: The Bible in Basic English S. H. Hooke, ed.; C. K. (Charles Kay) Ogden, Orthological Institute (Cambridge, England) OT NT Basic Modern English 1949. NT 1941. ?? [Expired] Cambridge: The University Press, in association with Evans Brothers, 1949. N/A GB-
?? Limited to C. K. Ogden's Basic English vocabulary of 850 words proposed as an international auxiliary language, with an additional 150 biblical words. From the first he was the Word, and the Word was in relation with God and was God.
BBE Bible in Basic English ?? OT NT Basic Modern English 1949, 1965 Paraphrase of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? Public domain (Cambridge Press) ?? CW, Home
CW, bbe
?? ??
SNNT Sacred Name New Testament. tyndale: The New Testament of Our Messiah and Saviour Yashua Angelo B. Traina ?? Modern English 1950 KJV [Expired] Irvington, New Jersey: Scripture Research Association, 1950. N/A (no GB)
?? Reprinted as Holy Name Bible, 1963, revised 1974. The KJV "with Semitic names restored to their Hebrew and Aramaic forms."
NSNT, Norlie, SEB The New Testament ... in Modern English. 1961: Norlie's Simplified New Testament: In Plain English - for Today's Reader. 1963: The New Testament a new translation Bible N.T English 1961 Norlie Bible O.T English 1961 The Psalms for today Olaf Morgan Norlie; Roland Kenneth Harrison NT, Psalms Basic Modern English 1951 Paraphrase of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? [Expired] Northfield, MN, 1951. Zondervan, 1961, 1963. Spear publications reprint? 0990400867 Text
?? In 1961 Norlie's Simplified New Testament in plain English for Today's Reader was published by Zondervan; reprinted in 1962 as The Children's Simplified New Testament. The Word was in the beginning; the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
HSH Holy Scriptures (Harkavy) ?? ?? Modern English 1951 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? ??
Rieu The Four Gospels. A new translation from the Greek by E. V. Rieu. Emile Victor Rieu Gospels Modern English 1952 ?? Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1952. N/A Text
?? ??
RSV The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version. Containing the Old and New Testaments, translated from the original tongues; being the version set forth A.D. 1611, revised A.D. 1881-1885 and A.D. 1901; compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1952. Luther Weigle, ed. OT NT Modern English 1952 From a critical version of MT, and GNT. Revision of ASV New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1946. Revised 1952, 1959, 1971. Roman Catholic edition, 1965 0452006473, 978-0452006478 Text
?? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Williams1952 The New Testament, A New Translation in Plain English Charles Kingsley Williams NT Modern English 1952. Reprinted 1963 The Greek text underlying ERV [Expired] London: S.P.C.K. and Longmans, Green and Co., 1952. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1963. N/A Text
?? "Plain English" comprises a simplified vocabulary of 1,500 words, and is supplemented by some 170 words explained in a glossary. Cf Cf Williams1812, Williams1937
TSB The Story Bible ?? OT NT Modern English 1954, 1958, 1961, 1983 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? ?? N/A Text
?? ?? See The Child's Story Bible by Catherine F Vos; See The Story Bible by Pearl S. Buck 1971.
KLNT Kleist-Lilly New Testament. The New Testament rendered from the original Greek with Explanatory Notes James A. Kleist and Joseph L. Lilly NT Modern English 1954 Greek Bover text Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1954. N/A Text
Roman Catholic When time began, the Word was there, and the Word was face to face with God, and the Word was God.
Knox KTC The Holy Bible; A Translation from the Latin Vulgate in the Light of the Hebrew and Greek Originals (Monsignor) Ronald A. Knox OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1955. NT 1944, Psalms 1947, OT 1949. VG, with influence from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. London: Burns and Oates, 1955. Reprinted Templegate Pub, 1997 0872432297, 978-0872432291 (facsimile) CormacBurke (butt this version changes "thou" to "you" throughout)
Roman Catholic Facsimile edition: Templegate Publishers, early 1990s. Baronius Press have secured rights and is producing a new edition due in early 2010. At the beginning of time the Word already was; and God had the Word abiding with him, and the Word was God.
ANT The Authentic New Testament, edited and translated from the Greek for the general reader. 2nd ed 1985 as "The Original New Testament: A Radical Translation and Reinterpretation." Hugh J. Schonfield NT Modern English 1955, 1958 ?? Aberdeen: Dennis Dobson, Ltd. Central Press, 1955. ?? Text
?? Translated by a Jewish scholar to reflect "the atmosphere of the period in which the documents were written."
Laubach The Inspired Letters in Clearest English Frank C. Laubach English 1956 ?? ?? N/A Text
Farrer Short Bible, A Farrer ?? Modern English 1956 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? Cf Farman?
Lamsa ("LBP" deprecated, conflicts with Living Bible Paraphrased) Lamsa Bible. The Holy Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts. Containing the Old and New Testaments, translated from the Peshitta, the authorized Bible of the Church of the East George M. Lamsa OT NT Modern English 1957. NT 1940. Gospels 1933 as "The Four Gospels according to the Eastern Version" Peshitta Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Co., 1957. N/A Text
?? ??
JBFR Jewish Bible for Family Reading Joseph Gaer OT NT Apoc Modern English 1957 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? ??
Phillips JBP The New Testament in Modern English J. B. Phillips NT Modern English 1958. The Gospels were published in 1952, NT 1958, four Prophets (Isaiah 1-39, Hosea, Amos, Micah) in 1963, and a revised New Testament in 1972. From the original english London: G. Bles, 1958. Copyright Administrator, The Archbishops' Council, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ, Tel (UK): 020 7898 1451; Fax (UK) 020 7898 1449; e-mail N/A CCEL
?? Colloquial English. See J. B. Phillips, Ring of Truth: A Translator's Testimony (New York: MacMillan, 1967. Revised 1978); Edwin H. Robertson, The New Translations of the Bible (London: S. C. M. Press, 1959), pp. 119-132. .
Tomanek The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Anointed. James L. Tomanek NT Modern English 1958 ?? [Expired] Pocatello, ID.: Arrowhead Press ?? Text
?? ??
EBR Emphasized Bible ?? ?? Modern English 1959 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? contains signs of emphasis for reading. Cf Rotherham.
TDB The Dartmouth Bible Roy B. Chamberlin and Herman Feldman, eds. OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1961 Abridgment of the KJV (about 1/2 length) Houghton-Mifflin, 1961. N/A Text
?? ??
Wuest The New Testament: An Expanded Translation Kenneth S. Wuest ?? Modern English 1961 Nestle Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1961. 0802812295 Text
?? Reprinted 1994. This is a one-volume edition of a translation which was first published in 3 volumes, 1956-59, under the title, Wuest's Expanded translation of the Greek New Testament. intended as a comparison to, or commentary on, the standard translations.
NEB New English Bible C. H. Dodd, ed. OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1961 NT. Apoc 1970. Critical versions of MT, and GNT. Oxford and Cambridge: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press, 1961, 1970. N/A Text
?? A paraphrastic version sponsored by several denominations in Great Britain. When all things began, the Word already was. The Word dwelt with God, and what God was, the Word was.
NWT NewWorld New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Rendered from the Original Language by the New World Translation Committee ?? OT NT Modern English 1961. NT 1950. From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Brooklyn: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1950. Old Tesament published 1953-1960. Revised in 1961, 1970, 1984 N/A Text
J. Witnesses In (the) beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. (this translation bizarrely uses "a" here, despite "the" being clear and explicit in the Greek).
Noli NNT Noli New Testament. The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Translated into English from the Approved Greek Text of the Church of Constantinople and the Church of Greece. Fan S. Noli ?? Modern English 1961 Traditional Greek Byzantine text. [Expired] Boston: Albanian Orthodox Church in America. N/A (no GB)
Church of Const'l, Church of Greece First translation by an Eastern Orthodox translator. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was by God, and the Word was God.
Black-Welder Letters from Paul Boyce Black-Welder Pauline Ep English ~1962?? ?? ?? N/A Text
CKJV The Children's King James Bible. Aka The Children's Version of the Holy Bible Jay P. Green OT NT Modern English. 1962 Revision of KJV. [Expired] New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962. N/A Text
?? A simplified version "in the spirit of the King James Version"; revised as The King James II Bible, 1971. Revised as The King James II Bible, 1971.
JBK Jerusalem Bible (Koren) Harold Fisch ?? Modern English 1962 ?? Jerusalem: Koren Publishers N/A Text
?? side-by-side Hebrew and English. Based on Friedländer's 1881 Jewish Family Bible. Aka Koren Bible, Koren Tanakh, Tanakh Yerushalayim
LiSKJV The Living Scriptures: A New Translation in the King James Tradition American Bible Society English ~1962?? ?? ?? N/A Text
Missionary-Dispensary The New Testament of Our Master and Saviour Missionary Dispensary Bible Research NT English ~1962?? ?? ?? N/A Text
LB ("LBP" deprecated, conflicts with Lamsa) The Living Bible, Paraphrased Kenneth N. Taylor et al. ?? Modern English 1962? Epistles. 1967 NT. OT 1971. Paraphrase of ASV. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1971. N/A Text
?? Before anything else existed, there was Christ, with God. He has always been alive and is himself God.
JPT Judaica Press ?? Tanakh (OT) Modern English 1963 MT ?? N/A Text
Jewish ??
NASB New American Standard Bible: New Testament. Reuben A. Olson, ed. ?? Modern English 1963. Entire Bible, 1971. A conservative literal revision of ASV. NT based on the Nestle 23 Pilot ed. La Habra, California: [Foundation Press] Produced and published by the Lockman Foundation, 1963. N/A Text
?? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
AB Amplified The Amplified Bible Frances E. Siewert, ed. OT NT Modern English 1965. NT 1958,OT in two parts in 1962 and 1964. Revised for one-volume edition 1965, again 1987. Revision of ASV. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1965. Revised 1987. Produced by the Lockman Foundation. 0310951410; 978-0310951414 BG
?? Includes alternative renderings and explanations added in parentheses, brackets, etc. In the beginning (before all time) was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.
Bruce The Letters of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase, Printed in Parallel with the Revised Version with Fuller References by Drs. Scrivener, Moulton & Greenup. Frederick F. Bruce Paul Modern English 1965 ?? Exeter, Devon: Paternoster Press, 1965. N/A Text
?? .
RSVC Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition ?? OT NT Modern English 1966, revised 1994 Revision of RSV Ignatius Press 0898704901, 978-0898704907 Text
Catholic ??
Jerusalem The Jerusalem Bible Alexander Jones, ed. OT NT Modern English 1966 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, with influence from the French La Bible de Jérusalem. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1966. N/A GB-
Roman Catholic A heavily annotated version by Roman Catholic scholars, notable for its excellent literary quality. Revised 1985 as NJB. In the beginning was the Word the Word was with God and the Word was God.
TJB Jerusalem Bible (Catholic) ?? includes the Apocrypha Modern English 1966 ?? ?? N/A Text
Catholic ??
MLB NBV Modern Language Bible. Aka The New Berkeley Version in Modern English ?? OT NT Modern English 1969, 1967? A Completely New Translation From the Original Languages. ?? ?? Text
?? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
CPV Cotton Patch Version Clarence Jordan NT except Mark and Rev Modern English 1968, 1973 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? Paraphrase based on American ideas and Southern US culture
TBR The Bible Reader Walter M. Abbott, S. J.; Rabbi Arthur Gilbert; Rolfe Lanier Hunt; and J. Carter Swaim. OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1969 ?? Bruce Publishing Company and Geoffrey Chapman Ltd. (1969)? N/A Text
interfaith an interfaith interpretation with notes from Catholic, Protestant and Jewish traditions, and references to art, literature, history and the social problems of modern man.
Bar Barclay The New Testament, A New Translation William Barclay NT Modern English 1969 ?? London and New York: Collins, 1969. Westminster John Knox Press, 1999 0664221742, 978-0664221744 Text
?? A free translation with moderate interpretation, verging on paraphrase. When the world began, the Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the nature of the Word was the same as the nature of God.
BWE Bible in Worldwide English Annie Cressman (d. 1993) NT Modern English 1969 Paraphrase of the original Greek. SOON Publications (India) N/A CW
?? Portions: Mark 1959, Full Gospel Publishing House, Toronto.
NLV New Life Version Gleason and Kathryn Ledyard NT Basic Modern English (850 words) 1969 ?? Canby, OR: Christian Literature International 1597894664, 978-1597894661 Text
?? A translation for speakers of English as a second language. No contractions; short sentences; no footnotes; tries to use each English word in only one sense; adds interpretive explanations. The Word (Christ) was in the beginning. The Word was with God. The Word was God.
SNB Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible ?? ?? Modern English 1970, 1976 Rotherham Buena Park, California: Missionary Dispensary Bible Research, 1970. ?? Text
?? A version whose concern is the true name and titles of the creator and his son. Originally was the Word, and the Word was with YAHVAH; and the Word was YAHVAH.
Confraternity_nn Confraternity Bible (various hybrids) ?? NT, partial OT Modern English 1970 (latest) The Confraternity Version NT, with various books from the DRC OT and books that would ultimately become the OT of the 1970 NAB. Some with a revision of the DR Psalms, from the Latin. Some others with a uniquely Confraternity translation of GEN. ?? N/A Text
?? ??
NAB The New American Bible, Translated from the Original Languages, with Critical Use of All the Ancient Sources, by Members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. Sponsored by the Bishops' Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Louis F. Hartman and Myles M. Bourke, eds. OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1970, 1987 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Paterson, N.J.: St. Anthony Guild Press. 1970 ?? Text
Catholic In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
TranslatorsNT The Translators New Testament NT English 1971 ?? The British and Foreign Bible Society N/A Text
Abbreviated TAB The Abbreviated Bible James Leslie McCary and Mark McElhaney OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1971 Multiple English translations, esp. ASV, RSV Van Nostrand Reinhold ?? Text
?? About 1/4 the number of words. Condensing the text chapter-by-chapter. Three goals: short; easily understandable to the average layman; condense and simplify the language without changing any pertinent material.
PRS Phillips Revised Student Edition ?? ?? Modern English 1972 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? ??
TENT Today's English New Testament ?? NT Modern English 1972 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? ??
BLE The Bible in Living English Steven Tracy Byington OT NT Modern English 1972 ?? New York: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1972. N/A GB-
J. Witness ??
Klingensmith Today's English New Testament Don J. Klingensmith ?? Modern English 1972 ?? New York: Vantage Press, 1972. ?? Text
?? A translation in simple English.
TPB Poetic Bible, The Voe Gray ?? Modern English 1973 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? ??
HSM Holy Scriptures (Menorah) ?? ?? Modern English 1973 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? a.k.a. Jewish Family Bible
TEV GNB Today's English Version. Good News Bible: The Bible in Today's English Version Robert G. Bratcher OT NT Modern English 1976. Revised with inclusive language in 1992. ?? New York: American Bible Society, 1976. (New Testamnt 1966) N/A Text
?? The New Testament (Good News for Modern Man) appeared in 1966. A paraphrastic version, designed to be easily understood by all. . .
AAT Beck AAT The Holy Bible in the Language of Today, An American Translation. William F. Beck OT NT Modern English 1976. NT 1963 MT and various Greek texts. New Haven, Missouri: Leader Publishing Co., 1976; Holman Bible Publishers. NT: Saint Louis, Missouri: Concordia Publishing House, 1963 0879810823, 978-0879810825 Text
?? ??
IB Interlinear Bible (Green) ?? ?? Modern English 1976 ?? ?? N/A Text
?? side-by-side Hebrew/Greek and English
Adams The Christian Counselor's New Testament. A New Translation in Everyday English with Notations, Marginal References, and Supplemental Helps Jay E. Adams NT Modern English 1977 ?? Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977. 0801001196, 978-0801001192 Text
?? ??
NIV New International Version Edwin H. Palmer, ed. OT NT Modern English 1978. NT 1973. Revised 1984. From critical versions of MT, and GNT. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973. 0310906520, 978-0310906520 Text
?? Has US and UK editions. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
RCB Reese Chronological Bible ?? ?? Modern English 1980 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? an arrangement of the KJV in chronological order
VRGS Versified Rendering of the Complete Gospel Story Warren W. Faw, retired Canadian farmer Gospels Modern English 1980 Wording tends to follow KJV ?? ?? Text
?? The Gospels combined and written in poetic form
SimpleEnglish The Simple English Bible Stanley Morris, ed. ?? Basic Modern English 1978, 1980; American Edition 1981. WH, Nestle 25, Bover 4, UBS 3, TR International Bible Translations, Inc.; NY: Intl Bible Publishing Inc 0937830038, 978-0937830031 Text
?? A limited 3000 word vocabulary and everyday sentence structure. Revised and renamed International English Bible or International Standard Bible (?); then ENT. Cf Simplified Eenglish Bible
LTNK The Living Torah and The Living Nach R. Aryeh Kaplan (d. 1983); others beyond Torah Tanakh (OT) Modern English 1981 Torah; 1994 rest of OT MT Moznaim Publishing 0827608519, 9780827608511 Text
Orthodox Jewish cf Kaplan
SSBE Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition ?? OT NT Modern English 1981 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? the sacred name and the sacred titles and the name of Yahshua restored to the text of the Bible. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Yahweh, and the Word was Elohim.
LBME Messianic Edition of the Living Bible David Bronstein ?? Modern English 1982 ?? Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1982. ?? Text
?? An adaptation of LB for Jewish Christian readers.
NKJV The New King James Bible, New Testament Arthur Farstad, ed. OT NT Modern English 1982. NT 1979. Revised 1990? KJV, MT, TR. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1979, 1982. ?? Text
?? A considerable revision of the language of the KJV, but based upon the same Greek and Hebrew texts that were the basis of the KJV. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
AILLect An Inclusive Language Lectionary Inclusive-Language Lectionary Committee of the National Council of the Churches of Christ, U.S.A., Division of Christian Education and Ministry. (selected readings) Modern English 1983, revised 1986-1987 Revised Common Lectionary Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1983, 1984, 1985. 978-0829807912 Year C; 978-0829807462 Year A; 978-0664240592 Year B Google Books
?? Three volumes giving years A, B and C of the Revised Common Lectionary in a inclusive language version.
ONT The Original New Testament: A Radical Translation and Reinterpretation Hugh Schonfeld NT Modern English 1985 (unspecified) Harpercollins ?? Text
?? By the author of "The Passover Plot."
Rec The New Testament: Recovery Version. John C. Ingalls, Bill Duane, Albert Knoch, Witness Lee; outline, footnotes and references, by Witness Lee OT NT Modern English 1985. Second edition, 1991 Revision of ASV Anaheim, California: Living Stream Ministry, 1985. 0870836137, 978-0870836138 Home
"Local church"? A reference version containing extensive notes. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
LITV Green's Literal Translation Jay P. Green, Sr. OT NT Modern English 1985. Later integrated into his Hebrew-English-Greek Interlinear Bible. From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. Lafayette, IN ?? CW
?? Cf MKJV, also by Jay B. Green. Aka KJII?
NewJerusalem NJB New Jerusalem Bible Henry Wansbrough, ed. OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1985 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, with influence from the French La Bible de Jérusalem. New York: Doubleday, 1985. 0385493207, 978-0385493208 Text
Catholic A revision of JB, by Roman Catholic scholars. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
NewJPS New Jewish Publication Society of America Version ?? Tanakh (OT) Modern English 1985 MT ?? ?? Text
?? ??
NJPS Tanakh: A New Translation of The Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text ?? ?? Modern English 1985. Pent 1962, revised 1967, the Prophets in 1978, and the Writings in 1982. ?? Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1985. 0827603665, 978-0827603660 Text
Jewish Cf JPS
CCB Christian Community Bible: Translated, Presented and Commented for the Christian Communities of the Philippines and the Third World; and for Those Who Seek God. Complete Text Translated from Hebrew and Greek. Pastoral Edition. Bernardo Hurault OT NT Modern English 1986?, 1988 ?? Quezon City, Philippines: Claretian Publications, 1988; Liguori Publications; 17 edition (September 1995) 0892438169, 978-0892438167 Text
?? .
NewLife New Life Version ?? OT NT Modern English 1986 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? ?? ?? Text
?? ??
REB Revised English Bible W. D. McHardy, ed. OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1987, 1989 Revision of NEB. Oxford and Cambridge: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press, 1989. ?? Text
?? See "English Revised Bible" at SL, scripture text
AramaicTargums Aramaic Bible (Targums) Aramaic Bible Translation Project NT, partial OT ?? 1987 NT; OT in progress ?? ?? ?? Text
?? originally translated from the Hebrew into the Aramaic. Cf ABT
NCV ICB The Holy Bible - New Century Version Ervin Bishop et al. ?? Modern English 1987 ?? Ft. Worth, Texas: Worthy Publishing, 1987. ?? Crosswalk
?? A very simple 'dynamic equivalence' version. Aka International Children's Bible. In the beginning there was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
WMF Word Made Fresh: A Down to Earth Version of the New Testament Andy Edington, President Emeritus of Schreiner Junior College and High School, in Texas OT NT Modern English 1988 paraphrase Eakin Press, 1988? 0890156824, 978-0890156827 Text
?? a paraphrase with humour and familiar names and places for those who have no desire to read the Bible
GodsWord GW God's Word to the Nations: New Testament Phillip B. Giessler, ed. Later Eugene W. Bunkowske, ed. OT NT Modern English 1988, 1995 ?? Fairview Park, Ohio: Biblion Publishing, 1988. Copyright 1995 by God's Word to the Nations. All rights reserved. Iowa Falls, Iowa: World Bible Publishers, 1995. ?? CW
GWFN, CW, scripture text
Lutheran a.k.a. Today's Bible Translation. Begun 1982 as revision to Beck, published 1976 as An American Translation. 1978, Phillip Giessler (Cleveland area pastor) begins further update, published as God's Word to the Nations in November 1988. In 1990 it is renamed the New Evangelical Translation (Cleveland: NET Publishing, 1992) ("NET" deprecated, conflicts with NewEnglishTr). 1991, Eugene W. Bunkowske abd 5 additional translators added. 1994 renamed God's Word. 1995 published by World Bible Publishers (Iowa Falls, Iowa). 2003 Green Key Books (Holiday FL) acquired rights.
McCord MCT McCord's New Testament Translation of the Everlasting Gospel Hugo McCord NT Modern English 1988 From the original Greek? Henderson, Tennessee: Freed-Hardeman College, 1988. ?? Text
?? "An accurate translation of the inspired Word of God in an easily understood modern day English." In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
WTT1989 William Tindale New Testament John Wesley Sawyer, ed. NT Modern English 1989 WTT ?? ?? Text
?? Reprint of WTT with spelling and punctuation modernized
CJB Complete Jewish Bible ?? OT NT Modern English 1989, 1998 Paraphrase of JPS (OT), and from the GNT. a Messianic Jewish translation Messianic Jewish Resources International 9653590154, 978-9653590151 Text
Messianic Jewish ??
DramatizedBible Dramatized Bible Perry ?? Modern English 1989 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? ??
EVD ETRV Easy-to-Read Version. Aka English Version for the Deaf ?? OT NT Basic Modern English 1989 Paraphrase of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? ?? ?? Text
?? Before the world began, the Word was there. The Word was there with God. The Word was God.
GNC CNT God's New Covenant: A New Testament Translation. aka Cassirer New Testament Heinz W. Cassirer NT Modern English 1989 From the original Greek. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989. ?? Text
?? Translated by a Jewish Christian who is a classics scholar and philosopher.
JNT Jewish New Testament: a translation of the New Testament that expresses its Jewishness David H. Stern ?? Modern English 1989 UBS (3rd edition). Jerusalem: Jewish New Testament Publications, 1989. ?? Text
?? Jewish aspects of the New Testament emphasized, with explanatory footnotes for gentile readers.
NRSV NRS New Revised Standard Version Bruce M. Metzger, ed. OT NT Modern English 1989 Revision of RSV New York: Oxford University Press, 1990 565634616, 978-1565634619 Text
?? Metzger is a leading expert on the textual history of the NT. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
CEV Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version Barclay M. Newman, ed. OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1991 1995 1999 Paraphrase translation from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. New York: American Bible Society 1585160172, 978-1585160174 Text
?? A paraphrastic version, at a fourth grade reading level. In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and was truly God.
NewCentury New Century Version ?? OT NT Basic Modern English 1991 Paraphrase of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? ?? ?? Text
?? ??
NEvt ("NET" deprecated, conflicts with New English Translation) New Evangelical Translation ?? ?? Modern English 1992 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? A translation aimed at missionary activity; another edition of GR. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
AHG Alba House Gospels Mark Wauck ?? Modern American English 1992 3rd UBS and Nestle 26th Alba House 0818906251, 978-0818906251 Text
Catholic The words of Christ are poetic.
SV Scholars Version. The Five Gospels: The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus. New Translation and Commentary by Robert W. Funk, Roy W. Hoover, and the Jesus Seminar Robert W. Funk et al. The four gospels and the Gospel of Thomas Modern English 1993 ?? New York: Macmillan, 1993. ?? Text
?? a.k.a. Five Gospels; contains evaluations of some controversial academics of what are, might be, and are not, the words of Jesus.
Message The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary English Eugene H. Peterson NT Modern English 1993 ?? Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1993. 1600061354; 978-1600061356 Text
?? An informal paraphrase of the New Testament. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you" is changed to Enjoy the best of Jesus!. The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God…
TM Message ?? NT, Psalms and Proverbs Modern English 1993 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? a.k.a. New Testament in Contemporary English, a translation in the street language of the day
BBC Black Bible Chronicles. From Genesis to the Promised Land (Pent); Rappin' With Jesus: The Good News According to the Four Brothers (Gospels) P. K. McCary Torah, Gospels "African American Vernacular English" 1993-1995 ?? ?? 1-56977-000-X, 1-56977-005-0, 1-56977-010-7 Text
TINT The Inclusive New Testament Craig R. Smith, ed. ?? Modern English 1994 ?? Brentwood, Maryland: Priests for Equality, 1994. ?? Text
Catholic A revamping of Scripture according to the latest rules of political correctness. Produced by dissident Roman Catholics. .
CWB Clear Word Bible Jack Blanco, Ph.D. OT NT Modern English 1994 (1992?) ?? ?? ?? Text
?? ??
KJ21 c21kjv The Holy Bible: 21st Century King James Version William D. Prindle was the chief editor for both editions, assisted by Barbara P. Graff, B.A., Florence P. Ronning, B.A., and Mary E. Burkman, B.S. OT NT Non-obsolete English words, per Webster's New Int'l Dictionary, 2 ed., unabridged 1994 KJV Gary, South Dakota: KJ21 Bible Publishers (division of Deuel Enterprises), 1994. 0963051261, 978-0963051264 BG
?? A limited revision of KJV, in which only the most archaic words and usages are replaced. Lectionary readings from the Revised Common Lectionary are marked with double diamonds. A revised edition with the Apocrypha (but without lectionary markings) appeared in 1998 as the Third Millennium Bible. Further information may be found at the publisher's websites, &
Sch Fox Schocken The Schocken Bible, vol 1: The Five Books of Moses: A New Translation with Introductions, Commentary, and Notes. Everett Fox, Professor of Judaic and Biblical Studies at Clark University. Torah, Samuel Modern English 1995. Samuel added 1999 ?? New York: Schocken, 1995, 1999. ?? Text
Jewish Heavily influenced by the principles of Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig, who in 1962 completed their translation of the Old Testament into German. The guiding principle is that the sound of the Hebrew text should be translated as closely as possible.
AIV New Testament and Psalms: An Inclusive Version Victor R. Gold, ed. NT Psalms Modern English 1995 ?? New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. ?? Text
?? A politically correct adaptation of the NRSV which eliminates all "oppressive" language.
NTUV The New Testament: An Understandable Version. William E. Paul ?? Modern English 1995 ?? Seattle, Washington: Impact Publications, 1995. ?? Text
?? A literal translation of the Nestle text, supplemented with parenthetical comments to clarify the meaning of the words. The Word (already) existed in the beginning (of time). (Note: this is a reference to the preexistence of Jesus, See verse 14). And the Word was with God and the Word was (what) God (was).
?? A Non-Ecclesiastical New Testament: being a translation into English of Greek writings dating from the First Century of the Common Era. Frank Daniels NT Modern English 1995, 2007 ?? Frank Daniels ?? Text
?? "Suppose that when reading the New Testament, one were to discover that Jesus' intent in coming here was to abolish religious systems of worship that were almost identical to what we have today."
ANCJ Aramaic New Covenant ?? ?? Modern English 1996 ?? Exegeses Bibles 0963195166, 978-0963195166 Text
innvista Info
?? A translation and transliteration of the New Covenant. In the beginning the Word having been and the Word having been unto God and God having been the Word . . .
Alter The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary. Robert Alter Pent Modern English 1996 GEN, 1999 1Sam 2Sam, 2004 Pent, 2007 Psalms ?? New York: W. W. Norton & Company 0393019551 Text
?? Prof. of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, Univ. of Calif. and literary critic.
ArtScroll ArtScroll Tanakh (OT) ?? OT Modern English 1996 MT Mesorah Pubns Ltd 0899062695, 978-0899062693 Text
?? ??
GLW God’s Living Word Michael Paul Johnson John, 1J, 2J, 3J Modern English 1996 ?? (c) 1996 Michael Paul Johnson. May be copied or quoted in any form, up to and inclusive of the entire text.... ?? Text
?? ??
Lattimore ("LNT" deprecated, conflicts with Living NT) The New Testament Richard A. Lattimore ?? Modern English 1996. The parts appeared separately, 1962-1982. ?? New York: Farrar Strauss Giroux, 1996. ?? Text
?? A literal translation by a classics scholar. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.
NLT New Living Translation Mark R. Norton, ed OT NT Modern English 1996; 2nd edition 2004 ?? Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House, 1996, 2004. ?? Text
?? A paraphrastic version that features inclusive language. In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God.
OrthJBC Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha ?? ?? Modern English 1996 ?? Copyright 1996, Artists for Israel International. New York. All rights reserved ?? CW
Orthodox Jewish An Orthodox version containing Rabbinic Hebrew terms. Bereshis (In the Beginning) was the Dvar Hashem (YESHAYAH 55:11; BERESHIT 1:1), and the Dvar Hasem was agav (along with) Hashem (MISHLE 8:30; 30:4), and the Dvar Hashem was nothing less, by nature, than Elohim! (TEHILLIM 56:11(10); yn17:5; Rev. 19:13).
NIVIL New International Version Inclusive Language Edition ?? OT NT Modern English 1996 Revision of NIV London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1996 ?? Text
?? ??
SET Stone Edition of the Tanach ?? ?? Modern English 1996 ?? Mesorah Publishers (2004), 2079 pages 1578191122 ISBN-13: 978-1578191123 Text
?? side-by-side Hebrew and English
Logos21 Logos 21 Version. Living Water: Gospel of John. Arthur L. Farstad, ed. ?? ?? 1996 The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text, edited by Zane C. Hodges and Arthur L. Farstad (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2d ed., 1985 Glide, Oregon: Absolutely Free, Inc. ?? faith alone
?? The rights have since been bought by Hollman and the textual base changed to the Critical Text.
DSSB Dead Sea Scrolls Bible ?? OT NT, Apoc Modern English 1997 translated from Dead Sea Scrolls documents (only) [No copyright] ?? Text
?? ??
Free The Free Bible Community (Wiki) Only Ruth and a few NT books so far. Modern English (in progress) ?? Public domain ?? Text
?? ??
HNV Hebrew Names Version of WEB ?? NT, OT in progress Modern English 1997 ASV Maj BHS WEB public domain ?? CW, EB
?? aka The World English Bible: Messianic Edition. Began in 1997 as American Standard Version 1997
ISV International Standard Version ?? NT, with OT in progress Modern English 1998 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. ISV Foundation ?? CW
CW, isv
?? Still in progress; 83% as of early 2008. Cf SEB, ENT. In the beginning, the Word existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
DKJB Defined King James Bible(KJII) (DKJB) D.A. Waite OT NT English 1998 Revision of KJV Privately published by D.A. Waite. ?? Home
?? "This Bible uses footnotes to define virtually all of the archaic, obsolete, difficult, or uncommon words in the King James Bible."
KJC The King James Bible, Clarified New Testament Bill McGinnis NT Modern English 1998 Revision of KJV Public Domain ?? Text
?? "This Bible is theologically identical to the authoritative King James Bible (KJV), but it is easier to understand because the language has been somewhat updated to reflect current usage." Aka Clarified King James Version.
The New Authorized Version ?? NT and parts of the OT Modern English 1998 Revision of KJV. ?? ?? Text
?? ??
NIrV New International Reader's Version ?? OT NT Modern English 1998, 1995? Paraphrase of the New International Version. ?? ?? Text
?? ??
SISR Scriptures (ISR) ?? ?? Modern English 1998 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? traditional names replaced by Hebraic ones and words with pagan sources replaced
TMB The Third Millennium Bible ?? NT OT Apoc Modern English 1998 Revision of KJV Copyrighted 1998 by Deuel Enterprises Inc., Gary, SD 57237. Free for personal use. ?? Home
?? ??
RKJV RKJNT Revised King James New Testament Brad Haugaard, ed. NT Modern English. 1998. Revised 2000. "various modern translations. I did not return to the original languages in developing it." public domain ?? CW
?? "I've tried to maintain the feel of the King James Version, frequently using British spellings, and including much of the KJV syntax and even some antiquated words. I've used the masculine in the old, gender-inclusive sense."
AKJV American King James Version Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite OT NT Modern English 1999 Revision of KJV. Public domain ?? CW, Home
?? "It is a simple word for word update from the KJV English. I have taken care to change nothing doctrinely, but to simply update the spelling and vocabulary. I have not changed the grammar because that could alter it doctrinely."
COM Common The Common Edition New Testament Timothy E. Clontz NT Modern English 1999 Standardized English wording compared to UBS 4th edition GNT. Copyright Timothy E. Clontz 1999. All rights reserved. ?? CW
?? ??
MKJV Modern King James Version Jay P. Green OT NT Modern English 1999, 1962? ?? Copyright 1993 by Jay P. Green Sr. All rights reserved. Lafayette, IN ?? CW
?? Cf LITV, also by Jay P. Green
MLV Modern Literal Version G. Allen Walker NT Modern English 1999 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? Cf LITV
NMB New Millenium Bible ?? ?? Modern English 1999 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? A contemporary English translation. The Word already existed before the world was created. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
UNT Unvarnished New Testament ?? NT Modern English 1991 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? GNT, the principal sentence elements kept in the original order of the Greek
WEB World English Bible ?? NT, with OT in translation Modern English 1997 (begun). ASV Maj BHS public domain ?? CW
?? Originally known as American Standard Version 1997
ALT Analytical-Literal Translation Gary F. Zeolla OT NT Modern English 1999. 3rd ed. 2007 second edition of Byzantine Majority Greek Text Copyright 2007 by Gary F. Zeolla of Darkness to Light ministry ( Previously copyrighted © 1999, 2001, 2005 by Gary F. Zeolla. Published by AuthorHouse. 0759624984, 978-0759624986 Text
?? In the beginning was the Word [or, the Expression of [divine] Logic], and the Word was with [or, in communion with] God, and the Word was God [or, was as to His essence God].
COV Covenant Edition New Testament Ann Nyland ?? ?? 2000 ?? Smith & Stirling Publishers 0957772327, 978-0957772328 Text
?? ??
UKJV Updated King James Version ?? OT NT Modern English 2000, 2004 KJV. "True to the Authorized Version. Updated for modern reading using todays computing technology." public domain ?? CW
?? ??
Jubilee2000 English Jubilee 2000 Bible Russell M. Stendal OT NT Modern English 2000 (see comments) ?? ?? CW
?? Translated from the Original Texts in Hebrew and Greek into Spanish by Casiodoro de Reina (1569) and compared with the revision of Cipriano de Valera (1602). Based on the New Testament of Francisco de Enzinas (1543) and on the New Testament (1556) with the Psalms (1557) of Juan Perez de Pineda. This material was translated from Spanish into English by Russell M. Stendal and compared with the Old English Translation of William Tyndale (Pentateuch of 1530, Ploughboy Edition New Testament of 1534, Joshua to 2 Chronicles of 1537, and Jonah). It was also compared word for word with the Authorized Version (by King James) of 1611.
KJ2000 King James 2000 Version Robert A. Couric, ed. OT NT Modern English 2000 Revision of KJV. ?? 0972147306, 978-0972147309 (CD) Text
?? Ed. is Doctor of Theology and Retired Professor of Bible at Mid-Continent University in Mayfield, Kentucky.
Yes The Yes Word. Aka God's First Truth ?? OT NT Modern English 2000 Tyndale iUniverse, Inc 1893652157, 978-1893652156 Home
?? Said to be a "plain language" update of Tyndale's version, which is claimed to be the true original, translated from manuscripts now lost. It changes "yea" to "yes", but leaves David the king begat Solomon, of her that was the wife of Urias.
ABT (Cf AramaicTargums) Afro Bible Translation R. Merrill? ?? ?? 2001? ?? ?? ?? Print edition of Genesis
?? "The first non-european english Bible translation from the original Hebrew scriptures. Presents the exotic insights and feelings left out by western translators." This does not appear to be available in print or online, other than the Genesis print edition linked above.
ENT God Chasers Extreme New Testament: International English Bible. Tommy Tenney and "More than 1,500 people" NT Modern English 2001 Revision of SEB ?? 0768421128, 978-0768421125 Text
?? ??
BB The Biker Bible Dan Sindlinger ?? Modern English 2001 ?? Better Life Publications 0971093601 Text
?? Revised to become Better Life Bible
ESV The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Containing the Old and New Testaments. J. I. Packer, ed OT NT Modern English 2001 MT and a critical Greek NT text. Revision of RSV. Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers, Wheaton IL. All rights reserved. 1433502410, 978-1433502415 Home, CW
Evangelical ??
UTV The Holy Bible - Urim-Thummim Version Dallas E James OT NT Enoch ?? 2001 KJV Revision 2.14 copyright 2001 Dallas E James ?? Text
?? "Where the KJV is very clear I have left a number of verses untouched and where the underlying meaning is obscured, I have eliminated the KJV text altogether with my own rendering or have used Young's Literal Translation in its place. For some verses that are not highly theological in nature, an occasional paraphrasing has been utilized where appropriate.... Rather they reflect the final parchment order of the books that restores the proper story flow to EIGHT DIVISIONS."
MillerIsaiah Translation of the Great Isaiah Scroll Fred P. Miller ?? ?? 2001 ?? ?? ?? Home
?? ??
EMTV English Majority Text Version Paul W. Esposito NT Modern English 2002 Maj Copyright 2002 By Paul W. Esposito ?? CW
CW, Home
?? Translator also revised The Apostle's Bible.
ApostlesBible AB The Apostles' Bible. Aka English Translation of the Septuagint Translated, Revised And Edited By Paul W Esposito. Originally translated by Sir Lancelot C.L. Brenton. OT Modern English 2002-2004 LXX. Revision of Brenton. ?? ?? Text Home
?? Reviser also did EMTV.
TNIV Today's New International Version John H. Stek, et al OT NT Modern English 2002 NT; 2005 entire Revision of NIV Grand Rapids: Zondervan 0310922283; 978-0310922285 Text
?? Aggressively gender-neutral.
Palfrey The New Testament in the common Version, conformed to Griesbach's Standard Greek Text John Gorham Palfrey NT Modern English 2003 Griesbach 1805 [No copyright] Boston: Gray & Bowen N/A Text (Preface online, rest purchasable on CD)
Unitarian ??
ATB The Alternate Translation Bible Sheila Vitale? ?? Modern English 2003? ?? Copyright 2003 Living Epistles Ministries. All rights reserved. ?? ?? Text
?? "The Alternate Translation Bible is an original translation of the Hebrew and Greek scripture in which the Translator has selected different definitions than most other Translators [translator's license], for many Hebrew and Greek words...."
VITW A Voice In The Wilderness Holy Scriptures ?? OT NT Modern English 2003 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? ?? ?? Text
?? ??
GoodAsNew Good As New: A Radical Retelling of the Scriptures John Henson, ed NT (some omitted) Modern English 2004 ?? New Alresford, Hampshire (U.K.): O Books (Imprint of John Hunt Publishing) 1903816734 Text
?? Drew widespread attention in England when it appeared in June 2004, mainly because a forward by the Archbishop of Canterbury expressed his hope that the version would find a wide readership. A brief review published in the Times of London pointed out that apparently one goal of the version was to eliminate biblical strictures against homosexual and other illicit sex. Omits 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. Inserts an ancient Gnostic tractate known as the "Gospel of Thomas."
HCSB Holman Christian Standard Bible Edwin Blum, ed OT NT Modern English 2004 From a critical version of the MT and the Nestle-Aland Text. Nashville: Broadman & Holman ?? Text
?? ??
ASL American Sign Language Translation Deaf Missions, 21199 Greenview Rd., Council Bluffs, IA 51503 NT; OT in progress American Sign Language 2004? ?? ?? ?? Text
?? Presented in video form
ACV A Conservative Version Dr. Walter L. Porter OT NT Modern English 2005 From the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Public domain ?? CW, Home
?? ??
NewEnglishTr NET New English Translation W. Hall Harris, ed OT NT Modern English 2005 "the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts" Dallas, Texas: Biblical Studies Press ?? Text
Home, BRC
?? Cf New Evangelical Trandslation. CW module = NETfree. Over 63,000 notes.
NTG De Nyew Testament in Gullah ?? ?? Modern English 2005 ?? ?? ?? Text
?? ??
Apostles Complete Apostle's Bible Paul W. Esposito ?? ?? 2005 LX + Majority text AuthorHouse 978-1420814750 Text
?? Aka The English Majority Text Version (EMTV) New Testament?)
BLB The Better Life Bible Dan Sindlinger NT Modern English 2006 ?? 1430304995, 978-1430304999 Home
?? A revision of The Biker Bible?
Werner Ancient Roots Translinear Bible A. Frances Werner ?? ?? 2006 ?? © 2005 - 2009 A. Frances Werner ?? Home
?? Model is to translate same Gr/Hb word to the same English word all the time.
Aussie The Aussie Bible (Well, Bits of it Anyway!) Kel Richards Selected potions Australian English 2006, 2008 ?? ?? 0647508486, 978-0647508480 Home
?? 'More Aussie Bible' (2008) adds Gen, Prov, John, 1John. From Mark 6: Late in the arvo his team came to him and said, "This is dry mallee country, and it's getting pretty late. Let the mob pop off so they can buy themselves some tucker from local properties or townships." Jesus answered, "You feed them." They protested, "Do you want us to spend 200 smackers to buy enough bread for this lot?"
PMB Post Modern Bible Tim Bulkeley (teaches OT/Hebrew Bible at U. Auckland and Carey Baptist College) Amos ?? 2007 ?? ?? ?? Home
?? "a hypertext multimedia Bible commentary."
?? Manga Bible. Aka Shinyaku Seisho? Adapted by Hidenori Kumai. Ill. Kozumi Shinozawa (vol 1 and 2) Gospels ?? 2007 ?? Tyndale House 1414316798, 978-1414316796 Home
?? Manga Bible (新約聖書 Shinyaku Seisho?) is a five volume manga series based on the Christian Bible created under the direction of the non-profit organization Next, a group formed by people from the manga industry. Though first published in English, the books are originally written in Japanese and each volume is illustrated by a Japanese manga artist." Gospels as Manga Messiah (2006)
OSB Orthodox Study Bible The Orthodox Study Bible Old Testament Project NT OT Apoc Modern English 2008 LXX, NKJV ?? 978-0718003593 Text
UPDB Updated Bible ?? OT NT Modern English 2008. (version 2.12, Jan. 5, 2008) ?? © 2003-2008 by Updated Publishers. Not to be modified without written permission; however, anyone is free to copy, print, publish or otherwise use any amount of this Bible without permission or payment subject to some restrictions. See here. ?? Text
SL, updated
?? ??
Harness Accurate New Testament Mark D. Harness NT Modern English glosses in Greek work order 2008 ?? Mark D. Harness 978-0-557-03323-2 Text
?? "The Accurate New Testament has modern English vocabulary, but it has not been written in a modern, readable style. Instead, the sentence structures, word order and gender usage of the Greek New Testament have been preserved to reproduce the precise logic and worldview of the original first-century authors. Read together with a standard English translation, the Accurate New Testament may be used to show how the translators of the standard translation transformed the original Greek words into English sentences, which words were added or deleted, and which word forms were changed. Read alone, the beauty of the classical Greek language and the spirituality of the original New Testament authors shine through."
Siku The Manga Bible: From Genesis to Revelation Siku (selected) ?? 2008 ?? Galilee Trade 0385524315, 978-0385524315 Text
?? "Siku presents jazzy and irreverent riffs on the good book, leaping brazenly over whole reams of material and scattering behind numerous Want to Know More tags.... The action is breezy and flip, drawn in a sharp and Anglicized manga style."
NHEB New Heart English Bible Wayne A Mitchell, ed. OT NT Modern English 2009 BHS UBS4 [No copyright] ?? Home
?? ??
CPDV Catholic Public Domain Edition Ronald L. Conte Jr., translator and editor. OT NT ?? 2009 Vulgate ?? ?? Home
?? A new translation of the Latin Vulgate, using the Douay Rheims as a guide. completed on March 28, 2009.
TFA MAEV The Fresh Agreement: 1550 Edito Regia in a Modern American English Vernacular Joseph Garnier ?? Modern English 2009 TR (Stephanus 1550) ?? Home
print on demand
?? "The Fresh Agreement is a word-for-word translation that applies the full range of English to find a one-to-one relationship for nearly all Greek words, being careful of the original grammatical forms and etymological relationships." "Joseph Garnier translated The Fresh Agreement because he was tired of confusion by so many varying opinions as to what the most sacred book of Christianity says. He learned Greek by analyzing the way words are used and arrivng at an English equivalent that matches the breadth of the original word's usage."
RNKJV Restored Name King James Version "Eliyah"?? Scripture Research Association OT NT English 2009? KJV, The Holy Name Bible, by the Scripture Research Association; The Scriptures, by the Institute for Scripture Research; The ExeGesis, by Herb Jahn; and the New Englishman's Hebrew Concordance, by George V. Wigram ?? ?? Home, CW (no GB)
Tr. appears to believe OT law all still applies; sabbath is 7th day; most Christian holidays are pagan; etc. KJV with names of God transliterated from original languages.
Palmer, DRP David Robert Palmer's translations of the gospel David Robert Palmer' Gospels, 1J, 2J, 3J, Apoc Modern English (in progress) Multiple Greek editions Unstated; title page grants generous permissions for use ?? Home
?? Includes textual variants between Robinson-Pierpont, TR, and others, and extensive notes.
RYLT The Revised Young's Literal Translation Kenneth C. Allen, Sr. Applications Support Specialist (RETIRED) Division of University Computing Auburn University, Alabama NT Modern English [In progress] update of YLT; TR ?? ?? Home ??
SENT The Spoken English New Testament Webb Mealy, PhD. NT Modern English (in draft) ?? "All these materials are under copyright protection. By all means cite them or quote them under fair use rules--just let people know they're my work, and don't plagiarize them." ?? Text
?? ??
OBP The Original Bible Project. Aka Transparent English Bible ?? ?? ?? (in progress) ?? ?? ?? Home
?? "The basic idea of transparency is that one should be able to “peer through” the English translation, and, to whatever extent possible, see, hear, and even feel, the dynamics of the original text. This includes alliteration, puns and word plays, idioms, rhythms, redundancies, and even obscurities—allowing the English reader an entrance into the complex world of the host languages, that all too often is the privileged domain of the specialist." Genesis 1:11: And ELOHIM said, “Let the land sprout the sprout, a plant seeding seed, a fruit tree making fruit, according to its type, its seed, within it, upon the land.
lolcats LoLCat (wiki project) OT NT lolcat aka "kitty pidgin" (in progress) ?? GFDL ?? Home
?? An extremely loose paraphrase, more focused on the language than content. Okays den. Kittehs, u keeps praysin da Ceiling Cat, and tells othar kittehs u frindz wit him. Dont furget! U gotta do niec tings fur othar kittehs, and share ur cheezburgers and stufz wit kittehz who have nun. Dis maeks Ceiling Cat real happys -- Hebrews 13:15-16. So liek teh Ceiling Cat lieks teh ppl lots and he sez 'Oh hai I givez u me only kitteh and ifs u beleevs in him u wont evr diez no moar, k? -- John 3:16.
Trimm Semitic New Testament. Aks Hebraic-Roots-Version? James Scott Trimm ?? ?? (in progress?) ?? ?? ?? (I am not convinced this actually exists)
?? Tr. has highly questionable credentials; and is listed as connected with a wide variety of sectarian groups. He claims the NT was originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic, and to have translated from that. He also claims to hold an earned doctorate, which there appears to be serious reason to doubt. The institution does not appear to exist.
EnglishLearners EEB English Learners Bible. Aka EasyEnglish Bible (multiple; listed at top of each book) OT NT Level A EasyEnglish (1200 words) (in progress) ?? ?? ?? Home
?? A very simple translation of the Bible (not word for word) for people who are starting to learn English. (1200 word vocabulary). The home site also has a Biblical commentary that includes a more advanced (2800 word vocabulary) version. In the beginning, the Word was already there. The Word was with God. The Word was God.
Rashi Complete Tanach with Rashi A. J. Rosenberg ?? ?? ?? ?? Judaica Press ?? Text
Orthodox Jewish a bilingual Hebrew-English translation of the Bible that includes Rashi's commentary in both Hebrew and English. "The Judaica Press Complete Tanach is the only CD-ROM available that contains an English translation of the Tanach text and of Rashi's commentary on the entire Tanach."

Source abbreviations:

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
Greek Byzantine text
Erasmus' Greek New Testament of
Greek New Testament (unspecified)
Hebrew Old Testament
Luther Bible
Majority Text
Masoretic Text
Nestle-Aland GNT
Syriacc Peshitta
Textus Receptus
United Bible Societies GNT

Content abbreviations:

The Torah or books of Moses (5 books)
Old Testament (39 books)
Judith, Tobit, Additions to Esther, and Additions to Daniel, as Jerome included in the Vulgate
The 12 Intertestamental Apocrypha accepted in Roman Catholicism
Apoc12 plus First and Second Esdras and the Prayer of Manassah
New Testament (27 books)

Additional possibilities?

Please send any information on these to me. Thanks!

KJER King James - Easy Reading Version ?? ?? ?? 1987 ?? Kings Word Press 1603740104 (reprint) Text
?? Has Jesus' words in NT and God's words in OT, in red. Reprinted: Whitaker House, 2007.
RAV Revised Authorised Version ?? OT NT Modern English after 1982 (date of NKJV) British edition of the NKJV ?? ?? Text
?? ??
AnointedSV Anointed Standard Version V. S. Herrell? NT Modern English ?? ?? ?? ?? Text
"Christian Separatist Church Society" Claims to be "theology-free", but appears to be associated with white supremacist/separatist teachings. Chronological order of books. 2Cor.6.20-21: Banding together ourselves as God's servants... in great tenacious resistance, in the Mentality of Separation, in unpretended honorable brotherly love, in the Word of Truth, in the power of God through the weapons of justification in the right hand and in the left.


Sources of general information and lists

Some sources that provide many Bible translations

Samples of John 1:1 (to be moved into the entries above):

Samples of John 1.1 are generally from this Yahoo page; I have not checked them myself. Another similar list is here.

American Standard Version: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

American Translation (Beck), An: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Archbishop Newcome’s New Testament (Prior to changes by Belsham): The Word was in the beginning, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Bible Reader, The: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Bishops Bible: : In the begynnyng was the worde, & the worde was with God and that worde was God.

Common English New Testament: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Complete Jewish Bible: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Translation: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.

Conservative Version, A: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Coptic Version of the New Testament: In (the) beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word…

Coverdale Bible, The: In the begynnynge was the worde, and the worde was with God, and God was ye worde.

Darby Holy Bible: In (the) beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Douay-Rheims Bible: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Emphatic Diaglott, The: In the beginning was the LOGOS, and the LOGOS was with God, and the LOGOS was God.

English Majority Text Version: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

English Jubilee 2000 Bible: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the God, and the Word was God.

Geneva Bible, The: In the beginning was the Worde, and the Worde was with God and that Worde was God.

Godbey: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

God’s Word (a.k.a. Today’s Bible Translation): In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Great Bible (Cranmer 1539): : In the begynnynge was the worde, and the worde was wyth God and God was the worde.

Holman Christian Standard Bible: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Holy Bible in Modern English (Fenton): The WORD existed in the beginning, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God.

Inclusive Version, An: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word

Interlinear Bible (Greene): In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.